Chapter 33- The Illusion

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Chapter 33 The Illusion

“Shit.” I muttered in disbelief.

I definitely did not see that coming. The worst part of it all was that even if I had wanted to believe it wasn’t true, the fact that he couldn’t lie to me made this all the more believable. I paused myself while still gripping onto the werewolf’s neck and turned to look at Dalton. I wanted to see what kind of expression he had on his face. I wondered if this was true because this would change things.

Dalton sprung forward and jabbed his blade through Oxford’s chest, piercing his heart. Blood curdling screams filled the room as I was taken aback by shock. Well this confirmed it.

“Dalton, you weren’t suppose to kill him we could have used him to get to Tristan.” Onya shook her head wondering what the hell he was thinking.

“Relax we don’t need him.” I added while stumbling back wiping the splattered blood that washed up on me.

Dalton looked fierce and hadn’t said a single word as he wiped his blade clean while slipping it into his belt. Violet whispered something to Emmaline and then they both looked at me.

“What? Do you think it’s true that I’m connected to Tristan?” I asked looking at Violet as she looked over while biting her lip indecisively.

“I....I’m not sure but we can find out.” Violet held out her hand and this nervous feeling began to consume me.

I hesitated at first because this would without a doubt confirm or deny something that would potentially put a big dent in my plans. I unsteadily held out my hand and closed my eyes. I heard her mutter words under her breath in a language that was completely foreign to me, and I had known a lot of different languages. Scared to open my eyes, curiosity got the best of me and a  gasp left my mouth.

A twinkle of light that shone silver and was thinner than a thread went directly towards my heart. I couldn’t touch it and it seemed to go off into the darkness but whatever this was I was pretty sure it meant that I was connected to Tristan.

“Can you cut it or something?” Frantically I tried to touch the silver thread but it was no use.

“This was done magically.” Emmaline gasped while looking deep in thought.

“Great , you guys are powerful you can undo whatever this is.” I looked at them almost begging for some magical solution.

Dalton moved and put an arm around me protectively before bringing his lips to my ear.
“The only way to end a bond is through death.”

My heart sank.

I felt the panic start to set in.

“Alright so if I still turn I can try to get my soul back at the full moon,right? Tristan will die too but he won’t be able to come back if I do too, right?” I felt irrational and out of control. My plan just got scrapped.

“If your soul comes back so does his.” Violet looked down.

I hadn’t even noticed but Onya was now standing above the dead werewolf as she began to thrust her blade into him over and over again.

“These stupid, useless mutts. Always trying to kill and ruin everything. I hope they all rot in hell.” She continued to strike the dead animal as Dalton made his way over to her and pulled her blade out of her hand.

Onya looked over at me with a look of pure rage. “ Scrap the first plan. Let’s just go in there and kill as many as we can and then hold Tristan prisoner.....for ever?”

The way she had said that brought a smile to my face. “ Hey, no worries. We’ll figure some shit out because if I do go out - it won’t be without a big ass, bloodied up fight.” I teased as I held back the anger and pain I felt completely take over me. It wasn’t so much that I was scared of dying it was just I had more reasons to live- more now than ever before. I simply did not want to die.

Without hesitating or wasting anymore time I pulled the top of the vent off, quickly ripping the hinges off with such ease it was like ripping paper. I made a sound of disgust when I saw cobwebs galore and spiders. Yes, spiders grossed me out. Of all the things to make the hair on my arms stand up, something as little as spiders took the cake. Hand me a giant werewolf or Dark One , show me blood and guts and I won’t act like anything is out of the ordinary but show me hairy little , bug like creatures with several legs and I’ll squirm.

I began to crawl downwards, making sure to go slow enough not to lose my footing and fall down. When we came to the end of it a door opened and we were now in sewers.

“Lovely stench!” Onya added sarcastically.

“I’d take this scent over wet dogs any day.” I added while passively examining my surroundings to make sure there was no other surprises waiting for us here.

“Same.” Violet scrunched up her nose in disgust.

The sewer tunnel seemed endless but I had a feeling that if we continued going north we’d be near the edge of town and that’s where I had a hunch we were headed. I decided to make small talk just to distract me from thinking too much about the problems I would eventually encounter.

“Sooooooo Onya. How are things with Perseus?” I glanced at her from the side and immediately saw her face blush. Onya walked next to me as Violet and Emmaline walked behind us meanwhile Dalton began treading behind the rest of us making sure we’d have no surprise from behind.

