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This was ridiculous?! Why was he every-freaking-where! I swear to god. Is there not a place I won't see this guy?! Can't I just have some peace?? Peace.


My teeth clamped around my straw, cursing under my breath at the shitty kind of luck I'd been having since, well, about a few days ago.

In a booth across the little café, sat Kaden-freaking-Reyes, and across from him, surprise, surprise, a girl. They were talking, nestled close across the table from one another, one of her hands gently placed on Kaden's hand on the table.

I narrowed my eyes.

The girl looked a lot older than him, I mean she was gorgeous, but she did not look like a girl that went to our high school or school in general. Her attire gave off a very businesslike vibe... What was he up to?

I rolled my eyes. Why wasn't I surprised that he was with some chick. That's why he ran out of practice? For a date! Priorities honey!

It probably wasn't even a date either, he probably only took her out to try and get into her pants. Kaden wasn't known for dating, only for his one-night stands that always ended up in tears and broken promises.

Whatever it was, I could care less. I just didn't want to be seen by him. I'd had enough communication between us today to last me one horrible eternity...

Kaden nodded at something the girl said before he leaned over, kissing her on the cheek. She grinned at him, sliding out of the booth, both of them now standing in front of each other.

Okay, Emily, we gotta be super smooth about this.

Glancing around, I found myself staring at a dying, potted plant across the cafe, sneaking glances at the couple through the corner of my eyes.

Kaden said something to her before they were hugging. What surprised me the most was that she said something else to him, preparing to leave, yet Kaden didn't seem to be leaving with her. So...not booty call then?

His hand slide along her lower back and he hugged her again.

Hmm. Maybe they were friends or something. I mean, I had never seen this woman before so she must have been a friend from New York. Right?

And it was confirmed that the universe officially hated me when he glanced over here, his eyes landing right on my own.


He looked away and as if he had realized who he had just seen, he looked right back at me, his eyes widening slightly.

Shit. Crap! Motherflapper!

All of a sudden, his lips curled up into a wicked smirk and I knew that he had seen me. His hand slid down the girl's back as he exchanged a few words with her and she turned around and walked towards the exit.

Quickly, I grabbed the closest menu to me and opened it, standing it on the table so I was hidden.

Hopefully, he got the hint that I did not want to see him at all-

"You can't hide from me that easily, Buttercup."

I all but groaned, slurping my shake aggressively as the menu was pulled from in front of me. I looked up at the idiot, glaring at him, "What?!" I demanded, looking up at the smug looking idiot standing beside my table.

"Ouch!" He smirked down at me, "That hurt, buttercup." Patting a hand over his broad chest where his heart beat beneath.

"Good." I snorted, rolling my eyes and continuing my obnoxious slurping. Maybe if I pretended that I could not longer see him, he'd leave...

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