Chapter 35- Tuoco!

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Chapter 35- Tuoco!

I bit my lip and decided that neither option was a good one. I could confide in Ambrose and risk him getting in the way of things or I could just keep it to myself until I knew for sure what was going to happen. Two days until the full moon didn’t leave us with a lot of time to go over everything.

I felt the tension rise when I walked into the Guest House. Everyone was in the main foyer either sitting or standing around the table talking amongst themselves. Just from glancing around the corner into the parlor I noticed dozens of Augurs and Nephilims were either sitting near the fireplace in their own little group while the ones who weren’t strong enough were laying on what looked like army cots spread throughout the room.

“How many did we lose?” I directed my focus to Violet.

“Six, but we have eighteen. Some in great condition -others , mainly the augurs aren’t doing all that well.” Violet glanced towards the parlor where I then walked over towards the entrance to take a good look for myself.

Now that I look closer the ones that were sitting near the fireplace were Nephilims. Some were in their teenager years, a few that were older and there was a little blond Nephilim girl who was sitting alone in the corner of the room. Just from looking at her , reminded me of myself when I was a kid. For some reason this upset me, I expected Tristan and  Marlow to be selfish, scumbags that want to dominate the world but to trample over kids to do so; it was just wrong.

I walked over towards her and bent down onto my knees.

“Hi there.” I smiled while trying to make eye contact with her but she just looked down.

“I’m Trinity, what’s your name?” I asked before sitting on the floor and crossing my legs and trying to get a better look at her.

The little girl lifted her chin just slightly out of curiosity. That’s when I noticed how much we really had looked alike.

“Aurora.” The girl then made a face and looked up at me funny.

“What’s the matter?” It felt stupid coming out of my mouth given everything that’s been going on but still it seemed like something else was bothering her.

“I don’t look like you!” The little girl shot back furiously.

“I never said-” That’s when it clicked in.

“You can read minds.” I smiled.

“Yeah, it’s sooo cool. I’m suppose to have some sort of useful power and I can’t even blow shit up.” The girl added casually ,who now let her guard down and was facing me directly.

I tried to fight a laugh but it came out freely.

“How old are you?” I asked looking behind me to where Ambrose and Dalton were chatting. I hoped to God that Dalton kept his trap shut.

“Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.”

The words that came out of this little girl’s mouth was unbelievable. She was a tough cookie alright and couldn’t be older than ten. I quickly gave her a pat on the shoulder.

“Ahh you’ll be just fine kid.”

When I got up Ambrose shot me a look that practically screamed ‘be more sympathetic’. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Hey, I’m no Buddha. It’s the best I’ve got.”

I turned to the group of Nephilims that sat by the fire place. A few looked up at me with blank expressions and the others seemed to nerve-wracked to notice my existence. I went towards them and sat on my knees to be eye level with them.

“I know you guys have been through hell. Literally. I want you guys to know that this will all be over soon and then you won’t have to worry about anything like this ever again.” I tried to add reassuring.

One girl who looked no more than seventeen raised her head to look at me and her eyes were gleaming silver.

“I want to fight. I don’t care if I die.” The girl seemed so confident in what she was saying that I was almost stunned.

Nephilims willing to fight given their history of hiding still made the ones that willing would fight for the cause seem like hidden gems.

“Well what can you do?” I asked while trying to assess and figure out what powers these Nephilims were capable of.

“I can heal, I’m like a generator I don’t run out of energy.” The girl looked up at me, overexcited.

“Do you think you can help out the injured over there?” I suggested while glancing over to the Augurs and few Nephilim who seemed to be in pretty  bad condition.

“Are you kidding me? I can heal a whole freaking army.” The girl rose to her feet and extended her palms as blue lights sparked through her veins until her bare hands were glowing themselves.

Again, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe this girl had so much power behind her. I’m suppose to be able to wheel a ton more power and I couldn’t do anything like that. I was still staring at her agape.

“I can show you if you want.” The girl grinned while holding one of her palms out to me.

