Chapter 26: Fight!

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It hurt. It well and truly hurt.

Maki had been moving so much now that the ropes that bind her started to dig into her skin. She felt like the circulation in her hands and legs was slowly being cut off. Her chest felt so tight that she was starting to have trouble breathing. She was forced to still her body again, but it didn't stop the pain. She wanted the pain to stop. More importantly, however, she wanted Kaito to be safe. She truly didn't want to leave him alone here. She wanted to get him somewhere safer than here. She knows that he might die here too. However, she can't do anything to stop this from happening. She was truly helpless. She hated this feeling. She hated feeling like this situation was hopeless. There had to be a way out! There has to be a way out!

Kiyo approached Maki once again. Maki glared at him as hard as she could. She tried her best not to seem weak. She was still fighting as hard as she could. She wanted this maniac to see that. She couldn't let him see how weak she had become. However, she saw that the knife was now in his hand. She wanted to fight, but she could barely bring herself to move now. She continued to glare at Kiyo, but it was starting to waver. She tried shouting at him to back off, but the gag muffled all of her words, making it sound like she was whimpering. She truly wanted to do more, but she can't.

"Don't be afraid. It'll hurt at first, but it'll be over quickly. I promise." Kiyo said calmly as he brushed Maki's hair away from her face. Maki jerked her head away. A futile warning for him to back off. Kiyo was unfazed suddenly flashing the knife in front of her. His eyes became wide and psychotic as he raised the weapon above his head. "I hope you and Sister become the best of friends." Maki couldn't take her eyes off of the blade. She could see her own scared reflection in the blade staring right back at her. Did she really look that afraid? She looked so pathetic. Kiyo got himself ready to plunge the blade into her heart. The killing blow. Maki couldn't take her eyes off of the weapon, no matter how much she wanted to look away. She can't die here...Kaito was still asleep...she needed to be with him when he awakes...she can't leave him here...she can't leave...

'Kaito...I'm so sorry...'


Maki had no time to process where that voice had come from. She didn't have much time to process much at all. Kiyo let out a surprised shout, before he was suddenly knocked off of his feet. He landed with a crash, the knife clattering on the floor as it was knocked from his hand. There was a sound of punching. Maki looked as best she could. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Kaito holding Kiyo down, punching him hard in the face a few times. He was awake. He was truly awake. And he was angry. Maki had seen him angry a couple of times. She had never seen him this furious however. It was almost like he was a completely different person.

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