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Oh god. Oh god! This was it, this was where I was going to die! When I was younger, I always liked to think that I'd die dramatically in a thick flower field, Romeo and Juliet style with the classical dresses and all and some sissy boy crying as I—air quote—perished, but no!

Here at Terra Nova High school, in a vicious mob of spectators that yelled and screamed their pride as they destroyed the other team, was where I was going to die. No flower fields. No sissy boy crying about me dying or dramatically throwing themselves in despair beside me. And no classical dresses! Instead, I was surrounded by sweaty and aggressive people who didn't care if they accidentally nailed me right in my poor boob!

"You know, you can stop looking like we're walking to your execution, buttercup." Kaden mused, swaggering nonchalantly beside me with his hands deep in his jean pockets. He glanced at me, winking, "I'll protect you."

The bastard looked like he was enjoying himself, especially with all the heads turning his way to take a peek at the stranger. He looked just as mysteriously bad-boy as the day he had nearly hit me with his damn sports car, so I wasn't surprised that girls wanted to take an extra peek at him... I didn't particularly blame them either, Kaden was very good looking, and he knew it too.

My thumb went to my mouth and I gnawed at the skin beside my nail, "How... comforting." A group of girls passed us, obvious that their detour into our path hadn't been for a soda at the snack shack, but to catch Kaden's attention. That only seemed to muse Kaden even more.

An uncomfortable feeling slithered in my lower stomach, baring its teeth viciously, and for a split second, I had the sudden urge to tell those girls to get lost.

Digging my fingers into the fake hair I was currently wearing on my head, I sighed in frustration, glaring at Kaden beside me, "Why do I have to wear the wig and the skirt?! This thing itches like hell, and I'm seconds away from going fire-breathing-bitch-mode on it!"

It made been a big mistake leaving Kaden and Casey together, unattended. The cackling and giggling should've been a sign that they were up to evil things, but of course, I had a needy and crying Cole attached to my hip, pawing at me to get those handcuffs off. So I guess it shouldn't have been such a surprise when I was snatched up by those two demons, my clothes, and costumes flying through the air. 

Now here I was, standing in white sneakers, socks, an ice blue Terra Nova Sweatshirt, and a short blonde wig, looking the spitting image of something Casey and Kaden would've put together. The exact opposite of the badass James Bond look I had been wanting to go for.

Kaden snatched my hand from itching my head, whistling an amused tune as he strode beside me, "You know well that I'm all for foreplay, buttercup, but marching around here in a skirt and a wig isn't exactly what I had in mind for our first time." He winked at me, "But exceptions are always made."

"I don't know if I should be honored or mortified that you'd march around in a skirt for me, hairy legs and all?" I laughed, shouldering past a few people as Kaden and I followed the flow of the crowd heading towards the bleachers. The game had already started thirty minutes ago but because of Kaden's growling stomach, we'd made a few snack detours along the way before we were finally at the high school.

"Honored, no, blessed would be the correct term."

I arched a brow, glancing back at him, "Really?"

"I think we've established the fact that people don't usually put the words 'holy' and 'hot' in the same sentence for just anyone, buttercup."

I grinned, flicking his nose, "Cocky."

Kaden clicked his tongue at me, the corner of his lips twitching into a grin, "Honest." He corrected. "There's a big difference."

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