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"It's hot! It's so damn hot! I'm not talking about 'oh let's take a swim' hot I'm saying I have damn pit stains on my new damn shirt and sweat on my ass! It's that kind of hot and if you take any longer getting whatever it is you need, I will run you over with my Jeep and I won't even be sorry about it!" Casey yelled something at someone before returning to the phone and continuing her lecture into my poor ear, "God! It's supposed to be Fall! I should see the trees shitting leaves, not the Sun making my ass sweat! What the hell, Em? Where are you?"

I stifled a laugh, trying to balance the books in my arms while holding the phone with my other hand, "I definitely needed to know that-"

"Yes, you did! I'm burning! Nolan isn't helping either by laying on me like a giant fat slug!" There was shuffling and grunting on the other end of the line before my best friend cried, "I swear to god Nolan if you just farted I will run you over with my damn Jeep. I'm not even joking this time, the heat makes it stink even more and I'm this close," I could already see her pinching the air between her thumb and pointer finger, "This damn close to murdering you and leaving you to rot in the heat."

I bursted out laughing when I heard Nolan groaning on the other line, whining at Casey and mumbling some nonsense to me.

"Please!" Casey begged, "I beg you dear lord Jesus Mother! Save me from this heat and this penis I'm stuck in the car with!"

Cursing at the book that nearly tumbled from the tower of books I currently had in my hands, I switched hands to hold the base of the book tower. I didn't think these books would've been so heavy but now I was regretting the fact that I had not asked for help.

"Just turn on the AC."

Casey growled into my ear, "I can't! Nolan is laying on me and I'm on the damn keys! Get off me Nolan or I'll-" She was cut off and the shuffling got louder followed by a loud "Ouch" from the only penis in the car.

Leaving Nolan and Casey in the car, in the heat, was the worst idea I had ever come up with. Usually, those two were scheming like no tomorrow, que the manic laughter, but in the heat, Nolan became a giant slug and Casey became Voldemort on his man period.

"Just, COME QUICK! I'M SWEATING! I'M DYING! I'M MELTING!" I yelped, cringing as my phone beeped loudly in my ear. Did she just... she hang up on me. This woman!

I rolled my eyes, a smile on my face. Cassandra Williams—now known as Casey—had been stuck to my hip since the first day of Second grade when she had kicked open the door to the classroom and strutted in with a hot pink, sparkly raincoat and bejeweled boots that said 'I Rock' along the side.

I wasn't sure if it had been the hot pink raincoat or the boots, but something about her spunky, absolutely looney nature had me. It was ironic too because I was her complete opposite, I wasn't quiet, hell, the two of us together was the loudest combo ever, but while she loved partying hard, I preferred to stay home—that wasn't to say that I didn't like a good party, but if Casey Williams ever picked up a book to actually read it and not secretly nap behind it during classes, it would be the end of the freaking world.

Turning down the block, I made my way down the sidewalk, the heat burning me from the inside out. It was usually cooler in this area, but for some reason this last week had been the biggest heatwave this area had in a long time. At this point, I didn't even think Casey was kidding about her serious issue of butt sweat.

My phone kept going off and I groaned, glaring down at the screen that kept lighting up with Casey's name on it. She was going on about the heat, her butt sweat, and more complaints about Nolan being a slug. Even Nolan was texting me now about God knows what...probably complaining about the whining blonde in the car with him.

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