The Alliance Chapter 19

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The Alliance Chapter 19

Dalton turned away in shame refusing to look at Ambrose. I stood up facing Ambrose showing him that there was no way in hell that I would let him intimidate me.

“Now wait just a second, are you really going to yell at Dalton because I was going to let him feed from me?” I asked crossing my arms , keeping eye contact with him.

“I’m already yelling.” Ambrose stated irritatedly.

“Here I am thinking you’d be more pissed about us kissing than him feeding from me.” I looked at Ambrose shaking my head, I’ll never understand his logic.

“You two kissed?” Ambrose looked dumbfounded, I guess he hadn’t seen that part.

“I thought you knew? My bad. It makes no difference anyways.”

Dalton looked so completely uncomfortable right now. “Trinity shut up.” He muttered under his breath.

“And why is that?” Ambrose kept his gaze on me because I’m sure if he turned to look at Dalton he’d want to seriously hurt him, which really it was none of his business what I do.

“If you can feed from that blood whore outside I don’t believe you’re in any position to dictate how others feed.” I added venomously.

Ambrose’s expression softened a bit but he was still stern and very much upset. “Be that as it may, in case your forgetting little Nephilim you’re blood is extremely addictive -oozing power and exposing that to anyone is risking your life.”

I hated being called a Nephilim and especially being called little, I glared at him it didn’t help that he didn’t deny or give me an excuse for feeding off her when I had offered. Alright so my offer might not have been genuine but really?

“Stop acting as though you care what happens to me.” I spat out furiously as I stormed my way past him going down the stairs.

Ambrose followed me being closed paced by Dalton. “Where are you going?” Ambrose asked in frustration.

I ignored him as I continued down the stairs to see a door open a crack as Anna stuck her head out . I looked at her oddly why was she hiding the rest of herself? “Trin, are you alright?”

“Yep just having a little spat, go back to shagging Oliver.” I stated figuring if at least my guess was right that he was in there that she would be blushing.

“Umm...Okay.” Anna managed to get out while blushing furiously before her door shut.

“Trinity?” Dalton asked, I felt nothing but guilt that he ended up getting in trouble for something I started.

Again I refused to acknowledge  them as I sped down the stairs standing in front of the door shifting past Violet who was coming inside.

“Trinity what’s the matter?” Violet asked genuinely concerned.

“Out of my way, blood whore.” I growled fiercely as I didn’t stop to grab a thing and continued outside.

“Trinity for the last time where are you going?” Ambrose sighed desperately attempting to get an answer out of me.

I stopped and turned to look at all three of them. “ I am going out to kill something, I strongly suggest staying here or else you may be that something I kill.” A small trace of silver surfaced throughout my eyes, I could tell from the awed expressions on their faces.

“Please Trinity?” Ambrose’s voice was desperately pleading with mine.

I thought this over for a second before answering. “ You want to come? Then tell me why Dalton called me Kassandra?” I shot back raising an eyebrow.

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