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A/N: Alright lovelies! This is another chapter for you! I know I usually do these notes at the end of the chapter but I really wanted to do the note here today because while I was editing and writing this chapter, I listened to this song! I just think that the melody goes really well with the theme of this chapter so go ahead and listen along if you'd like!

In general, I really recommend listening to any songs I post with the chapter, just so you guys can kind of get into a groove with the theme of the writing but it's always up to you!

Lindy's Daily Report:

1. I can finally fit into my Baywatch swim suit again... thank god. So basically I have this red training suit and all my friends love to call me Baywatch in it because I literally look like the sole lifeguard on deck. Anyways, during quarantine we weren't training so obviously I ate until I cried, so when we came back, I didn't fit into my Baywatch freaking suit! But two weeks later of full of training and I'm back bitches!

2. I hate Science.

3. I kind of really wish I had a Kaden in my life. All the boys surrounding me are unintelligent meat heads with no sense of direction in life.... I WANT KADENNN!!! *sobs* It's not fair! And the worst part is the fact that the rare times I actually come across a decent guy, they're all taken! Why?!

4. I really just want it to freaking rain! It's like a billion degrees where I live right now and I just want it to pour for three freaking weeks (hopefully there's lightening so we don't have swim practice) and I want to find one of those cute little coffee shops and just write until my fingers fall off!

Okay I'm done. Happy Hump Dayyyy

Love you guys!

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    When I woke up the next morning, it wasn't necessarily morning anymore. It was one in the freaking afternoon! I don't think I've ever slept in this long, but last night wiped me out, especially when I finally had a crash from all that sugar—I was out in a blink of an eye.

Yawning, I cringed. Morning breathe. Gross.

Quickly jumping out of bed, a ball of fur circled my leg and I jumped ten feet in the air. "Tina!" I scooped her up in my arms, "I've been looking for you all over! Where have you been?! Mommy's very mad at you." I gave her a disapproving look, one she simply returned with an innocent little purr. "Aww! Go play, baby." Running a hand through her fur, I set her on the ground and she sprinted for my bed, balling herself up in the sheets.

I was weak, I know, but she was my baby! And Kaden was sooo not going to be her new favorite. I won't accept it!

Brushing my teeth and doing my little morning routine, I was looking way better when I emerged from the bathroom then when I had gone in. It was Sunday and I didn't have anything else to do today so I stayed in my white sleeping tank top and Batman shorts—shorts that belonged either to Aiden or Isaac... I wasn't quite sure anymore.

Eh! They fit me so they were mine now.

Running a hand through my long, golden-brown hair, I opened my door and was met with the soft sound of music coming from down the hall.

My brows furrowed a little and I began to follow it, but that wasn't before I stopped at my brother's room. Quiet talking came from behind the door and my brows furrowed. Pressing my ear to the door, I know that made me the nosiest person ever, but I was curious.

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