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"And why, are you getting a nipple piercing?" I stifled a laugh, staring at Casey as I dropped my bag, plopping on the bench so I was sitting across from her.

She shrugged, her blonde hair pulled up into a high ponytail, "Don't know. I just feel like it."

I arched a brow at her, "Because you feel like it? Since when?"

"Since today! I was in math and instead of listening to whoever my math teacher is, some Mr. Freddendick-"

"Frederick." Nolan chimed in beside me.

She dismissed him with a hand, "Whatever his name is, anyways, I was thinking about how my mom was talking about Downton Abbey last week, you know how she gets about her show, anyways, I decided I was getting a nipple piercing."

Both Nolan and I burst out laughing, "How do you go from Mr. Frederick, to Downton Abbey, to getting a nipple piercing?!"

She shrugged again, blowing a large bubble of Hubble-bubble gum before it popped and she was chewing it again, "I don't know, but who cares?! Nipple piercings are awesome! You know Sharon, that girl that runs track with me, yeah? No? Well, anyways, she has one and it looks awesome!"

"And you guys are looking at each other's boobs, because?" Nolan drawled, both him and I trying desperately to understand the crack head in front of us—a crackhead we loved to death.

"Tits? Where?!" Cole perked up, looking around the cafeteria like he was actually expecting to see boobs out in the open. Where the heck was he hanging out these days?

Kaden smacked him on the back of the head, "Of course you would look up." He snorted before his face morphed into one of dramatic hurt, "Pudding-pie? Are you serious right now?!" He even added in a few fake sobs and reached for Cole's handkerchief, "Are you cheating on me?!"

Cole gasped, "Me?! No, I would never cheat on you, hunny-bunny, you are my one and only."

Kaden stopped sobbing and smirked, "Liar."

Zach rolled his eyes, "You guys are so weird. Anyways, Casey over here, wants to get her nipples pierced." He gave Cole and Kaden a look as if saying it was definitely a Casey thing to do. I laughed.

Cole's eyes looked they were about to pop out of the sockets, "Nipple piercing? Can I come?!"

"Only if you get yours pierced too." My best friend smirked, tossing her blonde ponytail over her shoulder.

"Oh hell yeah! I'll get my nipples pierced!" Cole looked way too serious about this. Oh god. I hope Casey wasn't actually serious... she totally was.

"How about you, buttercup? If you ask nicely, I can sit right beside you and hold your hand if you like?" Kaden smirked down the table at me from where he sat beside Cole.

"Hunny-bunny?! What the fuck?! You'll hold her hand while she screams your name but you won't hold mine? What the hell? That's just messed up. What am I, the side hoe? Side chick, whatever the hell they call them these days? How dare you! My butt is bigger than hers! Hypocrisy, this is hypocrisy I tell you! That's it—divorce! Divorce! DIVORCE!" Cole demanded, sticking his finger in the air, announcing it to the whole school that he wanted an immediate divorce.

I burst out laughing with the guys as Cole went on yelling about his marriage. It was hilarious. Cole and Kaden had been best friends since the beginning and even to this day, after years of not seeing each other, and as much as I hated Kaden, it was cool that their friendship remained a strong bridge after so much strain that should've tore that bridge so it went crumbling down.

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