The Alliance Chapter 17 pt 2

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Chapter 17 pt 2

In a haste we made our way to the auditorium and even though I was still really confused and absolutely hated the unknown I had no other choice but to push everything to the back of my mind. I would worry and come up with something to resolve these problems but it would have to be after I kicked some serious ass. I won’t lie I was still a bit shaken up by Tristan, he seemed so powerful and I was  literally powerless against him maybe Uri was wrong about me.

“Hey, you’ll be fine.” Ambrose whispered following alongside as we quickened our pace.

“You know you’d think Marlow would be happy that I didn’t kill his precious son, that should have counted for something. Besides what kind of father sends his son off on a suicide mission anyways?” I added as I played with the charm on my wrist waiting for the effect it was suppose to have on me.

“It’s more of an glory mission for one and secondly that boy won’t live down the humiliation he was better off dead.” Ambrose’s voice was confident like he knew everything about their kind.

I shrugged my shoulders as I was greeted by Saddie who looked over at me relieved, from the looks of it she likely thought I’d ditch her.

“Thank God.” Saddie mumbled making her way towards me tossing me my hand wraps.

“Saddie this is a 180” Mexican style hand wrap, where’d you pick this up from?” I asked looking at it, the tape fit comfortably around my wrist and fingers it made fighting that much safer. Surely in the real world during an attack you’re not going to spend five minutes taping up your hands but it makes for good practice.

“Mexico?” Saddie laughed as she got herself ready.

After we were done I noticed Oliver was sitting with Anna who waved gallantly while wearing a “Team Trinity” shirt. This was even more embarrassing than I’d have imagined it could be.  Like in movies while a kid plays a sport and their mother is cheering loudly hollering and screaming “ That’s my baby” .

“Oh god.” I groaned turning away as though I couldn’t see her.

“They mean well?” Saddie stated but it came out sounding more as a question.

“Good Luck in there.” The firm deep reserved voice belonged to none other than Balthazar, I turned to see him standing next to Gabriel and Dalton with Ambrose and Violet filling him in on our earlier events which naturally he didn’t seem to approve of.

“Thanks.” I looked at him in wonder, not long after watching Dalton, Ambrose, Balthazar and six other Alliance members leave towards the entrances to the Auditorium. From the corner of my eyes I noticed another ten Alliance members going outside, likely taking shifts at all the entrances to the Safe House.  I was glad they were taking precautions but like Ambrose had stated earlier it was an unlikely event for anything to happen at a time like this. Then another thought came to mind, if the Werewolves and the Dark Ones were plotting something against the Alliance members what better time then when their all gathered together for an event? This thought brought a certain uneasy feeling to me but I  stopped my thoughts in their midst , I was being utterly ridiculous.

Just as I slowly looked around I felt a knot tie up in my stomach, up until this moment I hadn’t taken into a account how many people were really here. I was actually getting a little nervous, first I go from being emotionless and complaining about it now I’ve got more emotions than I can cope with and I’m still complaining.

Saddie and I made our way to the front of the Auditorium where the last battle was. Alistair was in the far left sitting with other of his superiors and he gave me a nod and that’s all it took before my confidence came flooding back. I grinned as Saddie headed first into the center facing Fielding. Kovacs stood behind the lines in Fielding’s direction and I was not far behind Saddie.

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