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Walking through Nolan's sliding glass doors that lead to his backyard, the cool night hit my face first, gnawing at the soft skin of my cheeks. I was thankful that the winter season wasn't with us yet because if this kind of weather was enough to make me shiver, then winter was going to be just horrible.

            Grabbing my towel and suit, I grimaced at the slightly wet state my swim suit was in. I hated sitting around in a wet suit but the nice part was the fact that I'd be able to just get right into the hot tub.

            I eyed the steaming pool dreamily.

            The silence around me was refreshing which was probably because I had been surrounded by yelling, screaming, and muttering for the past five hours. Don't get me wrong, I loved the guys and Casey to death, but holy hell did they all have a good set of vocal cords. Even I couldn't scream as loud as some of the guys and I wasn't exaggerating when I said Mariah Carrey would be very pleased.

            Quickly changing into my wet swimsuit, wrapping the towel around me, I walked out from behind the pool chair I had been using as coverage—which probably wasn't the best idea if someone had decided to peek out the sliding glass doors.

            Walking around the pool, I stopped for a minute, eyeing the blurry mirage of glowing blue waves. My eyes narrowed.

            Looking back over at the hot tub, my gaze softened and I softly murmured, "I haven't forgotten you yet, bb." And plopped down on the edge of the pool, eyeing it warily.

            I tested a toe first, hissing at the cool feel of the pool before diving headfirst for it and sticking my whole damn calf into the pool.

            God, I hated the pool so much. I don't even know why I was doing this to myself but you know in those movies when the main character or whatever needs time to think or be alone, they always somehow magically appear beside a pool with their poor legs stuck in the water. So right now, it only seemed suitable that I put my feet into too.

Sliding my other leg into the water, I wiggled my toes a little, grimacing at the not so warm feel of the water.

            When I was younger, I used to have the worst fear of the deep end, especially when there was a bunch of shadows cast making it look all dark. I was always so convinced there was some pool shark out to get me, and honestly, I was still pretty convinced.

            I moved back a little, ready to snatch my legs out of the water just in case a dark fin appeared out nowhere.

            Wiggling my toes again in the water, I cautiously let my hands go back behind me so I could lean my weight into them, keeping the towel securely wrapped around my shoulders. Hmm. This wasn't too bad... I was still looking for that dark fin though...

            My old swim coach would be very disappointed in me, not that there had been any hope for me in that sport, especially after I ran out of the pool screaming before the first lesson had even begun.

            So much for swimming, Emily...

"Are you daydreaming about me, buttercup?"

            Snorting, I didn't look back at him as I let my legs draw smooth circles in the water, "If I said no, would you go into the corner over there and cry me a river?"

            "That depends." He hummed, sitting down on the deck beside me, "Would you be in that dark corner with me? Because there are plenty of things, besides crying of course, that we could do in a dark corner together. It would be a bit more physical than what you had planned and there would definitely be more noise required, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind."

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