The Alliance Chapter 25 pt 2

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                                               Chapter 25 pt 2

“NO!” I shouted hoarsely from the other side of the door as I chugged enough of my drink feeling as bottomless as a pit. It sucked having Ambrose on that other side of the door knowing he was only here because he was called, not because he wanted to be. I was just a mistake to him.

“No?” Ambrose was clearly amused as he gave the door one good hard kick as it broke open.

“I’ll set you on fire, if you get any closer.” I warned him as I poured myself another drink.

He chuckled “ I’ll take my chances.” Ambrose cautiously approached me as I found myself slowly backing away. Anna and the others had went back downstairs until Ambrose would give them further instructions. I’m not sure who made him boss but Dalton wasn’t too pleased with it from the look on his face as he left with the rest.

Ambrose wrapped his fingers around my wrist that was holding my drink causing shivers throughout my body from his proximity. I wanted to pull away but he wouldn’t let me, the closer he got the more scared I became. He pulled the drink right out of my hand before taking a sip of it himself. Still noticing his free hand still held my wrist I ripped my arm free staring begrudgingly towards him.

“I don’t want you touching me.” I glared at him as I went to sit on the couch, opening a book whilst pretending to read.

“Don’t worry I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me here.” Ambrose didn’t bother to  look over at me as his voice remained flat and emotionless.

Why did it bother me so much when he said that?  I let out a sigh before whispering. “ I hate you.” I wasn’t sure he had heard me until I glanced over seeing the look of hurt displayed on his face before pulling my feet down and sitting next to me.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Ambrose scolded me while his eyes burned on me I felt my cheeks start to flush.

“Why didn’t you just stay here in the first place!” I argued , refusing to confide in him.

Ambrose shook his head before running his fingers through his hair while muttering “Unbelievable.”

“I’d say so.” I let out a small laugh , everything that happened tonight alone was so beyond my comprehension. Needless to say everything I’ve been through lately was just plain rotten luck.  I was never one for silly contraptions that brought you good luck, like lucky socks or rabbits feet or lucky pennies but maybe an investment like that wasn’t so terrible.

“Talk to me.” Ambrose placed a hand on my knee. “Please.” The sincerity and worry that filled his voice had me wanting to confide in him, I always felt better after doing so but how could I explain to someone my problems when he was apart of it.

“You wouldn’t understand.” I muttered before grabbing what was left of my drink from Ambrose before chugging it down feeling the full effects it had on me. I saw Ambrose smile from the corner of my eye as he got up to pour another drink before coming back and handing it to me.

“Alcohol heels all wounds.” Ambrose joked.

“If only.” I started to debate, should I say something? I mean maybe I was overreacting with everything. “We’re too different , you wouldn’t get it.”

“Try me.”

I took another sip and felt a smile grow on my face as my body began to heat up from the liquor , I felt the anxiety slowly die down. “You know how you’re physically dead but you feel things. You have all these emotions and you’re so alive on the inside.” My voice trailed off as I kept thinking of all the strangely sweet things about Ambrose.

“I’m the complete opposite, I’m alive physically. I’m here and moving and breathing but on the inside.......” I didn’t want to say it because it made all of this all the more true. Words when spoken out loud only validated them that much more.

Ambrose cupped my cheek, raising it so he could look me in the eyes. “You feel dead inside?”

“I think I have for some time but the more people die the worse it gets.” I pulled away looking in the opposite direction feeling embarrassed that I had a weakness and it was starting to show. Ambrose traced my jaw with his fingertips  as I felt his cold breath on my face. I knew I was imagining things but I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted everything that didn’t make sense in this screwed up world to go away and Ambrose could make that happen for me.

“ I....” Ambrose began to say something but when my eyes met his , his face completely hardened.

“What?” I asked desperately wanting to hear him say something , anything really.

“Hello? Trinity?”

Ambrose looked over towards the door  or well what was left of it, to find Perseus standing there looking oddly at us.

“Perseus.” I felt relief sweep through me  as I got up and started making my way over to him. I completely forgot I called him earlier. This completely ruined any “almost kiss” with Ambrose but he wasn’t over Kassandra and he didn’t really want to be with me anyways so this was sort of a blessing, I guess.

“Alright, so you need to talk to me about some stuff?” Perseus looked so completely angelic. The complete opposite of Ambrose and his devilish ways, but as handsome as Perseus was  he didn’t have the effect on me that Ambrose had.

“So you won’t call me or confide in me, but you’ll confide in this dainty bloke?” Ambrose shook his head before getting up to leave.

He made his way  towards the door as I turned to look at him questioningly when  Ambrose locked eyes with mine. “ I’m sorry for what I said last night.” Turning away immediately , not leaving any room for me to say a word I felt my stomach become knotted. He just took back what he said, I wasn’t a mistake to him. I found myself smiling a little. “ Me too.” I muttered under my breath , knowing Ambrose couldn’t hear me but I felt a weight lift and everything didn’t hurt so much.

