Chapter 11: Night Sky

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Anything in italics are memories.

The day had gone by a lot quicker than Kaito had expected. There was a lot to do on the ship. Maintaining it, keeping it clean, learning how it works and even learning emergency proceeders in case anything happened. Kaito was even asked to wash the dishes after he, Miu and Maki had their meals. He didn't mind that as he was used to doing hard work anyway, even if it was just washing dishes. Let's just say that when it was time to sleep, he embraced sleep like an old friend. That's why he was grouchy when the "alarm clock" Miu gave him went off three hours after he closed his eyes. Before they retired to their cabins, Miu told Kaito and Maki that they were to take turns keeping an eye on things during nighttime. It was to make sure that nothing goes wrong with the ship during the night. You could never know what might happen after all.

Groggily, Kaito crept his way to the deck. He went as quiet as he could, not wanting to wake up Maki or Miu. He didn't know which of the two would be worse to wake up. Waking up an assassin that could easily snap his neck or waking up an alchemist that curses like a sailor and constantly shouts innuendos both sounded like terrible ideas. Even if it was just by accident. Kaito opened the door to get outside onto the deck. He was hit by a sudden wave of ice cold air, causing him to tense up instantly from the cold. It felt like he had been turned into an ice statue. He wrapped his jacket around him tighter in a feeble attempt to combat the cold. He might regret it later, but he stepped outside anyway. Maybe if he moved around whilst out on deck, he'll warm up. Keeping his hands warm under his armpits and his breath instantly turning to mist, Kaito made his way across the deck. He spotted Keebo almost immediately.

"Taking over already?" Keebo asked, turning to face Kaito as he approached him. Kaito would've answered if he hadn't started to let out a yawn, so he had to make do with nodding. Keebo let out a small chuckle as he pulled out a thick blanket that was big enough for two people to be wrapped up in it. "Here. I don't feel it but I know that it gets quite cold out here at night. Come inside if you start getting too cold, okay?"

"Thanks, Keebo." Kaito shivered, trying hard to keep his teeth from chattering as he proceeded to wrap the blanket around himself. He sighed contently as he felt himself warming up.

"I'll leave you to it. See you in the morning probably." Keebo smiled, making his way back into the ship.

"Goodnight." Kaito called after him. When Keebo disappeared back inside, Kaito wondered if the golem needed to sleep. He didn't know that much about them apart from the stories he was told as a kid. Golems are technically living creatures aren't they? Kaito decided not to think about it any further. It'll just make his head hurt. That's when Kaito noticed how bright the moonlight suddenly was. He absentmindedly looked up at the sky and was completely blown away. If he was on the ground without his telescope, he wouldn't be able to see much of the stars. Up here, however, was a different story. The stars were much closer to him now. Even with a telescope he never felt this close to them. They were just as beautiful as he dreamed they would be. They seemed so much brighter, lighting up the sky so brightly with the aid of the moon. There were no clouds in the sky, making it so much easier to see the stars. Kaito couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He wasn't in space or a close as he would've liked, but this was as best as he could get right now. He couldn't have it any other way at this moment.

Kaito stepped towards the side of the air ship, staring at the sky and recognising all of the stars. He really wished that he had his star maps to add more to it, along with the rest of his stargazing gear. He didn't think to grab that stuff when he left home, making escape with Maki more important back then. Oh well, if he sees Miu and Keebo again, maybe they'll let him come aboard again with his gear. Kaito kept thinking about that when he heard footsteps making their towards him. Kaito turned around, a little surprised to see Maki standing behind him.

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