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"I can't go in the pool! It's freaking cold!" I yanked my feet out of the pool.

Truth be told, I wasn't that cold anymore, especially when Kaden stood before me with nothing but swim trunks.

Gods above...

"Just get in, you'll get used to it and I'm always here if you need someone to warm you up." He sent me a wink. There he was, the smirking idiot.

The smart idea would be to not get into the pool with him, but I was a nosy bitch and I was particularly interested in what he wanted to show me, tell me, whatever the heck he was going to do.

I snorted, letting the towel slip off my shoulders, "Let me guess, you can think of plenty of activities that can keep me warm. One having much more physical contact and requiring much more noise?" I recited, smirking at him as he gave me a proud smile.

"You're catching on, buttercup. I'm proud of you." He smirked.

"And what if I say no to getting in?" I corked a brow, inching closer to the edge of the pool, my face grimacing a little at the temperature of the pool.

"Well, you saw the limit of my capabilities early. I'm always willing to try that again, I had quite a nice view, buttercup."

Oh, that little bastard!

Shooting him a glare, I slipped into the pool slowly. Very slowly. Shuddering, I waded around, the water coming up just under my near nonexistent boobs, "Don't be a pervert."

Kaden shrugged, "It's not being a pervert, buttercup. It's called telling the truth and being a wholly honest person, which, is who I am."

"Mm-hmm. Sure. Whatever you say, Romeo." I laughed, sinking under a little before dunking myself completely under.

Dear lord holy mother of lemurs! That's fucking cold!

Resurfacing, I found myself facing Kaden who was a lot closer than he was a minute ago. My breath caught and I stared at the very nice-looking chest right in eyes-view, and mouth, for that matter.

"Maybe you should get a little closer, just so you don't miss any details."

I scowled, swatting him on the chest. One hard chest!  Dear lord, I sounded so weird right now... Okay, pull it together, Emily.

"You came close to me, buddy." I grumbled, taking a few steps back so my poor, rapidly beating heart wouldn't burst out of my chest. "Didn't they teach you what the circle of grace was at that private school you went too? Six feet for me, six feet for you, and six feet for freaking Jesus." I measured the length out with my hand, planting it firmly on his broad chest and pushing him back.

"There we go!" I smiled proudly, looking back up at him only to find him smirking down at me.
He took a step towards me, "First off, buttercup, you swam towards me after you dove under." He took another step and I felt my lungs slowly deflate of air, "Second, I do know what the circle of grace is." He took another step until he was right in front of me, a hand encircling my chin to lift my gaze towards him. "And third," He leaned down towards me, his mouth inches from mine, so close that some bizarre, totally uncalled for urge to close the distance broke through me. Down with seducing muscled chests! Down with seducing looking boys for that matter! "You should know that I was kicked out of private school for breaking the circle of grace, buttercup."

Oh, holy cheese balls.

"That's right." I squeaked, remembering that he had gotten a little too close—like tongue in mouth close--to one of the girls. Apparently, that was way too close for God, the nuns, and the poor priest who passed out on the dance floor.

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