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Honestly, I felt like a giant cocoon of  towels Kaden had stored in his trunk. I mean, the guy had seriously spent a good five minutes spinning me around and around, wrapping me up with towels until I looked like a giant living and breathing burrito. I had to waddle to my side of the damn car!

"You're going to be cold if you stay in the car, buttercup," Kaden smirked, leaning against the passenger-side door, more than amused at my current state.

"I don't think I can feel my arms... or my body for that matter," I murmured, the towel he'd wrapped around my head like a turban slowly falling down my face.

"That's unfortunate. I'm going to leave you in the car," He hummed.

"Don't you dare!" Wiggling myself to the edge of the seat, I glared up at him. "I swear to god, Kaden, you wrapped me too tight! I can barely move! I feel like a freaking Christmas present!"

He rolled his eyes and pushed off the car door. Reaching inside for me, it took me a hot second to realize what he was doing as he wrapped an arm under my knees and below my back, lifting me up and out of the car, bridal style.

"What do you think you're doing, Mister?" I narrowed my eyes.

Kaden kicked the car door shut just as the stupid towel turban thing fell into my face. He pulled the towel away from my face, smirking down at me, "Claiming my present, of course."

"I'm not your present!"

"Don't worry, buttercup, I promise to take my time unwrapping you." Winking, his smile went wicked and in those mere seconds, I was caught between blushing like crazy and strangling him with the towel.

Walking up to his front door, the cold air nipped at my cheeks, turning them bright pink. It was about midnight and the whole street was dark and quiet as everyone slept. Initially, I had wanted Kaden to just drop me off at my house, but of course, the dork had refused and detoured to his house instead.

Kaden looked down at me, the front door now wide open and unlocked as we stood on the threshold, "Feels like we're newlyweds, huh?" He wiggled his brows at me, a smirk on his lips.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I scowled.

Kaden either didn't see my reaction or wasn't fazed by it at all. He just kept humming a gentle tune under his breath, and stepped into the house, locking the door behind us. "What do you think, love? Is this homely enough for you?" Kaden teased.

The towels had loosened around me and I finally pulled my arms out, moving them around Kaden's neck so I wouldn't fall as he carefully turned on a dim light in the entrance hall. My fingers instantly found the end of his hair, toying with the long strands at the top of his neck. 

"I don't know, darling..." I played along, my fingers coiling around a strand of his hair as I gazed around us dramatically, "I knew you should've left the home decorating to me."

Joking! Isabella and her husband had done a wonderful job decorating this place.

"What a cruel little wife you are," He growled playfully, nipping my nose with his teeth. I laughed, pushing his face away. "Oh well, I'm sure there are various ways I can persuade you otherwise, wife." Grinning wickedly, his fingers near my waist started tickling me and I burst out laughing, quickly slapping a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't wake anyone. Wiggling and flailing in his arms, he started laughing too while making his way up to his room.

"Jerk. Jerk!" I whisper-yelled, pulling at his hair, "I'll murder you with a frying pan!"

"Fine, fine, fine..." He laughed, stopping his tickling as he walked down the hallway. He looked back at me, grinning, "Don't look so put out, my dear little wife, we still have to properly christen the house, if you get my gist..."

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