Chapter 30: Morning Panic

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Kaito didn't realise what time it was until the sun hit his face through the window. He groaned quietly as it hit him. He opened his eyes groggily, still feeling exhausted. Last night had taken a heavy toll on him, his body begging him to go back to sleep. However, he knew that he had to get up,now, otherwise he'll never get out of bed. Kaito moved to sit up, but a weight on his body he'd him down. He looked down to see what it was. Maki laid there, still using him as a pillow. Kaito still had his arms wrapped around her, reminding her that she was safe with him like this. She was curled up a little against him, making herself look a little smaller. She looked so peaceful like this. 'She's so beautiful. If she never said that she was an assassin, I would have thought that she was a princess.' Kaito thought with a grin. He should wake her up, but he didn't have the heart to do that. Maybe a few more minutes of her sleeping wouldn't hurt. Feeling brave, Kaito brushed Maki's fringe aside and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Maki suddenly shifted a little, her tired eyes opening slowly. Opps.

"Morning." Kaito whispered, hoping to avoid any wrath that Maki might send his way. Thankfully she didn't seem angry at being woken up like that.

"Morning. What time is it?" She smiled after yawning quietly, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Late morning, I think." Kaito guessed as he looked at the position of the sun.

"I can't remember the last time I slept in this late." Maki muttered, her eyes drooping a little. She looked like she was going to fall asleep again. Not that Kaito minded.

"That's okay. Every princess needs her beauty sleep." He grinned, feeling a little cocky. Maki clenched her fist and hit Kaito on the chest. It wasn't hard enough where it hurt, it was more like a light slap. Kaito put on a mock hurt look on his face as he continued to grin. "Ow! What'd I do?"

"Don't call me a princess. I'm anything but one." Maki grumbled, nestling herself to a better and more comfortable position on Kaito. Looked like she was still exhausted anyway.

"I don't know. With your looks, you could be one." Kaito smiled brightly, rubbing Maki's back a little. This only made Maki hit him on the chest again, causing him to laugh a little. "Okay, okay, okay. I'll stop." Maki pouted a little, making Kaito think how cute she suddenly looked. Maki didn't say anything else as she nestled into Kaito again, her hand absentmindedly rubbing his chest in a soothing manner. Kaito wished that he and Maki could stay like this a little longer. He can't remember the last time he felt this at peace since after his family died. It felt fantastic to be like this again. However, Kaito knew that they would be at the border today, the town was only a mile away from it at least. He still had a home and friends to go back to, but he didn't want to leave Maki. He wanted to stay with her longer. They only said that they love each other last night. There's more that Kaito wanted to say and do with her. He wanted to remind her that no matter what, she will always be loved.

Kaito opened his mouth to ask if Maki wanted him to stay. However, Maki's hand stopped when she felt a round object under his shirt. She had a puzzled look on her face. Kaito felt his eyes widen. He was about to say something, but Maki suddenly dove her hand down his shirt. He reached to stop her, but it was too late at that point. Maki grabbed the object that she felt and pulled it out for her to see. Kaito couldn't stop her at this point. His pendent laid in Maki's hand, slightly warm from being pressed against his skin. She looked surprised and a little scared upon seeing it. Scared? Why would she be scared?

"Where did you get this?" She asked as her finger brushed over the dragon on the pendent.

"It was my grandpa's. A family heirloom or something like that." Kaito explained, feeling a little sad at the reminder. He also felt angry that he let this happen. Maki was never meant to see his family treasure. It's too late now thought to try to avoid this.

"Do you know what it represents?" Maki asked, her hand suddenly starting to shake.

"No, my grandmother died before she could tell me. Why?" Kaito asked. What was wrong with Maki? She looked scared so suddenly. More scared than she had the previous night. Kaito was about to ask her another question, but Maki jumped off of the bed so fast, she almost took him off with her. She put her boots and rucksack on at record speed. She moved so fast. It was like a Mage gave her a speed charm or something like.

"We need to get you out of here. Now!" She declared, her eyes wide in panic.

"Wait! Maki! What's-" Kaito tried to ask, but Maki was already out of the room, her braid trailing behind her. "Son of a-wait!" Kaito shoved his shoes on and grabbed his things. He forgot to tuck his pendent back behind his shirt, but didn't care about that. He dashed after Maki.

What in the world is going on?!

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