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Cole had snuck away with the beer and pizza, leaving poor Damien looking completely lost as to what had just happened. Slowly blinking, as if registering everything, he glanced over at Kaden and I. A smile spread across his lips, breaking away the confused and lost state he had been in second ago, as he made his way over towards Kaden and I.

"I think you just got robbed..."

Damien laughed, bending down and wrapping an arm around me, hugging me tightly. "I wouldn't put it past Cole to do something like that." Quickly scanning me, his brows furrowed down his nose, "Aren't you going in the pool?"

"Yeah, I will... eventually." I nodded, rubbing over the prodding goosebumps on my arms.

"You want my jacket? Until you get in the hot tub at least..." He grinned boyishly, offering me his sweatshirt.

My inner woman 'awed' at Damien. Besides the fact that I used to harbor the biggest crush on him in grade school, he had always been a sweetheart towards Casey and I. No matter what big shot football player he was or the rough and tough attitude he had, the guy was the biggest softie I knew.

I shook my head, smiling softly at him as I curled my legs beneath me, "No, I should be good for now. Thank you though." Damien only smiled, nodding before he looked over at Kaden and did that bro-shake with him, which, I always thought looked more like some king-kong dominance out shake between two males.

"Hey man, good to see you." Kaden smirked, patting Damien on the back.

"If you're hungry, Nolan's at the grill working on some burgers, there's pizza too, and if you're thirsty, well, Cole has his... secret potion over in that big cauldron thingy." I pointed a finger towards a literal black cauldron that Cole had towed in from his car. Glancing between Kaden and Damien, I whispered, "Between us, I think you should stick to the beer you brought..."

Damien's face twisted and he glanced at the cauldron filled with some disgusting brown liquid that smelled and tasted like puke. The same cauldron that Cole was now standing over, snickering to himself as he dumped all of Damien's beer into it. "Aye! Don't pour my good beer into that shitty potion you made!" Damien yelled, running towards Cole who looked like he had been caught in the headlights. Tossing the empty beer cans away, Cole took off running from Damien and in a matter of seconds, Cole was screaming for his life.

"Poor guy." I snickered, watching as Damien got him into a headlock before a few of the guys tossed Cole into the pool.

Man overboard...

Laughing, I wiped my face, tossing my napkin onto my empty plate and sat back in my seat, content with the two burgers I had... for now. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I'd be hungry later and as if he sensed that, Nolan winked over at me, motioning towards the grill. Good boy.

 Honestly, there wasn't a moment I wasn't hungry. I probably had five meals a day, plus four snack breaks that could also count as meals, but to make myself look like less of a fatty, I called them snack breaks.

"It's sad that you think that..." Kaden smirked, referring to my prior comment about Cole. Standing up, Kaden collected our plates and headed towards the trash.

My eyes snapped towards his, narrowing by the second as he walked away and dumped our plates in the trash. "Why is that?" I asked, lifting my shirt over my head and sliding out of my shorts so I was now sitting in a white bikini I got from one of those cute surf shops near the beach.

 I glanced at Kaden again who was walking towards me, a giant smirk on his lips. What the hell was he smiling about? "Why do you look like you're about to do something that will definitely piss me off?"

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