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Tick. Tick. Tick.

            I stared hard at the hard, plastic cut clock on the wall, hoping that maybe my eyes might magically shatter the damn thing for good. If the sound of the clock's mocking ticks made me want to rip my hair out, then the guy next to me banging his eraser against his desk wasn't any better.

            I kept my mouth shut though, this class sucked toes and who was I to tell him and his half-chewed eraser to go fly off if it meant that his constant banging was helping him somehow magically speed time up a bit faster. Plus, there I was, obnoxiously tapping my dirty, painted sneaker against the floor, earning quite a few glares from the students around me.

            I glanced back at the clock, glaring at it. Fifty-five minutes never felt long, ever. At times I even thought that there weren't enough minutes in the day to possibly do everything I wanted, but let me just say, fifty-five minutes in English was an eternity.

            The sad part was that I had really loved English, but this year had been a wreck so far, especially because my teacher thought it would be funny to destroy the subject for me, but Mrs. Chen wasn't the only reason I desperately wanted to bash someone's head in with a chair.

            Biting the inside of my cheek as I glared at the board, banging my pencil a little harder on my desk before grinding my teeth together, fighting the urge to whirl around and bash in a certain someone's face a few desks back.

            Mrs. Chen was going on about some novel we'd be reading, but I wasn't even listening because I could feel Kaden's damn smirk pointed at me and let me tell you, I had never been more annoyed and he wasn't even actually doing anything...yet!

            The burning on the back of my head heated even more until it was irresistible. Turning in my seat, my stare turned murderous as my eyes clashed with a dark blue storm that rumbled with wicked thunder. And all I could see, was that arrogant smirk.

            Leaning back in his chair, he arched a brow at me as if asking me why the hell I was looking at him. Why the hell was he staring at me?!

            Scoffing, I turned back around, shooting a glare at one of the students who shushed me.

            I swear, my period was bound to be around the corner. If Kaden thought this was brutal, just wait until mother nature came knocking at my door, demanding retribution for not popping any babies. Bitch mode would officially be activated.

            Eyeing the board, I ignored Kaden and began catching up on the notes written along the board. Mrs. Chen was very popular at this school and not in the best way possible—let's just say Cole had a few things to say to the, as I quote him, 'the old witch', before he graduated her class last year.

            Something hit the back of my head before the softest sound of paper being crunched sounded by my feet. A few people around me gave me a weird look before I ignored them, rubbing the back of my head and glanced at the paper ball at my feet and at the jerk smirking in the back.

            What could he possibly want?

            Leaning over the side of my desk, I picked up the paper—trying to at least looked as interested as the people around me as they eyed the paper ball with probably some dumb message on it—before crunching the paper in my fist and shooting it into the waste bin.

            Grinning at Kaden, I turned around and tried to focus on Mrs. Chen, again, tried.

            No longer than a second later, another paper ball was being thrown at my head and landing at my feet. Clenching my fist, I reached down and picked it up, this time not even caring as I tore it up, balled it up, and shot it again into the waste bin, all the while glaring right at the prick in the back.

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