The Alliance Chapter 8- The mysterious Kassandra

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The Alliance Chapter 8- The Mysterious Kassandra

I stared at Dalton for mere seconds until his eyes met mine. I galared at him with the meanest most threatening look I could. Taking my blade, with little thought I punctered the skin near my wrist and slid it into his mouth. Fortunately, he was too weak to argue with me. If he wanted to cause a scene he could do so after he was alive and well.

"Seriously. Ambrose hates me enough already he'd probably try and kill me himself if I let you die." I shook my head trying to dull my senses. It felt like my veins were going to come out of my arm, it wasn't painful but wasn't exactly what I would consider pleasant. For a leech sucking blood out of my body,  I preferred avoiding thinking about that since this was something I never thought I would be doing.

Dalton needed this and I owed my life to him. It was that simple, looking into his eyes I noticed the golden colour now seemingly more vibrant with his strength slowly coming back. Dakton pulled my wrist out of his mouth and pushed it as far away from him as possible. Placing one hand behind his back to help him sit up.

"I haven't had human blood in over a century." Dalton's voice was groggy however, the shock eminated in his voice.

"Aww, Dalton does it make you moody? Besides, my blood is only half human." I added in a smug, self satisfied tone. I was relieved that he was okay while checking my wrist analyzing the  tiny bite marks. Ripping the bottom corner of my shirt and tying it around my wrist until it healed seemed like a good idea. The downfall to being Nephilim was healing took some down time before completely healing.

"You changed fate, if I was meant to die you should have left things as they were." Dalton looked a little pissed, he had that same agitated look he first had when I met him.

"You weren't meant to die, my blood healed you so if you were meant to die I wouldn't have been at the right time in the right place. Right ,mate?" I smirked at him, watching his blood start to boil. Seriously ungrateful.

"Call me mate one more time Trinity and-" Dalton sat upright and locked eyes with me. Intimidation never worked.

"And you'll what? Beat me up? That would be pointless I'd just heal. Oh maybe you'll tell Alistair what a bad girl I've been. Roaming the streets late at night with you by my side?" I raised an eyebrow starting to get annoyed with him. I stood up while wiping the dirt off my pants and started to walk back. I had a feeling Dalton wasn't going to just drop this.

"Blackmail? Why are you being such a bitch for?" Dalton's words had me come to a halt.

"I'm a bitch? Sorry if I didn't want you to die." I crossed my arms and stared at the ground while walking, grasping my strength just to tune him out.

"You didn't want me to die?" A small, irresistibly handsome smile crept it's way onto Dalton's face.

"Just drop it." I snapped as I continued walking ahead. Dalton's pace kept up with mine as that smug look was plastered all over his face. Showing my emotions was just as annoying to me as my calling him "mate" was to him.

When we got close to the gate I started to feel a little dizzy. I shrugged it off as lack of sleep and climbed the gate but when I got to the top I felt the ground below me spinning.

"I don't feel so well." I went to grab the steel bar to manage myself down the gate and lost my grip and Dalton caught me in his arms while laughing at my second demonstration at how well my coordination was.

"You just lost a lot of blood." He chuckled still carrying me in his arms. "I'll make sure you get to your room okay, if you want."

I just smiled lazily while everything felt prettier, the sky looked darker, my body tingled. " Why do I feel like I've been drinking all night?" I tilted my head back hoping the spinning would stop.

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