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We blew out the other team, which, wasn't much of a surprise. Every play, pass, and touchdown was so smooth and carried out exactly the way Kaden and I had wanted it. And in the end, I couldn't help the victorious little grin I had on my lips when I went to go shake hands with the other coach—Kaden and dad followed with the same grin.

Dad was more than proud of the game too, making sure to give me the 'I-told-you-so-look' when it was all over. But I admit, he was right about Kaden and I working together. We were a good team... more than just good.

Casey and I were out in the parking lot now, waiting for the guys to hurry their butts up already in the showers. It was kind of funny because usually, it was the boys making fun of the girls for taking too long to get ready, but I swear, these boys loved to groom themselves. I mean, Nolan had a freaking loofah in his gym bag, and I was talking about the giant, fluffy, and pink kind!

About thirty minutes into waiting for them, Casey had wandered off to go talk to some girls from her Literature class while I waited, sitting on her Jeep's back bumper. Thankfully, I started to finally see them trickle out of the tunnel that led from the boy's locker room and arena.

"I don't know if I should even bother asking why that took so long..." I smirked, folding my arms over my chest.

The guys stopped in front of me, each grinning in a mischievously in a way that only boys could master.

"Don't worry, we'd never let you miss out on any of the fun." Nolan teased, coming over to my side and kissing my forehead affectionately.

Cole nodded, winking at me as he lounged on the car beside me, "That's right, Emmy-baby! The fun only begins with you around!" 

"How...reassuring." I laughed, totally thinking about the F.R.K.C.F...

I wonder what the theme was this week? But knowing that Cole had actually joined this club with interest, I'm sure it was something completely and utterly odd.

Damien whipped his phone from his pocket, the screen illuminating a faint glow along his face, "It's 10:30 right now. Should we head over to the ice cream shop?"

"We probably should... Dad wants us home before 12 and shop closes around 11."

This week it was my turn to host the team sleepover among the group at my house, but it was also tradition to get ice cream at the little shop in town after the first game that kicked off the season.

"It'll be too late if all of us head over there right now. I'll go and grab the ice cream and you guys head to the house." Damien offered, checking his phone again for the time.

"That's a good idea. Have any of you guys seen my brother?" I perked a little on the bumper as I peered around us for Aiden. "I haven't seen him come out of the showers yet..." Kaden too.

"Oh! Aiden already left. Said he had some errand to run or something..." Cole blurted.

An errand? 

Since when did Aiden run errands? The guy threw a tantrum over taking out  the trash and now he's running errands?... He'd never miss something with the team over an errand. So, what was he up to?

My brows furrowed down my nose and I quickly pulled my phone out looking for any messages from him, but there was none. Nolan must have felt that this whole situation was just odd in general because he pulled his device out too, quickly typing in the password.

"He texted me." The muscle in his cheek twitched and I knew something was up.

"What? What is it?! Is he okay?" I panicked.

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