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If someone would've told me that I would be willingly sitting inside the death trap that nearly had killed me just a few days ago, I would've laughed in their face, like the donkey kind of laugh where you wheeze because the idea was just simply and utterly stupid and unbelievable. But, surprise, surprise, lookey here, Miss Emily King being just a smidge stupid, finding herself sitting in the very passenger seat of that car, with its prick driver, and a helmet on top of her head.

"You know, you can put the pepper spray down."

            I shook my head, "Not happening Romeo."

            "Romeo? What the hell kind of nickname is that?! Do I look like some sissy who would holler at your window like an idiot with all those 'thous' or 'shalls'? Please. Oh Juliet my ass. That guy has no balls. He's a wet noodle who thinks with his dick." Kaden grimaced, shifting his blinker on and sneaking around a tight corner.

            Wow. Who would have known this guy was actually decent a driving?

            I snickered, "So you, basically?"

            Glaring at me, he stepped on the accelerator, making my head bump into the headrest, "I can't believe you're comparing me to Romeo." He shook his head, "First off, the whole play is just sappy and cheesy. Both Romeo and Juliet fall in love way too quickly. They don't understand what love is and what it is like to love and because of this, some really kickass characters die in consequence of those two knuckleheads."

            I scoffed, turning my head as I looked at him, "What do you mean they don't know what love is? You can't just say that they don't understand what love is, love is different for everyone and is expressed in so many different ways."

            Kaden shook his head in disagreement, "Keep in mind that Romeo was lovesick for another girl in the beginning of the play and then all of the sudden, he's head over heels for Juliet. Also, keep in mind that Juliet is a complete stranger to him. It's lust, not love. He loved the idea of her. If Romeo actually loved Juliet, he'd let her go, knowing that the two of them together would only end in utter destruction."

            "Then why kill himself for her? If he actually was just lusting for her, then he wouldn't go as far as to kill himself. He'd just move on and find another girl."

            "Again, he only loved the idea of them together. Neither of them have anything in common besides the shared lust between them. Don't you think it was a little early for either of them to jump into bed with each other? Or to get married? Hell, Romeo was confessing his love for her after just meeting her. That's not love...."

            I was stuck between shock, agreement, and protesting. I was surprised that Kaden had read Romeo and Juliet, I mean, he presents himself as anything but someone who would actually pay attention in English class.

            I arched a brow at him, eyeing the side of his sharp face as he drove, "And you know what love is?"

            Kaden was quiet for a second, thinking. Something flashed across his blue eyes but it was gone in seconds before I could even recognize the thought or feeling. His lips tilted upwards and he glanced at me, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." He glanced at me again, smirking, "Why? Are you waiting for me to confess my undying love for you?"

            "No, I just wanted to hear your lame definition of what you thought love was. I think the only thing you love is your bed, football, and your chicks."

            "And of course you, buttercup." He smirked, turning down a new road.

            Snorting, I gave him a look, "Yeah, your love for making me utterly miserable."

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