Upon holding her hand the strangest thing came over me. I felt dizzy, almost as though I was drifting in mid air. The light was bittersweet as it stung to look at but absolutely felt amazing like my entire body was in a warm, caressing sauna. The waves of energy touched my fingertips and travelled intensely throughout my body and all of the negative thoughts,feelings and worries were just gone. I was no longer on edge and worrying that Dalton would tell Ambrose, heck at this
I wouldn’t care if he tried to stop me. The only way to describe everything that I felt right now was free. Worry free, care free, stress free. It was like all the dark places inside of me were all gone.

“What did you do to me?” I demanded sounding a bit awry as I looked at myself to find nothing physically had changed about me.

“You weren’t in need of physical healing but your soul did. All the negative energy is gone, do you feel it?” The girl grinned at me in approval.

Just as I was about to answer her there was a knock on the door. I cocked my head in Ambrose’s direction. Who the hell else could be coming here? Perseus? I strayed towards the foyer to find Balthazar standing at the entrance looking grim and unimpressed. Ambrose made his way towards Balthazar to speak with him privately as I managed to make my way next to Dalton and gave him a hard glance.

“I need a word with you.” I mumbled before pointing towards the kitchen in the back.

Dalton followed me, it wouldn’t be long until Ambrose would notice my absence so I took advantage of it.

“What’s the matter?” Dalton looked at me worryingly.

“I’m not telling Ambrose about what I’m planning to do. I don’t want you to either.”

I gave him a stern look because I was very adamant about this, Dalton in return had just nodded.

“He’s not thinking clearly and he’s more worried about you with every second that passes. It’s for the best.” Dalton said it in a way that made it believable but there was something off in his tone.

I hadn’t caught on until just now and maybe it was because I could focus now but I noticed what it was that was different about Dalton. I actually sensed his worry over me.  I bit my bottom lip wondering what I could do or say to reassure him but words didn’t seem to help. When our eyes met I actually saw the worry and it made me feel worse to know that people worried over me especially when I didn’t even worry about myself. I just wrapped my arms around Dalton and pulled him into me. All the times I was in proximity to Dalton there was always a small bit of chemistry but right now all I felt was happy to be this close to a very good friend.

“What was that for?” Dalton looked down at me with a strange look.

“For being my mate. No matter what happens you shouldn’t worry about me. As cheesy as I’m going to sound I’ve been blessed.” I forced a smile but the words that came out of my mouth were entirely true.

“Darling you aren’t the one whose been blessed.” A confident and sexy grin spread onto Dalton’s face as we both headed out of the kitchen only to find everyone looking discouraged and full of despair.

“Alright maybe it’s just my imagination but Balthazar I don’t think anyone’s happy to see you.” I made a joke looking over to Balthazar who was still standing near the entrance.

I hadn’t even seen Ambrose’s face until he turned around and I had no idea what was happening but I felt my heart stop. I’ve never seen Ambrose’s eyes so dark and blank.

“We need to go, pack up. We’re leaving.” Ambrose was looking at me but he wasn’t seeing me.

“Okay... where to?” I looked at Ambrose waiting for his response.

“Italy.” Balthazar added looking pretty beat up.

“Does anyone want to tell me what’s going on?” I rolled my eyes forcing myself closer to Ambrose who just ignored any further eye contact.

“In the car. I’ll explain everything. I hoped things wouldn’t come to this.” Ambrose gestured me to the car while the others packed up our weapons to make haste.

I moved quicker to stand next to Ambrose and when I touched him he completely went rigid. My eyebrows furred instantly as I pushed him into the side of the car.

“What the hell is with you!” I demanded forcing myself even more onto him ,leaving him no room to move.

“Nothing.” Ambrose slid me off of him so casually before walking a few steps and grabbing a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up , inhaling it with such a desperate need.

I crossed my arms and stared at him viciously. “ Bullshit.”

I waited for him to answer me.

Ambrose looked at the ground mostly before shaking his head while muttering something.

“I can’t do it.”

His voice was barely audible but I head with almost perfect clarity. I moved towards him this time slower and more cautiously.

