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"Of course I've read them, they're classics," Kaden grumbled.

I burst out laughing, shaking my head at him, "I'm sorry, it's just I can't imagine you ever going to the book store to pick these out. Tell me, tell me," I mused, moving my face towards his in a teasing way, "Were you an Anne and Gilbert Blythe shipper? Come on, don't you dare lie to me either..."

His cheeks reddened.

"Oh, you so were! I can see it all over your face!" Cackling wickedly, I poked a finger into his chest—one he swatted away with a bold scowl of distaste.

"Of course I was all for the two of them. Who else was Anne supposed to be with? Moody Spurgeon?! Besides, Gilbert is the only guy who can handle all Anne's talking..." He rubbed a finger along his forehead, his cheeks still a bright red. "Now that I think about it, you and Anne have a lot in common... the nonstop talking and all." He smirked.


Punching him in the arm, I scowled, "Then plug your ears if you don't like it.... I don't talk that much..."

"You do." Cole piped in, flipping through some comic book that had magically appeared in his hands as he lay along the bed on his stomach. He swung his legs behind him sassily. "Though I don't mind it, you always have something interesting to say, Emmy-baby." He shot me a wink.

"Hey! You run your mouth just as much as I do, so don't act all innocent, Mister!"

"I wasn't! I was simply agreeing with my hunny-bunny because the statement was accurate. Although, you talk quite a lot too, Kaden... quite a lot about a certain-"

"If you finish that sentence, I will divorce you. Don't you think you'll be getting the ring back either..." Kaden narrowed his eyes threateningly.

A laugh bubbled from my lips, "What does he talk about? His chicks?"

Cole sighed longingly, an evil twinkle in his eyes as he rolled onto his back, tipping his head back so he could shoot Kaden a look, "Oh, you know, just the usual. Football, books, and a certain, lovely, some-"

"That's it! I get 100% custody of Emily." A strong arm looped around my hips and tugged me backwards into a broad chest. A very, very, very nice chest.

My eyes nearly bulged from their sockets.

What the heck? Custody over me?

"Since when was I in this?" I swallowed the blush in my cheeks as I looked at Cole then Kaden who loomed over me, his face just above mine. Wow, oh, wow! He had a nice jaw! Wait, shut up! We'll inspect later.

"WHAT?!" Cole shrieked, jumping up from the bed, "You can't have Emily! She's MY daughter! I carried her for five months-"

"-Nine." Kaden corrected, a smirk on his lips.

"-So she belongs to me! I will not let you have her! How—How dare you?! I'll sue you! Sue you!!! She's my daughter, can't you see the freaking resemblance?!" Cole pointed a finger at me before blowing out a long breath, "Thank god she didn't get your nose though... it reminds me of a troll."

Kaden had the best-looking nose I had ever seen but I still laughed, imagining Kaden with a giant green nose with a bunch of warts all over it!

"Now, Emily, come to daddy!"

Wait, what?!

"Daddy? Who the hell are you calling daddy?!" I shrieked, my eyes bulging again.

Kaden rolled his eyes playfully, his arm wrapped firmly around my waist as he used his other hand to flick Cole on the forehead. And as runner up for Queen of all dramatic people, Cole gasped, stumbling backwards and flopping back onto the bed as if the flick had quite literally blown him across the from.

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