“Why would you ask? We’re not an item or anything.” Onya spat out looking flustered.

“Not yet.” I teased.

“Oh, stop embarrassing her.” Violet glanced between the two of us,  clearly amused by the change of subject.

“Alright, alright.” I emphasized the little interest I had in not embarrassing Onya, because for once the heat wasn’t on me.

“All I’m saying is Perseus respects you but his feelings go....profoundly deeper.” I grinned at Onya who once again was flushed with embarrassment.

“Ugh... I can’t believe I’m talking about this with you. Wait- you think so?” Onya stopped in the midst of walking to turn and look at me with a curious expression.

“Mmhmm.” I nodded in agreement.

“Trinity, care to focus on the task at hand?” Dalton’s berating tone from behind ,consciously nagging at me.

“Don’t seem so nervous Dalton, I’ve got things under control.” I argued while glimpsing back at him,continuing to stride onwards.

The irony of those words sunk in as I began to lose my footing over a crack in the ground and I fell flat onto my ass. My cheeks began to flush and that I had no control over either. I just closed my eyes and gave my head a shake. Before I could say anything the crack on the cement blocks struck my interest. Why was this block so much lower than the others. There was a small circular stone that seemed almost glued to the ground only feet away from where I stood. When I shifted to the wall and began to touch the stone that stuck out like a sore thumb from where I was sitting I stretched my hand out and when I went to push it, it did not  even budge a little. I began to push down on it and turn the stone, surely enough as I pushed down and twisted it the cement block began to slide back.

“Just like those Indiana Jones movies.” Onya gave me her hand to quickly spring onto my feet.

“And to think we might have missed this if I hadn’t have fallen on my butt.” I stood up and saw Dalton standing behind me.

“Good Job, Dalton.” I patted his back and without much concern began to follow down the steps to this entirely new finding. This was exactly how I would have imagined a secret lair to be, with torch holders on the walls and stone steps leading down to God only knows what. Well we were about to find out what that would be.

Violet had mumbled something and white lights sparked a single torch which she used to carry beside me.

“How did you do that?” Onya asked as she looked over at her in astonishment. Clearly she hadn’t spent much time with Augurs to know their simple , little magic tricks.

“Witch light.” Emmaline joked from behind. Quickly taking a look Emmaline had attempted to link her arm in Dalton’s but the second he saw me looking he quickly stepped away from her and came closer to me.

I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of that but the best I could assume was that he didn’t want me to think that he wasn’t taking this seriously. Dalton in theory has never failed me, however this could also be because I continuously compared him to Ambrose- who countless times let me down. In all fairness we never had things easy. Fate just decided against us and it made even trying to be an “us” impossible.

I crept forwards now that my mind was clear and on alert mode. I heard some noises but wasn’t sure exactly how many were there. Coming down a small corridor Violet blew out the flame and we walked in total silence. That’s when I heard crying. A woman’s voice echoing in the hall and the rattling of chains. When we approached the door there were iron bars at the top to see in and as I leaned to take a look what I saw horrified me. Two women were strapped to some sort of chairs. One of them who wasn’t moving but you could see her body inhaling and exhaling which was a good sign. Only she had needles all throughout her body as blood dripped out into tubes filling up blood bags. The horror swept me up entirely as I saw the sad, heartbroken expression on her face as though she were sleeping and having never-ending night terrors.

The other who seemed to be in a sitting position in the chair was only cuffed to it but there was a black mark of some kind that was drawn on her forehead.

“For the love of God, we need to get her out of there!” Emmaline whispered in a panicked tone as she frantically pushed forward bumping into me.

“It’s her, isn’t it?” I stared at the woman who was crying until she went silent , her eyes falling on us.

Her dark almond eyes locked with mine and I saw the resemblance she looked like Emmaline and Violet but had completely different features. Her hair fell messily around her face that was soaked with tears and sweat. She mouthed something but it was next to impossible to hear her from this distance. I focused in on the movements of her lips and read the words “They’re coming.”

I placed my hand on the door nob and to my relief it was unlocked. I suppose when you have your captives that locked up other locks weren’t necessary. I motioned for everyone to follow, which hadn’t been necessary because Violet and Emmaline were already moving towards Prudence with their eyes as watery and voices shaking as they muttered her name while embracing her.

