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"And so I said, 'well, you better take your clothes off because fundies aren't meant for just one freaking person'!! And do you know what your brother said?!"

"Tissues?" I asked groggily.

"Oh, right! They're in there." She pointed a ring-covered finger at the little compartment in front of me where her handy-miniature-Minnie Mouse-tissue pack lay waiting for me.

I knew I should've taken my allergy medicine when I saw the wind kick up earlier, but of course, I had been too lazy to unburrito myself from the blankets I'd cuddled Tina and I up with. So now my poor nose was all swollen and stinging because of all the tissues and napkins I'd been using to stop freaking Niagra Falls!

Even my eyes were getting a little puffy! 

"You guys wear fundies?" Scrunching my brows, I glanced at Casey with a funny look on my face.

I never did like talking about my brother and my best friend's sex life, it wasn't exactly a topic that was... Oh god, it was just plain gross. It was my brother for crying out loud! But then again, I had to know if they seriously had tried using fundies. I was no expert in sex or anything, but I was pretty sure they were trying to fit two people in a pair of stretchy underwear, which, didn't sound particularly comfortable if you asked me...

"Of course we've used fundies!" She cried, appalled that I'd even asked. "What do you take me for?! A vanilla kind of girl?! I don't think so, honey! I'm freaking Neapolitan!"

I burst out laughing.

Wait... Did that mean Isaac was Neapolitan too? OH GOD! That's gross! Nope, nope, nope! This conversation was officially over and I was about to make that quite clear when I paused.

My eye twitched, then the corner of my lips, then my whole face was scrunching up as I sneezed obnoxiously into my elbow! Damn allergies!

"Are you sure you're okay? Your nose is all red..."

I waved a hand in dismissal, adjusting the tissues I had stuffed up my nose like two clouds of smoke, not a caring a bit that I looked like Puff the freaking Magic Dragon. "Just a bit...stuffy, but I'm fine. Plus, I have the medicine we picked up from the store." I lifted my hand and shook the bag of candy-flavored droplets.

"Whatever you say, chica, but if you're dad demands that I take you home and feed you chicken soup, you know I listen to the boss." Casey pinned me with a serious look, pointing her finger at me.

"I'd like to see you do that without burning down my kitchen again," I smirked.

Casey honked at some gray Honda driving way too slow ahead of us, glaring at me when she had the chance too, "Shut up. That was one time and I didn't burn down the kitchen... Your microwave just got all funky, that's all."

Laughing, I shook my head, leaning back in my seat as she pulled into the school parking lot. The stadium was all lit up, the field lights burning into the center of the arena. Cars were jammed packed in the lot and from here, I could see the headache of a line that waited to get through the ticket gates.

Casey and I jumped out of the car, the two of us making our way to the back of her trunk not before I blew my nose again and sanitized my hands for what felt like the hundredth time today.

Red and gold war paint was smeared all over Casey's face. She looked like a modern-day Braveheart, which, if I knew any better, that's where her inspiration came from. Her blonde waves were pulled into two pigtails, red and gold ribbons hanging from the hair tie. And finally, to top the whole outfit out, she was wearing one of Nolan's old jerseys, leggings, and a giant red tutu.

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