“Sorry about him, let’s talk.” I gestured to the table where there was piles of books, I pushed them aside and smiled at Perseus.

“This is awkward but I guess I should tell you the whole story.”

“Of course.” Perseus grinned at me.

“ I have a twin brother, he was turned into a werewolf and he’s trying to kill me. Actually I think he wants me changed to be with him. My powers are starting to come to me but I can’t fend him off, last night he invaded my mind while I was asleep and even after I woke up he was hurting me. I need something to fight him with.” I begged desperately, hoping that since Perseus knew a lot more about our kind than I did that he could be useful.

“You have no real training with your powers, right?”

“Not really ,no.”

Perseus smiled before brushing a stray hair out of my face. “Well we’re going to have to fix that.”
Perseus grabbed my hand while pulling me down the stairs quickly as I paced behind him. There was something so honest and pure about him, he didn’t look at me lustfully and he was genuinely a kind person.

“Violet? Do you have any incantations for mind blocks?” Perseus asked while  I noticed Basil and her grandmother sitting in the dinning room alongside Violet, Dalton and Ambrose. Saddie ,Anna, Seth and Oliver were nowhere in sight which I found to be odd.

“I’m working on that as we speak, I sent Anna and her friends to town to pick up some ingredients.” Violet smiled as her, Basil and Irene were going through Spells books. I looked over to where Ambrose was and he was talking on his phone and Dalton sat on a chair facing the window looking out of it ,deep in thought.

I walked over to where Ambrose was and to my luck he just hung up his phone. I leaned up so I could whisper into his ear from behind.

“I’m sorry too.” I gave his hand a squeeze as I continued to walk past him to go sit with Dalton. Glancing back briefly I noticed Ambrose had a smile on his face , this was improvement I guess. I then pulled a chair facing Dalton while making myself seem inconspicuous.

“Thanks for saving my ass out there.” I tried to maneuver myself around so he would look at me and surely enough he did.

“ You know as your babysitter I believe I deserve a raise.” Dalton added lightheartedly while managing a small grin.

I was glad he wasn’t upset with me because I totally went off the handle, I wasn’t entirely sure I was back to normal because I felt vulnerable but still hopefully that this could all be fixed soon.

“Screw you, I can’t afford these outrageous demands! You’re fired!” I teased before showing a more serious look. “ What did you find out?”

“As soon as there’s some sort of arrangement made with the Nephilim, the day after we’re going to the Safe House in Vermont to a council meeting to finalize plans. Things for the time being, are looking pretty decent considering.”

Perseus waltzed over looking more confident that things could work, he politely waited for Dalton and I to finish speaking before saying anything.
“ The Augurs are going to place a spell that will strengthen your mind’s resistance but you need some basics. Is there a really quiet room in this mansion we could practise?”

“ My room is actually really quiet.” I suggested while getting up  earning myself a concerned look from Dalton who was about to say something before Ambrose interjected as per usual.

“The library is on the top floor it’s likely you’re best bet for lack of interruption.” Ambrose wasn’t fooling me, he made himself seem like he was trying to do us a favour when really his expression said more than his words could.

“Perfect.” Perseus added before nodding towards Ambrose gratefully.

“My room is sound proof.” I added cooly while glaring at Ambrose trying to suppress a grin at his reaction to my statement. Ambrose looked like he was going to blow a gasket, he never said a word but as Perseus and I began to go upstairs  I quickly stopped in front of Ambrose.

“You’re not over her, remember.” I spat out trying to keep myself calm, as if he had the nerve to think I’d bring a stranger into my room and have sex with him.

“Thanks for reminding me.” Ambrose clenched his teeth while not taking his eyes off of me. I waited for a nasty remark but nothing came out.

Instead of laughing because I knew I was getting to him I decided to add insult to injury. Call me a tease but I always loved causing a reaction from Ambrose and until I heard the words “ I’m over Kassandra 100%” , than i was going to be a bitch to the highest degree. Ambrose wasn’t going to have his cake and eat it too.

“Hey Perseus what are your thoughts about sex before marriage?” I said while catching up to him following behind him up the stairwell.

“I suppose it’s alright.” Perseus looked at me funny before shaking his head. “ You’re a strange girl Trinity Sage.”

I just grinned as I closed my bedroom door behind us. I went to sit on my bed while Perseus sat only a few feet from me. Gazing into his blue eyes, I loved looking into eyes of someone who was as honest and as good as they come. Nephilims could pick up and sense things about other Nephilims and I was finally starting to get a hang on it.

“ We’re going to slowly heighten your senses individually.”

“That sounds pleasurable.” I purred teasingly while trying to keep a straight face at how normal and casual he had said that. I knew what he had meant by it but clearly I was frustrating him as he looked away almost shyly.

“Why are you- ohhhh.” I started to laugh a little bit, I couldn’t control it and it was too funny.

