The Alliance- Chapter 1- The Agreement

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The Alliance Chapter 1- The Agreement

Storming through the doors like a wave of mass destruction. This was my interpretation of keeping myself together. The Safe House was my home but it was also home to many. A mansion that was simply a building on the exterior but on the inside, if walls could talk they would never shut up. This Safe House was the shelter from the storm of my life, a safe haven and I'd be damned if I'd let those lifeless, blood-sucking leeches into our sanctuary.

The Safe house was founded by the first generation of The Alliance back in the early 18th Century.  A group of men and some supernatural beings called Nephilim, They were trained and sworn to protect mankind at all costs.  They were educated in their areas of expertise that was determined through extensive testing. The training was where the real test was though. If it didn't kill you, it made you stronger. If it had, well then I'd likely be assigned to bury remains. A hunter was only as strong as their weakest link.  It might seem heartless and thoughtless but like any fierce and deadly movement that ever existed- it was the only option. Humanity depended on it. Like that wasn't burden enough and of course humanity is  just sitting there offing itself over petty wars which is astonishingly trivial given the fact that supernatural forces could wipe them out with little effort. If we let them, of course.

 The Safe House has several floors, wings but the best would be the secret passageways. Easier to avoid unwanted company, also quicker to getaway from the enemy or conveniently for sneaking off premises. Which is something I would never do. I mean get caught doing. Obviously, what kind of hunter would I be if I did? Each floor held it's own purpose, the main floor had the lounge for visitors which was usually other hunters from different Chapters as every city had them. Then, there were the Common Rooms where meetings took place. This was anything but common as most were hidden in the mansion and were only accessed through secret passageways that required intricate instructions to locate them.

  The Alliance was ran very democratically, the first hunters were our "Elders". Their heirs were the descendants and future leaders. The larger they grew, they elected a head Elder. Chapters were formed in every city. From time to time, they would gather and meet to discuss important issues. Decisions to make under duress, like currently. Meeting with an enemy on our turf to discuss a common enemy. They say the enemy of our enemy is our friend, I beg to differ. I am firm on the thought if we have an enemy, annihilate them first and ask questions later.

The Alliance has proved to be shelter, not just to hunters but also to strays. The first floor in the Safe House was filled with dorm rooms. A lot of orphans came to the Safe House especially after the Vampires started buying out or bribing officers. Hell, our Government was being controlled by them. Homeless kids and orphans were sold to vampires to the highest bid. Some, the lucky ones- managed to avoid this fate by finding a Safe House.However, not everyone was as lucky. This was evident when they first had me on cleanup patrol. Nothing like scrubbing the blood of children or the elderly off the concrete behind alleyways. The weak ones, the ones easier to manipulate and corrupt....finding their throats ripped apart with their eyes wide open petrified with fear. This is what led to my secret late night patrols.

As far as education went, The Alliance never faltered. We're always one step ahead in the game. The second floor in the Safe House was filled with classrooms. The left wing was all academic and knowledge. The right wing was all structured and hands on. All teachers were hunters that graduated at the top of their class in the real world. Our History Professor was over two hundred years old, was a well versed and also feared.He was a Nephilim- one of the few who openly attest to their true nature and power where as most Nephils hid their gift.

The weaponry class was taught by a sincerely god-like mentor who was a top sniper from Cheng Hei. He also specialized in deadly martial arts with a degree in chemical engineering. Hands down, best class was Training. The gym was by far the biggest room in the mansion that took up the entire right wing. The first year instructor was the fastest human alive, his agility was like no other human. His students- always got schooled. Being taught every style of fighting and went with what worked best for us. My AOE was archery. When you have great vision that there isn't a single target within a thousand mile radius that you can't hunt and kill, you quickly find your forte.

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