“Can’t do what?” I asked tilting my head to see him.

“ I can’t save you.” His voice cracked as he met my gaze.

I didn’t know what to say to that. My throat was burning and I was actually choked up. I wanted to tell him that everything would be fine no matter what but I didn’t even believe it myself. The worst part about no matter what the outcome of this would be was that it would hurt the people I loved. I could deal with losing the people I loved and never to see them again- it was bearable so long as their lives weren’t in jeopardy than I would make due. I didn’t notice my eyes were watery until I looked down and a tear fell onto the back of my hand. I stepped in closer and buried my face into the crease of Ambrose’s neck and just wrapped my arms around his torso.

After what only seemed to be seconds I pulled away and smiled.

“You already have. I never wanted more out of life until I met you.”

I paused as I cupped his face in my hands and pulled his lips to mine. “ I love you.”

Ambrose had stopped kissing me and froze. Had I gone too far? I mean I was pretty sure I had said it before, in fact I was sure of it but those times it had gone unnoticed. Ambrose distanced himself momentarily and looked at me with a straight face. He grabbed my hands in his and laced our fingers.

“Say it again.” Ambrose demanded playfully.

“I love you?” I asked looking at him with a strange look of amusement on my face.

Ambrose had the sexiest grin on his face before pulling me against his chest and kissing me almost violently. His lips crashed into mine and my stomach seemed to being doing somersaults. This time I pulled away.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” I asked looking at him questioningly. I mean when someone says I love you a response either good or bad is sort of mandatory.

“Thank you.” Ambrose added teasingly as he pulled my hips up against him and continued to kiss me.

I pulled away again. “Thank you? I say I love you and you say thank you?”

Ambrose let out a soft laugh. “Trinity, you know that you drive me absolutely crazy - but I love you.”

A smile tugged at my lips as I let go of Ambrose’s hands and opened the door to the car to sit in the back and gestured him to come.

“ Let’s have a quicky.” I teased before sliding over just enough for Ambrose to come in.

“You’re not being serious are you?” A look of utter lust took over Ambrose as he was in the car within seconds, closing the door behind him.

I let out a laugh. “ I was not being serious. Well it’s not a bad idea but I want to know what’s going on.”

“Balthazar has been working both sides.” Ambrose straight up confessed.

“What?” I practically shouted , feeling my blood start to boil.

“ He was always with us but the council suggested given his history that he had connections we didn’t. He worked their side to get info for us and in return he fed them fake leads.”

I didn’t know what to make of this. Why hadn’t anyone told me? I distanced myself away from Ambrose because now I was starting to get upset. More secrets.

“What else don’t I know about?” I shot back looking unimpressed with him.

“Tristan wanted us out of the Safe House for a reason. They were looking for something inside the building and up until recently we didn’t know what that was. “Tuoco”, what do you know about it?” Ambrose asked.

I thought long and hard for a minute when it clicked in. “ The last great war that led the Nephilims into hiding caused them to forge a seal to an underground prison that no one knew where it was. History said the world’s most dangerous beasts responsible are tortured there. I thought it was impenetrable anyways? What would Tristan want with it?”

“Alistair was the only one entrusted with a map and Tristan found it.  It’s not completely impenetrable. A hybrid’s blood would open the seal. Back then it was next to impossible because it took hundreds of Nephilim focusing their energy to locking the seal. A hybrid’s power is well....massive and it’s not hard to put the rest of the pieces together.” Ambrose watched my reaction.

“He wants them free? Aren’t there hundreds in there?” I swallowed sharply just imagining the kind of damage that could happen.

“Likely, after captivity for centuries I’ll bet their dying to come out and play.The Dark Ones seem like kittens compared to them.”

I remember reading dozens of textbooks about the Great War and the monstrous things done by these monsters was horrific to put it mildly.

“Alright then off to Italy.”

A/N: Next upload will have so much action you'll have to restrain yourselves! lol Trinity may or may not turn- who knows? I wonder how evil these locked up monsters really are?

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