Onya was on guard on the other side of the door , opposite to where I stood. Dalton was keeping a firm eye on the girl who had the tubes coming out of her. He was likely going through a blood lust faze with all that blood - not that I could blame him. However, I figured he had the same queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach like I had. This could be me. Everything I learned of the slavery of Nephilims and being tortured I never once placed myself in their shoes and suddenly the reality of it hits you completely unexpectedly.

I heard the footsteps slowly approach and then I decided to take a deep breath and test out my theory. I kept my left hand within reaching distance of my blade just in case this didn ‘t work. Onya quickly pushed the door open and crept in looking at me.

“What’s the plan? Should we wait for them to come in or slice their necks once they pass?” Onya’s hand was gripping her blade so tightly it was clear she wanted to kill as many as these mutts as I had.

“I want to try something and if it doesn’t work we’ll go to Plan B.”I added inhaling deeply while closing my eyes.

I truly had no idea what I was doing but if I could not only manipulate objects maybe just maybe I could manipulate myself. If I could create the illusion that I am one of them then I could create a diversion and any extra time is good time.

“What happens if Plan A works?” Dalton crossed his arms looking concerned and unimpressed but not enough to argue with me.

“If I can trick them into thinking I’m one of them then you guys get Prudence and as many of them out of here as you can.You’ll have to go through the main entrance. By  then I should have them convinced we’re coming in through the tunnel. If I get caught before that.......”
I couldn’t think of anything really reassuring to tell them, so I made a joke.

“If I get caught at least you know they can’t kill me yet.” I forced a small grin.

“Oh bloody hell! Trinity, take this seriously. You didn’t have us all come along to go off all by yourself. I will go with you, the ladies are perfectly capable of rescuing them.” Dalton signalled to the door as the footsteps quickly approached.

I held my breath and pictured Oxford in my head. I pictured every small detail, drinking in all his little features with his crooked front tooth, his smell and the way he moved and spoke. I couldn’t tell if I had changed or not but there was only one way to find out.

I opened the door to be greeted by a single man in a a security uniform. I immediately spotted his gun in his belt and quickly glanced around to see if any others were coming by.

“Where were you? That bitch was sobbing so loudly..........” I  paused before grumbling unimpressed. The man looked at me strangely for a moment before I spoke before he had the chance to get a word in.

“Never mind it’s settled now. I’ve overheard them. The Nephilim girl and four others are planning to go through the tunnel tomorrow morning.” I looked alarmed and the man seemed to be more on alert too.

“Was wondering if you would come back alive, Ox. Tristan will be pleased to hear this.” The man gestured for me to follow alongside him, as I complied. I heard the door creak open ever so slightly. I noticed Dalton slip out and follow at a safe distance behind. I smiled feeling a little reassured as we continued down another grey and dingy corridor. It was cold and damp down here which I’m sure the Dark Ones preferred seeing as they had a much lower tolerance for sunlight compared to The Elites.

I prayed that the others would make it out safe. Looking around there were at least a dozen doors and cries for help came out of several of them. The worst was the children, I heard singing from the rooms.An old song that I wasn’t familiar with but the Nephilim children who were used to harvest for blood would sing in hopes that God would hear their prayers and reach out to them. I felt my stomach clench but made sure I looked as emotionless as the part I was meant to play.

It wasn’t until I heard a little girl cry out for her mother that I nearly turned my head to look and the man who’s name tag read “ Dean” stopped and looked at me. I gulped hard, fearing that my cover was now blown.

“Listen Ox, you have to grow a pair. Last time you tried to help them Tristan sent you above ground, hoping the Nephilim would kill you. You’ve finally redeemed yourself don’t screw that up.”

His voice was calm and collected as his eyes that rested upon mine were more sympathetic towards me. I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. Oxford was killed at my hand and all he was trying to do was save those poor people. I didn’t think for a second that they even so much as flinched. The fact that they were apart of this at all still meant they would have to die.

“Of course I won’t.” I added short and simply.

I hadn’t wanted to speak too much because that would give me away. We ended up in a room where Tristan was standing with a few men as they hovered above papers on a desk, chatting amongst themselves.

When Tristan stopped to look at us , he looked down on us as though we were nothing more than background images.

“Might I suggest knocking before disturbing me.” Tristan sounded upset but kept himself uninterested as he went back to looking at his papers.

“Oxford has seen the girl. They intend on coming through the tunnels at sunrise.” Dean spoke for me which I was grateful for.

