Chapter 3: New Guest

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The kitchen currently smelled of a herbal remedy and a small hint of blood. Kaito ignored that as he filled the bowl with the remedy. It took him only a few minutes to get back to his house whilst carrying his new guest. The girl remained limp, almost lifeless. The only way to tell if she was still alive was if you laid extra close attention to her shallow breathing. Kaito had placed her on the table to treat her injury. It wasn't comfortable, but it was easy for him to have access to the wound. Kaito had paid close attention to the recipe that his grandmother made for injuries like this. He only hopes that he got it right.

Kaito turned the girl once he had everything prepped. She had not moved at all since he brought her to his home. This might be bad. Kaito approached the girl and hesitated. He really didn't want to do this but he can't wait for the girl to wake up. He unclipped the hood, letting the article of clothing pool around the girl's slim form. Kaito hesitated, getting a bad feeling about what might happen if the girl woke up suddenly. Probably result in him being ripped to shreds. Unfortunately, this had to be done. Carefully, he slipped the torn and blood stained red shirt off of the girl, sighing in relief that she had bandages wrapped around her chest. Working as carefully as he could, Kaito started to clean the wound. It looked a lot worse than he originally thought. He's hoping that an infection hadn't already seeped into the girl's body. The girl subconsciously winced as he cleaned the wound. Kaito bit the inside of his cheek just out of a nervous habit. He didn't want to cause any further discomfort but this was necessary.

Once Kaito cleared the wound and stitched it up, it was past midnight. He felt like his body was ready to give out. His eyelids felt heavier than lead and it was starting to become hard to coordinate everything. Kaito fought against the urge to sleep, focusing on bandaging the injury. Everything seemed to have gone well. He'll have to wait until morning to know if all this work paid off. Kaito rummaged around, finding a clean shirt that the girl could use until he gets her shirt cleaned and maybe patched up. He carefully sat the girl up and slipped the shirt on her. It was massive on her, coming off as more of a short dress than a shirt on her. As Kaito buttoned up the shirt, he noticed that she had scars littering her upper arms and her collarbone down. Was she a trained fighter or something? How much did she have to endure? Kaito felt sorry for her. No one should have to go through any amount of pain like that. Shaking off that thought, Kaito buttoned up the shirt, wanting to avoid any pain himself in case the girl woke up at that moment.

At that moment, Kaito finally saw what the girl looked like for the first time. Aside from the white shirt he had given her, she was wearing red pants and black boots. Attached to her leather belt was a sheath holding her knife and she wore black, fingerless gloves. Her clothes seemed lightweight, making it easy for her to move around so quickly. She seemed young, maybe about his age. She had a small beauty mark by her left eye. Her skin was pale, but Kaito thought that it was from the shock or blood loss from the injury. She had long dark brown hair tied back into two pony tails. Kaito wondered how on Earth she hid her hair that well under her hood. If there was something that Kaito couldn't deny was that girl seemed okay, cute even. But after her pulling a knife on him, he's not sure what exactly her intentions were.

He shook that off and decided that he should have the girl somewhere more comfortable for the night. He laid her on his bed, deciding that it would be the best option. The girl subconsciously relaxed completely as he covered her to keep her warm. He draped extra blankets just to make sure that she didn't get hypothermia. Trusting that she'll be okay on her own, Kaito quickly made work into cleaning her shirt as best he could. He got as much as he could. He honestly couldn't tell if he got all of it because of the colour of the shirt, but figured that he did his best. He was thankful that he was able to fix it as well.

Once he got everything done, his body begged him to go to sleep. Sluggishly, he went back to his room. He hung the shirt at the end of the bed so it could at least try to dry up. He grabbed a chair and set it next to the bed. He honestly didn't want to sleep in case the girl suddenly took a turn for the worst. Well, maybe five minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt too much.

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