Chapter 5: Tagging Along

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Thank you for the 100+ reads. I didn't expect to get so many this quick. Thank you everyone 🥰

"Wait up! Maki!" Kaito shouted. Maki internally groaned at this. Why can't this idiot take a hint already?! If he stays with her then he'll be found guilty in aiding and abetting a criminal. When Kaito touched her shoulder to get her to stop, her body went into an automatic reflex. She grabbed his arm with an iron grip. With the strength that she had built up over the years, Maki suddenly hoisted Kaito over her shoulder. It was almost like he weighed next to nothing to her. Kaito had no time to process anything as his back slammed onto the forest ground. He had a winded and surprised look on his face as he laid still in shock. Maki was unfazed by his reaction.

"Why are you following me? Go home!" She shouted, glaring harshly at him.

"No. I'm not leaving you." Kaito groaned as he slowly got up. He was baffled at how strong Maki looked despite her slim appearance.

"I'm grateful that you've helped me so far, but I'm fine on my own." Sighed Maki, stepping away from him. She doesn't want Kaito anywhere near her from now on. He would just be extra baggage for her to carry, weighing her down more than necessary. Not to mention she didn't want to drag any more innocents into her business. "Besides, if you help me, you'll be a fugitive too."

"I don't care." Kaito shrugged. Maki was starting to have enough. This guy really needs to leave her alone. She pulled out her knife and brought the tip of it at least a centimetre away from his throat. She wasn't planning to kill him, but maybe scaring him with a death threat would work.

"Do you want to die, idiot?!" She shouted, one more attempt to get him to turn around. Kaito was unfazed by her threat. He was completely calm as his stare was focused on her and not the knife. It was like he knew that she won't kill him without a real reason.

"Hear me out." Kaito calmly spoke, maintaining eye contact the entire time. "First of all, you're going to need help in case your wound reopens. Second, what if there are wanted posters of you put up in future towns?"

"The guards didn't see my face." Said Maki, ignoring her self doubt. This guy was making up excuses just to stay with her. She doesn't need his help, nor anyone else's for that matter. Yes, she needed it when she was hurt. But that was then. This is now. She didn't need Kaito anymore at this point. There was nothing that he could do to help her out.

"Are you sure about that?" Kaito shot back, seeing the doubt in Maki's eyes. He slowly brought his hand up, gently curling it around Maki's wrist. Maki was surprised at how light his grip was. He wasn't gripping tight like those who fought back against her in the past. It was as though he was silently telling her to trust him. Seeing that he might be getting through to her, Kaito continued. "Look, on the off chance that they did, you're gonna need someone to get food and stuff. I can do that. The guards haven't seen my face. Like it or not, you're gonna need help." Maki locked eyes with Kaito hard. Her scarlet red eyes clashed with his warm lavender ones, locked in a silent battle. Kaito's eyes were begging her to trust him and let him come along. Maki's eyes were judging him, making sure that what he was saying and doing was genuine. She found it hard to trust people. Kaito was no exemption to that. She didn't know him other than he has no family. There was no way that she could let him be with her. For all she knew, he could be a spy, tricking her into a trap and giving her to the Queen. However, as she looked deeper into his soul, she could see that Kaito was genuine with his intentions to help her. After what had happened the night before, she thought that he wouldn't hesitate to turn her in. He hasn't done anything like that. It was so surprising to her. If he was a spy, then he's the worst one that she's ever met.

"You're not giving up are you?" Maki asked, relaxing only a little. She didn't want to let her guard down completely. If Kaito tried anything, she can easily take him down.

"Nope." Kaito smiled smugly as he let go of her wrist.

"Fine. But if you get in my way, you go home." Maki sighed, finally giving in. She promptly sheathed her knife and started to walk on ahead, tightening up the straps on the rucksack Kaede gave her. "Same thing when you get me to the border. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." Kaito smiled, happy at this small victory. He started to keep up with Maki, his long strides racing to catch up to her small but fast ones. What Maki had said suddenly sunk in. The border? That's where she needs to go? By foot that's at least a two week journey. By then the guards and Monokumas would have stretched entirely throughout the kingdom, and the chances of avoiding them this easily will become slim. Maybe along the way they can find a way to rent a wagon or horses or anything that can help them reach the border faster.

"So, why are the guards after you?" Kaito asked, wanting to at least know Maki's motive for travelling that far. Maki glanced at him over her shoulder. She was hesitant to tell him. She didn't want to drag him any further into her business. However, with how much stubbornness he is showing right now, she knows that he'll keep asking her about it. The best thing that she can do right now is to just nod and go along with it.

"I tried to assassinate the Queen." She stated, her voice devoid of all emotion.

"R-really?" Kaito exclaimed, stopping in his tracks. Assassinate the Queen? Maki was an assassin?! That would explain her first instinct to grab at her knife when there was danger. And the scars....were they there because of her job? It also explained why the guards are so keen to capture her dead or alive. Murder was one thing, but to kill the Queen was treason of the highest standard.

"I was sent by the neighbouring kingdom. You could say that I work for the royals there." Maki continued to explain, not bothering to see if Kaito was still with her. This snapped Kaito out of his shock and he ran to keep up with her. She was unfazed by this. "Believe it or not, Junko isn't that of royal decent from the previous rulers here. She just attacked and took over. No one stood a chance."

"I almost can't believe that." Kaito muttered, clutching the strap of his satchel tight. "I mean, someone who has the attitude of a spoilt brat and a maniac combined into one doesn't scream "hey, I'm a queen" to me." Everything made a little sense. He knows next to nothing of the old king and queen, whom he had assumed to be Junko's parents. After all, unless they were as twisted as she was, there was no way that she would've been the rightful queen. He had tried asking his grandparents and village elders. However, they all gave him the same answer. Silence and solemn faces. Now he knew why. The previous rulers must have been good enough people to make people depressed just talking about them right now.

"So, have you changed your mind? If we're both caught, we'll both be executed." Maki asked as she stopped, looking at Kaito with her arms crossed. She was hoping that he had decided to go back home after all after telling him the truth. It gives him more of a reason to leave her.

"Nope. I'm staying." Kaito stated, shaking his head lightly. So much for thinking that he'd leave her.

"Why am I not surprised?" Maki sighed, rubbing her temple as if she were getting a headache. She immediately turned and started walking away again. "Try to keep up. We've got a possible two week trek. If you slow down, I'm not helping you."

"Sure, but here." Said Kaito as he speed walked up to her. In his hands, he's holding some of the bread that he had packed back at his house. He split in half and offered one half to Maki. She stared at it as if she suspected it to be poisoned. "Come on. You know you want it. You haven't eaten anything yet and you'll need the energy." Maki stared at the bread a little more. She just realised that she was getting hungry. In her focus to get away, she had forgotten everything else. Unable to keep the urge to eat at bay, she gently took the bread from Kaito. Kaito smiled a little as she started to bite I tot he food. Feels like she's starting to open up just a little to him now. It's always good to start small in situations like this. At least, that's how he saw it.

All it took now was small steps, and time.

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