Chapter 2: The Girl

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What would one do in a situation such as this? Kaito never thought that anything like this would happen. The village that he lives near was far too peaceful for anything like bandits appearing to happen. But here he was, knife pressed against his throat and being threatened. By a girl no less. He probably could overpower her, but the knife was pressed too close to his throat. He had no doubt that if he tried to fight back, the blade would probably slice him by accident. It took everything he had to force his body to remain still. He breathed as calmly as he could as a bead of sweat dripped down his face.

"Put your bags down. Now!" The girl ordered, her voice sharper than her weapon.

"Okay, okay." Kaito said as calmly as he could. He slowly put the lantern down on the ground and slipped his satchel and telescope off of his shoulder. Once he put his belongings down, he stood up straight, keeping his hands up to show that he wasn't going to do anything. "Look, I don't have any money. If that's what you want, I can take you back to my house and-"

"I'm not here for money." The girl interrupted. Kaito couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. She didn't want money? Then what was she after? He understood that she wanted him to put his belongings down, to make sure that he wouldn't grab anything he could use as a weapon. But not wanting money was confusing. Was this a kidnapping? No, he wasn't worth the trouble. He didn't think that he wasn't important enough for a ransom of any kind. Maybe this girl was just someone that wanted a thrill in killing.

The girl suddenly pulls back. Kaito was more confused but then he heard it. He turned down the path and saw a what looked to be a carriage coming towards them. Normally it wouldn't be anything to worry about. However, this carriage was different. Normally, carriages he sees are lavish and for the rich. This one was a prison carriage, with odd looking bears waddling along side it. The bears were small, at least the height of a child. All of them were the same colours. One half of them was white, while the other was black with a red, odd jagged shaped eye on the black side. They seemed harmless but there was something unsettling about them. Were those Monokumas?

Kaito didn't have any time to think too much about that when the girl suddenly spun him around to face her. She put away her knife, but kept one hand pressed to her side. Again Kaito had no time to think about that. What was most puzzling to him was that she was wearing a hood, concealing the upper half of her face. He could only make out her blood red eyes.

"You have to hide me!" The girl ordered, her tone sounding rushed somewhat. Kaito opened his mouth to ask her why, but she cut him off. "If they see me, they'll kill me." Was she serious? Why would the guards want to kill her? What was she dragging him into? Kaito had no time to think about that. He quickly looked around. There was cover but maybe not enough time to hide the girl perfectly. In his panicked state and rushed mind, he came to one conclusion, but he knows that she's not going to like it.

"Sorry." Kaito hissed with a regretful look on his face.

"For what?" The girl asked, sounding impatient as she stepped back a little.

"This." Kaito stated, stepping forward rapidly. Before the girl could react, he suddenly pressed his lips against hers. She immediately tried to push him away but Kaito was quicker. He pressed her against a tree, his height concealing her body almost completely. The girl fought back, but when she heard the carriage getting closer, she got into the act. She went as far as to wrap one arm around his neck (her other hand was still pressing into her side) and her leg snaked up to his waist. She even turned her head a little to try to make this "make out session" more convincing. The carriage slowed down a little, but immediately went past, the driver making a disgusted noise. Kaito kept himself and the girl in that position until he heard the carriage fading out further down the path. He pulled away from the girl, panting heavily from the lack of air, and watched as the carriage and the Monokumas disappeared.

"Can't believe that actually worked." He muttered in relief. He suddenly felt a hard punch to the gut. He recoiled back, releasing the girl. "HEY! What was-"

"Are you an idiot?!" The girl shouted, glaring at Kaito visibly from under her hood. Kaito couldn't help, but flinch back a little. "How dare you kiss me?!"

"Don't call me an idiot! Besides, it saved you, didn't it?! So you're welcome." Kaito argued. What's wrong with this girl?! She asked-no, demanded-for him to hide her in a short amount of time. He didn't know what else he could've done so quickly. And when he does save her, she shouts at him for it like he insulted her. Not that he could blame her. He did pretty much kiss her out of no where.

"What do I look like to you?! I'm not a pros...ti...tute..." the girl suddenly trailed off her sentence. She couldn't finish. Before Kaito could blink, she slumped forward. He caught her quickly, wrapping one arm around her waist while the other steadied her head. He carefully brought her to the ground. That was when he felt something warm and sticky on his hand. Once he inspected it, he felt like he was kicked by a horse. Blood had stained his hand. He looked at the girl again. From her stomach to her hip were three deep gashes. Or were those claw marks? Like from the Monokumas. No wonder this girl was clutching at her side and stomach. Was she attacked by the Monokumas? But why?

Not sure what else to do, Kaito stripped off his over shirt. He tore it up into makeshift bandages to try to stop the bleeding until he could get her back to his house. It was too far of a trip to get her to the doctor in the village and everyone was more than likely asleep. After gathering up his things, he gently picked the girl up. She felt almost lighter than air, almost catching him by surprise. How was it possible to be that light? Being as careful as he could as to not jostle the girl too much, Kaito started running back to his house.

What has he gotten himself into now?

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