“What? Why are you laughing?” Perseus demanding becoming more flustered.

“You’re too hot to be a virgin.” I laughed even louder while cupping my mouth out of embarrassment of saying that but it really was funny. Perseus is as innocent as he is hot- which was very.

“And you’re not?” Perseus looked at me while raising an eyebrow towards me.

“How did you? JERK! Stop sensing things about me.... it’s annoying.” I added feeling invaded, as I stood up covering myself as though he could see me naked or something.

Perseus let out a laugh which was a deep rich manly laugh. “You don’t like it much when the table’s turned , do you?”

I began to blush as the blood rose to my cheeks. “ Alright I’m sorry for laughing at you, satisfied?”

He nodded agreeably. “Close your eyes tightly.”

I followed his instructions awaiting for further direction.

“Stop thinking.”

“Slow you’re breathing down by relaxing your muscles.”  Perseus’ voice was even more soothing when it’s all I had to focus on.
“Focus on what you can hear, everything that’s around you slowly block out those background noises.”

I found my heart was beating very slowly, I didn’t have a single thought in mind, all I could hear at first was the wind outside whistling against the concrete and window. I began to hear individual creaks in the floor as footsteps were going upstairs and downstairs. I heard breathing and swallowing and lastly heartbeats. None of these were my own but it felt as though it was all in the same room beside me. I heard soft chattering and wasn’t sure where I was sensing myself until I heard the voice.

“Lord, please look over and protect Trinity through this rough time. Give her the strength that she needs and keep her from  harm’s way.” Oliver was likely in his room praying. This made a smile appear on my face, Oliver never ceased to amaze me with his faith. I continued to venture around picking up more noises to see what else I could pick up. Judging from the background sounds I could hear into the dinning room where Dalton and Ambrose were having a less than pleasant conversation.

“You need to let me know these things.” Ambrose was clearly not impressed with Dalton.

Dalton sighed who was seemingly at his witts end. “How am I suppose to handle her?”

“Oh how should I know, I can’t even get through to her. She thinks I’m still in love with Kassandra.” Ambrose had softened his tone which meant he was beginning to make a mends with Dalton.

“Are you.?” God bless Dalton for asking the question I so desperately wanted to hear.


“Trinity, is it working? Do you feel it?” Perseus’ voice had interrupted me and was so abrupt that it threw me off causing me to lose my concentration and I was itching to know the answer the suspense was killing me, talk about bad timing. Actually now that I think about it this is the second time he interrupts me from finding out something valuable. I had to just shrug it off as bad luck.

“I did.” Manging to smile regardless of how frustrated I was, I still used one of my senses and it was strong. This was definitely a good start, why hadn’t I thought about trying this on my own before.

“Alright now this one is more fun to use but should only be done so when necessary.” Perseus looked me in the eyes while showing me how serious he was being, it almost made me laugh like he didn’t trust I would take caution with the things I could do.

“Of course!” I grinned while waiting for further instructions.

“Actually we’ll skip that until the Winter Solstice being put in that kind of environment makes it more difficult to steady a stream of emotions coming out of one person while surrounded by others.”

“But I can already do that.” I added playfully.

“Really? Because it took me a good three years to get that one down solid.” Perseus grinned looking impressed that I knew quite a bit when I hadn’t been trained.

“Sense me.” Perseus was now facing me while anticipating me to sense him. So I might have been better at sensing a threat than just regular feelings but it couldn’t be that hard.

“Easy.” I gloated while closing my eyes so I could focus mainly on his stream of emotions. At first I got nothing but then I felt like I was on the same emotional wave length as Perseus like we connected or something. I started seeing things like a video being played in my head a little blond boy who was taken away from his family and then I saw him as a teenager watching his parents die and vowing to be stronger than any living creature. A mess of anger and fear spread through me, it was beginning to swallow me whole.

Perseus was gasping for air as he snapped out of whatever state he was in and began shaking my body. “ Trinity!”

I opened my eyes and I felt the sensation burn inside me, I shook myself out of it blinking until things began to settle down. “Wh- what was that?” I asked completely unnerved.

“Big difference between sensing with someone and connecting with someone. You shouldn’t have done that.” Perseus seemed a little on edge himself after this.

“Why what’s the big deal?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Two people usually connect when their intimate. It’s sort of a bonding thing. It’s a big deal for us Nephilims. Most of us don’t ever connect with more than one person.” Perseus was now standing running his fingers through his hair.

“Oh... but I’ve connected with someone else before. It can’t be that big of a deal.” I tried making sense of this , it’s just weird.

“Who did you connect with before?” Perseus looked at me with a more serious expression.

“Ambrose.” I stated flatly, whatever this meant I’m sure it wasn’t as big of a deal as Perseus made it out to be.

“That’s impossible, Nephilims can only connect with other Nephilims.” Perseus now look dumbfounded by his logic.

“So what do we do now?” I asked getting up feeling slightly overwhelmed.

“Pretend this never happened.”

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