Chapter 26 pt 2 Annihilation

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Chapter  26 pt 2 Annihilation

I looked around in wonder  I was now back in my room and the only person who was there was Ambrose. I guess the others weren’t safe given the situation I had just hoped nothing bad had happened to any of them. Ambrose looked pretty beat up with blood smeared on his bottom lip but he was still walking with enough ease and confidence that I knew no serious damage was done to him.

“So how much damage did I do?” I asked getting up feeling slightly off balance but refusing to let Ambrose baby me.

“ A considerable amount of damage.” Ambrose grinned teasingly while getting closer to me.

I didn’t find his joking around that funny given how bad things were. “ I’m being serious.”  My tone was irritated and I was more or less constantly thinking about what had happened  here while I was in Tristan’s body.

“Dalton and I took most of the beating and pretty little Nephilim boy will recover from the minimal damage done to him.” Ambrose’s voice had a hint of jealousy hidden behind those words.

“How minimal?”

“I stepped in before his pretty little mug could be completely  disoriented mind you I was seriously tempted to-”

I cut him off, how he could think that any of this was anything but serious just annoyed the hell out of me. I was beyond irritated with my body being inhabited by dead people and evil brothers that were trying to kill me and the people around me. “Shut up already this is serious.”

I didn’t mean to last out and snap at him the way I just had but he was taking this so lightly.Ambrose studied my expression before a look of concern took over. “ What happened over there?”

“ More than you want to know.”

Leaving it at that,  I stood up and just as quickly made my way downstairs to see everyone and I mean everyone was sitting around talking amongst themselves until they noticed me standing there and their voices hushed.

Anna was the first to run up and hug me. She threw her arms around me with a look of worry as if I might have died as she squeezed muttering how worried she was. Oliver naturally was holding his rosary and smiled when my eyes met his.

“Thank the Lord.” Oliver whispered in relief.

Perseus was sitting on a chair with a fat lip while his eye was swollen shut and he wasn’t moving his left arm. Violet sat there holding an ice pack to his face to reduce the swelling and Perseus tried to laugh but used his hand  to press on his torso, so I assumed he had some broken ribs too.

“Welcome back.”

At least Perseus wasn’t as badly beaten as I thought, and with his rapid healing within a day he would be back to normal. Basil was next in line to run up to me, she was in tears and she grabbed onto me as if expecting that I was going to disappear at any given moment.

“You’re alive!” She exclaimed over joyously.

Dalton was looking out the window and instead of waiting for him to make his way towards me I walked over towards him only to find that his face was full of worry. I couldn’t do anything but smile, he was actually worried about me.

“Mate, you didn’t think I’d let them get me did you?” I teased lightly.

Dalton turned around to face me and the strangest thing happened, he gave me a hug.

“Not you too.” I fussed while pulling away, everyone was being too overly emotional for my liking.

“You could have died Trinity, I don’t think you realize how serious this is.” Dalton added sternly until a smile made it’s way on his face. “ But I’m glad your okay.”

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