Tristan looked up as his eyes twinkled with excitement. “Really now?”

His gaze fell upon me as I nodded.

“After I am done here, we will make sure to catch them off guard before they come here. Good Job Oxford , you proved yourself useful to me. I won’t kill you just yet.”

I just smiled knowing very well what the real Oxford would have said .” Thank you, master.”

I kept my eyes on the ground. Dean and myself left to stand guard outside the room as I  tried to eavesdrop several times. I couldn’t focus much of my energy into hearing what they were saying because I felt drained. I felt the toll that doing this to my body was taking. I needed to keep them here and out of the way or else this would be pointless. None of us were going to die, at least not here.

Several hours passed, thankfully there wasn’t a single disturbance or anything remotely interesting which meant they hadn’t been caught. I knew that by now they were close to leaving, they were likely camping out in a room until they knew for certain that we were on our way towards the Safe House.

I couldn’t see Dalton at all but I was sure he was close. It was near nightfall when Tristan came out and there were all in all 30 mutts standing by the front door waiting for his orders. I noticed parallel doors that seemed to be going down to a cellar, I didn’t think much of it until there were coolers with blood bags sent down. It was either a storage for the Nephilim blood or the place where the Dark Ones were staying.

“My friends and followers, this should be nothing more than a cat chasing a mouse. However, be on alert and do not under any circumstance touch the girl. She is mine!” Tristan’s voice came out radiant and almost left me in awe, if only I spoke with that charisma. He was certainly meant to be a leader but it was a shame he chose the wrong side.

The others howled still in human form and others cheered as though this were going to be an easy victory. Oh brother, how you underestimate me. I looked at him and fought the urge to laugh. We were now going down the same corridor which we were in earlier and there was no sign of anyone. It was quiet and eerie but no one had seemed to take notice or even care.
I didn’t realize how soon I had spoken but Tristan came to a halt.

He immediately held his hands out to silence the mob. Upon listening to the nothingness Tristan cocked his head in my direction. Silver swirls began to form in his eyes. So this was what it was like to see his eyes change right in front of you. We shared the same gift and it was as haunting as I thought it would be. I tried to stay calm and not panic. Tristan kicked one of the doors open to find it completely abandoned. There wasn’t a single person in sight.

When Tristan came back out he was staring daggers at me and started to walk closer. In a panic I raced backwards as everyone around me pushed out of the way. I was back up against a wall and noticed Dalton speed down the corridor standing behind me with his blade to my neck.

“Dalton what the hell?” I whispered as the blade dug deeper into my flesh.

I began to choke a little from the pressure as Dalton’s grip tightened around me. “Don’t worry mate. I have your back.”

Tristan must have seen me as me this time because his look changed a little bit.

“I should have known something was different. Oxford would not have survived an encounter with you.” Tristan sounded proud of me in a morbid way.

“I wouldn’t get any closer if I were you.” Dalton shot out as Tristan laughed.

“You wouldn’t kill her. Kiss her? Perhaps. Kill her? Not a chance.” Tristan slowly approached in a sly manner.

Dalton began to laugh. “ If it meant killing you- I would slit her throat in a heartbeat.”

“Then you would lose your precious Trinity.” Tristan mocked still seeming completely in control.

Dalton pulled my hair back exposing my throat and began to cut my throat ever so slightly. I felt fear for a split second but then I realized that I trusted Dalton almost as much as I trusted Ambrose and right now my life was in his hands.

“Oh you mutts. Clearly as unintelligent as you look.” Dalton shot back in a low, dangerous tone.

“If I kill her, I can bring her back. You, however- mutt.” Dalton paused as a smile grew on my face.

“Realize something you do not- bloodsucker. You take her life and bring her back, she will have her soul. Her soul lives than my soul lives, thus I don’t die.” Tristan added winking towards me.

Now I stepped in as Dalton’s grip loosened on me.

“I choose to turn.”

Those words shocked Tristan but it was the only thing that caused him to freeze where he stood while trying to see if he could call my bluff. I was no longer afraid of anything because I knew no matter what, Tristan was afraid. For the first time since I’ve seen him again , I saw fear in his eyes and I loved it.

A/N: Sorry I'm slow at uploading guys. BUT I promise the best work I can when I do upload. Remember quality over quantity! lol I hope you guys love this story as much as I do and there's so much action to come! Can't forget the tid bits of romance =) Thank you all for your support and voting and comments it means the world to me.

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