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"So..." I peered at Kaden beside me, his helmet securely on my head, "Did my dad say what exactly he wants from us?"

            Kaden glanced at me, the corner of his lips curling upwards as he mused over my current physical appearance, "No, he wasn't that specific but if I were to guess, it would be something to do with the first game next week."

            I merely nodded.

            "Do you guys go to that café a lot?" He suddenly asked.

            "Yeah, we try to go at least once a week, whether it's before or after school. It's our little tradition, in a way."

I nearly choked when I saw a genuine smile crawl onto his lips, "I used to go to that café a lot when I was younger."

            My eyes bulged and I turned towards him, "Really? Me too! Dad always used to take me when I was younger, you know, just to hang out when my brothers weren't around." Something in my chest warmed at the memories behind the small café on the corner of the street that went by the name of Violet's.

            "I told you, buttercup, we're two peas in a pod." Kaden smirked, tipping his head towards me. "My mom used to take my sister and I when we were younger..." He had a sister? Oh, that's right! His older sister, Elena. "We'd go every Friday after Elena finished art, you know, at that little studio near near the café?"

I smiled, nodding. I knew that studio, I had passed it so many times walking around town with dad or my brothers. There was a glass display in the front so the students could always presented their art on it.

            "She majored in art, didn't she?" I asked.

Elena was one of the sweetest people I knew. I mean, I didn't know her well, but even on the surface level, she gave off a very kind and caring kind aura. Elena used to pick Kaden up from our house all the time, and as a little treat for enduring Kaden, she'd bake me a batch of brownies or cupcakes with extra sprinkles and blue frosting; just the way I liked it.

            "She did." Kaden confirmed, drumming his fingers along the steering wheel, "She's actually already had a few of her galleries presented in the city."

            "Wow! That's amazing! I still remember when she used to come pick you up at our house." I laughed, leaning my head against the seat, "She always drove that blue bug."

            Kaden barked out laughing before choking on god knows what and pounding on his chest. Grinning goofily at me, he responded, "She still drives that dump. I told her not to drive it, especially because she has Dannie now, but she loves that damn dump mobile."

            My brows furrowed, "Dannie?"

            "Elena's daughter, she's one."

            Elena had a daughter?! What the heck? Had it really been that long?

Wow. Elena must be doing really good then. Her galleries are probably amazing and her career is probably taking off. She got married to a really good guy, or so Aiden says, and now she has a daughter with him. She's definitely living her dreams in the city.

I'm really happy for her. She deserves it.

Pushing a strand of my golden-brown hair behind my ear, I played with the music dial a little, changing the stations, "I can't believe it's been that long since I've seen her. A daughter?! Wow, that's amazing! Tell her I said congrats!"

Kaden laughed, glancing at me, "I know, I tell her she's an old woman all the time." He blew a sigh out of his nose, "She could've played around a little longer but she was really whipped for her little hubbie. I guess you two have a lot in common, you know, being all goo-goo eyes for a guy." He wiggled his brows to emphasize his point.

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