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Of all the shitting mothers above... Shit.

Like anybody had anything better to do, everyone was now quiet, watching down the hall, small whispers echoing around the hall and familiar glazes casting over a few people's eyes.

The sound of shoes hitting the floor clapped over and over again like a taunt rubbed further in my face. He walked with a confidence only he could ever have, each step with even more boldness and arrogance than the last. He knew everyone stopped to look at him and he loved it.

Running a hand through his dark, midnight colored hair, the ends just the slightest curled, he looked to the side. His lips curling devilishly as he spotted a group of girls huddled by their lockers, giggling and whispering to each other.


My eyes slowly ran up the faded jeans he wore that hung off his hips, the grey hoodie, and another unzipped jacket over it. With his bag slung over his shoulder, a smirk on his lips, and those damn sunglasses on his face, I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest.

Who wore sunglasses inside?

Sunlight coming in from a nearby window casted a reflection onto those tinted shades and right into my eye. 

I looked down the hall of gawking people and rolled my eyes.

The guy was hot, big deal. There are plenty of them somewhere around here...

And as if fate, luck, and the gods-damned universe was cackling, those eyes fell on me, well, those shades and boy, did that smirk blow up on his face. Aw crap.

Calm, Emily. Cool as a flipping cucumber.

Schooling my face into one of indifference, my arms remained crossed over my chest. Raising my chin, I eyed him boredly, watching as he swaggered towards me. The closer he got, the higher I had to tilt my head. Damn. How tall is this freaking giant! I thought I was pretty tall but this guy...darn, this really ruins my tough-woman look if I have to crane my neck for him.

"Well, well, well. Now isn't this just a sight to see. All grown up and just as pleased to see me," Kaden lowered his sunglasses to the low bridge of his nose, stormy blue eyes raking all over me. He arched a dark-brow, pinching the side of his sunglasses as he glanced back at my face before his eyes slid down towards...certain assets that definitely weren't there the last time he had seen me, "Not so little anymore, huh, buttercup?"

Bastard! Perverted bastard!

I definitely was no blushing but the tips of my ears heated in embarrassment at his comment.

I would not let him intimidate me. Nope. Nada. No.

"Maybe so, but I can't say the same for you." I lowered my eyes and no, I would never look in that...area, "I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing for you, seeing as things are just as...small."

The best way to get a guy going is to insult the one thing that can inflate his ego to Mars or crush it into tiny pieces...and yes it was below the belt. I learned from my brothers, especially Aiden who seriously couldn't take a joke when someone made jokes about his it.

He smirked, towering above me like the not-so-friendly-giant, "I can assure you, there is nothing small about me." He slid his sunglasses off and winked. Winked! "You're more than welcome to check for yourself."

Pff. I don't need to be permanently blinded, my ears have already been half burned off, thank you very much.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "Noooo thank you."

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