Chapter 39: Despair to Hope

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If I say it now, I've said this more than once: I HATE WRITING ENDINGS!

No joke, I actually struggled writing this. I don't think that I'm the best at writing endings, but hopefully it went better than I think it did for you guys.

Thank you everyone for the support because it truly means a lot to me.

Enjoy the chapter.

One month.

It took one full month for things to finally get back in order.

As soon as Junko died, the magic that made the Monokumas died with her. There was no trace of the rabid bears. They all just vanished off the face of the earth. Some of Junko's followers fled when they realised that it was over for them. After gathering up all those that were left behind, Kaito decided to grant them the same mercy that he tried to give Junko. He didn't want to start his reign with bloodshed. Thankfully, it didn't come to that. And hopefully it never will. He didn't want people to fear him like they had Junko after all.

The next was trying to repair the damage that had been done. Not all of it could be fully repaired, but it was worth trying to do so. He changed the name of the kingdom from "Despair" to "Hope". Yeah, it sounded a bit corny but Kaito couldn't come up with anything better at the time. For those that were executed and their bodies had been recovered, Kaito tried to give them all a proper burial and give his condolences to the families that had lost their loved ones. The same went for the girls that he had found in that death cottage. Not all of them could be identified, but the least that they and their families deserved were some peace. It was a slow start, but it all felt like it was worth it. Everything seemed to be going well, which gave Kaito a huge feeling of relief.

That was until it finally got to the political side of things. Kaito had to study constantly about how politics should be so much, that he felt like his head was going to explode. He wasn't used to this. Everything he did, never really prepared him for this. He'll just have to grit his teeth and push through it until he gets the hang of things. Maki helped him through it, but even with her help, it was tough.

Though he had to leave his old life behind, the home he grew up in, he was able to get what he could from his home. Pictures of his grandparents, his stargazing gear, his star maps and some other small trinkets that held good memories with Kaito and his grandparents. He was even able to get Taurus a stall in the royal stables. He was glad that he was able to get these things. He didn't want to keep on going without remembering everything he was before all of this. It felt wrong if he didn't look back on his old life.

Kaito had put off the coronation as long as he could, focusing more on trying to fix everything first. Now that the preparations were done, Kaito felt like he was ready. He still felt like he was carrying a heavy burden, taking care of a kingdom, but he felt like he could do it. His parents could do it, so why couldn't he? He only wished that he didn't feel that much pressure to get it right.

The coronation went well. Kaito wouldn't be lying if he said that he felt a little intimidated while he was being crowned king. Everyone just staring right at him expectedly, wanting him to make things right for the better. It shook him a little, but he did his best not to show it. He also felt uncomfortable in the clothes that he was wearing. He was now wearing an impossibly white dress shirt and trousers with black boots and purple cape that had a galaxy pattern on the inside of it. His pendent hung from his neck, him being glad to have the weight that he was used to in his neck there. His head felt a little heavy at the crown he had on his head. The crown was made to resemble the one that his father had worn. It was gold with purple gemstones going around it. It was going to take him a while to get used to wearing it without it almost slipping from his head.

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