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Why the heck was he laughing?!

It was making me freaking nervous because there were only two types of laughter that fit this situation right now. One, the 'I-forgive-you' laugh and two, the 'I-am-going-to-stab-you' laugh. And right now, I wasn't quite sure which laugh Kaden was doing...

His laughter softened into a chuckle and he stood up, falling back against the door as he ran a hand through his hair. And on his lips, there sat a full-blown smirk.

"Get in the house, dork. You look like a marshmallow." He opened the door wider for me.

My jaw hit the floor.

Wait. What the freak?! He...wanted me in his house?!

"Does this mean I'm forgiven? Or... is this your way of luring me into your den and murdering me, axe-man style?" I asked curiously, my voice hopeful and light with my joke. I hope he knew that was a joke...

Kaden rolled his eyes, a smile sitting on the corner of his lips, "Yes, you're forgiven. I decided that seeing you in one of those sexy little devil's costume with the short skirt and all, was worth more than letting you sit around and sulk..."

"Oh, really?" My shoulders fell in relief, but I masked it with an arched brow and a hand on my hip. "And how exactly do you plan on seeing this? While protecting your precious manhood, that is?" A smile tugged on the corner of my lips. It felt nice to hear those words... the forgiven part, not the whole lingerie thing...

Honestly, I had no idea that was going to be so easy. I was expecting a freaking challenge! Hell, I was expecting him to hulk smash me back into my flipping car! But no, not one thing from my overdramatic and overthinking head, had come true... Thank god for that too...

"Well you see, buttercup, I never did state my terms for a decent prize when I win a certain little bet between us... Let's just say that this is just one of the many ideas I have brewing in my head right now." He grinned wickedly at me, his eyes roguish.

"Idiot." I scowled, punching him in the arm playfully. "First off, you're not winning any bets with me, so don't get all arrogant with me, Romeo. And second, I thought it was an officer's uniform or whatever?"

Not that I wanted to encourage the idea anymore, but jeez, this guy was all over the place with his fetishes. I thought you were only supposed to have one?...

"Hmm. It was, but I figured that you're more of a little demon than anything. It's only fitting that you wear red and horns on your head. Plus, it would be quite interesting to see what kind of positions we could get into with that bendy tail on the costume..." He ran a hand over his jaw as if he was actually thinking about it! Oh, gross!

"Can you not be a pervert for one minute!"

"It's not being a pervert if I win fair and square." He smirked.

"You are so not winning." I snapped, pointing a finger in his face.

I used to love Alice in Wonderland when I was a little girl, especially the Cheshire cat. He was my absolute favorite, but the way Kaden's lips were curling upwards... I wasn't like that purple fluff ball anymore...

"We'll see." He shrugged innocently.

Innocent my ass! He knew exactly what he was doing! I was not falling for him, ever! Never, ever, not even if the human raced depended on me!

Wow... that sounds horrible when I think about it...

Okay, we're changing comparisons.

I would never, ever, fall for Kaden Reyes even if Tiny Tina's stroller depended on it! Sorry, Tina... mommy can only sacrifice so much before you really are asking for it, adorable spoiled brat!

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