Chapter 37: Never Giving Up!

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I'm not great at writing fighting scenes like this, so I apologise if it's not good.

Kaito wasn't sure where he was going exactly. There was just this pull that was telling him where to go. Telling him where Maki was. It was like instinct for him. It was taking him to Maki. His only priority. He kept telling himself that no matter what, Maki came first. If he has to fight, then so be it. So long as Maki is safe and out of this hell, he'll be fine with that. 'Maki! I'm gonna save you!' Kaito vowed silently. He wondered if Maki heard him. It'd be cool but freaky if she did. He kept pushing himself forward, not even noticing the burn in his legs and how tight his chest slowly got. He can't slow down now. What Kaito failed to notice however was the lack of guards and Monokumas. He thought that he would have drawn attention to himself by now, but so far he didn't have to fight right now. At least it'll save his energy a bit.

His instinct kept leading him down the semi darkened corridors. It kept pulling him to where he needed to go as if he were tied to a string. His feet kept getting faster at the feeling of being close to Maki. He noticed that he was in a long corridor with no other paths or doors straying away from it. He could see a black and white door in front of him. That had to be it! That had to be the room that Tsumugi mentioned. Kaito didn't slow down or anything as he bursted through the door, throwing caution to the wind at that point. Tsumugi was right about one thing. This room deserved its name. Kaito didn't think that this many torture decides could exist. However, he was all too focused on one person to care.

"Maki!" Kaito exclaimed, angered at the state she was in. She was hanging by her wrists, a gag tied tightly between her teeth. Her skin was littered with bruises almost everywhere but her face. Her hair was all but an inch long. The remains of her hair was pooled around her feet in a messy heap. She looked up at him the second she heard her name. She had anger and panic in her eyes. She started shouting as clearly as she could as Kaito started to run up to her. There was only one time that she ever did that.

Kaito turned around, raising his sword at the same time. There was a shrill, metallic clang as it clashed with another sword. Kaito looked up, meeting the pair of wide, malicious eyes that belong to Junko. Kaito was surprised at first. However, his shock rapidly turned to anger. He pushed back as hard as he could, trying to get her away from him.

"You're so much like your daddy! He had fight too!" Junko taunted, unable to keep a wide smile off of her face. "But like you, he was weak!" Kaito felt like his anger was rising as she said that. He might not have known his dad, but he knows deep down that he was never weak. It was just a gut feeling that he had. He pushed hard against Junko just hard enough to make her stumble back a bit. He took several steps backwards. He tries to remember the rules of sword fighting that Maki had told him. He needs to study Junko's moves as best he could so he can take advantage of any weakness she shows. However, that was easier said than done. As she charged at him, Junko was swinging almost wildly, making it harder and harder for Kaito to predict her movements. He is trying to stay calm, he has to, but this was starting to stress him out. He can't keep guarding forever. Sooner or later, his sword will be knocked out of his hands, leaving him exposed to an attack.

"I remember the day that I killed your parents." Junko continue to taunt. She suddenly swung her sword harshly at Kaito, forcing him to block. There was so much power in that strike that sparks flew from the weapons. "Your mother wouldn't stop whining "oh please don't kill our baby, don't kill our son". And your father wailed in despair as I forced him to watch as my Monokumas ripped that bitch to shreds before I beheaded him." Kaito felt like his anger was rising. He was starting to see red. Just imagining his parents being killed like that was testing his patience all too much. Junko took advantage of his distraction. She pulled away suddenly, causing Kaito to be unbalanced. Her boot went to his stomach, her heel digging harshly into it. Kaito stumbled backwards, winded by the attack. He barely had enough time to defend himself as Junko suddenly kicked him again, this time in the head. Kaito crashed to the ground, his sword slipped from his hand. Panicking, he starts reaching for it. He suddenly felt a violent pull on his hair. Junko forced him to look up, staring right up at Maki's desperate face.

"You keep causing despair for people, no matter how much hope you give them. Just like me. See? We're not so different, are we?" Junko hissed down his ear. Kaito would've responded to that, but she slammed his head down before she stood back up. Kaito groaned, feeling like his body was quite heavy. He looked back up at Maki. She didn't looked scared. She looked determined. She was telling him to get back on his feet. His body moved on its own. He found the sword gripped on the sword again.

"I'm everything you're not!" He spat, blood spraying the floor in front of him. He saw Junko's shadow as she raised her sword. Telling by her stance, she was getting ready to finish him off. Kaito turned his body, blocking the attack. Junko looked momentarily surprised as he pushed himself to his feet. He pushed back again, stepping forward. Junko was pushing back as hard as she could too. Kaito then remembered something, something that Maki had showed him. Trusting his body's own movements, he decided to risk it all. He either did this, or it will all be for nothing. He ducked down very suddenly. Junko fell a little forward as she struggled to regain her balance. Kaito swung his legs under her, causing her to land on her back. He got back to his feet, kicking her sword out of her hand. Junko looked up, only to be met with the tip of Kaito's sword inches away from her throat.

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