Chapter 38- Battlefield

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Chapter 38- Battlefield

The second that the sun was completely up we knew we had about an hour before the others started to arrive. The last few hours were tense, I spent the time laying on the couch pretending to sleep to avoid any awkward confrontations. Seeing as Dalton looked like he wanted to talk to me privately, my best bet was pretending I needed some shut eye before the battle. Ambrose filled me in that Balthazar and myself would be going to a local black market to pick up some pretty little handguns while the others went to wait for the planes to land within safe distance to keep an eye out.

After we were done we’d meet up with them but the plan was that Balthazar was to think the rest of them were staking out the temple.

“Ready to go?” Dalton asked looking over at the rest of us who some were still half out of it. Perseus sprung up while Ky and Nina slowly made their way up. Violet was sitting at a desk scribbling and jotting things down.

I nodded following him outside to see Ambrose and Balthazar outside playing nice. Violet pulled me aside quickly.

“You need to be near the temple before midnight so we can do the spell. Got it?” Violet looked at me with the most serious expression I’ve yet to encounter.

“Course, like Cinderella turning back into a pumkin at the stroke of midnight. Does this make you like a fairy godmother now?” I teased, almost feeling like myself.

Violet let out a laugh. “Carriage. The carriage turned back into a pumpkin, Cinderella just down-graded her clothes and accessories.”

Outside I saw Balthazar sitting on the scooter while holding out a helmet to me.

“Please, like I can die anymore than I already have.” I muttered before climbing on behind him.

Looking back at everyone as they got into the van we sped off in the opposite direction. I hoped they’d be able to handle themselves alright until we got back. It should technically be a piece of cake, I mean lesser men have concurred bigger mountains, right? I felt the slight nauseous feeling while gripping onto Balthazar’s leather coat. I hated being this close to him but at the same time I felt a bit better knowing I could keep an eye on him. If anyone could keep Balthazar in check it would be me. As much as I wanted to sabotage the bike and rip him to shreds, he was needed alive-ish for the greater good.

We drove down several dirt paths and not even a single cabin/hut within sight. Being surrounded by the outdoors and more trees than in the city reminded me a bit of the underground. Finally within sight was what seemed like a mail box and another shorter and more narrow dirt path.

“We’ll have to walk the rest of the way.” Balthazar pulled us off the path and shoved the bike into the bush, not too far from the mailbox.

“Fine by me.” I rolled my eyes while strutting down the road on my own.

“If things go sour, leave without me and head back to the others.” Balthazar’s voice almost sounded a little concerned. I’ll admit he was good at bluffing.

“ You would say something like that. Let’s get something clear -Pal. You are going wherever I go. Plain in simple.” I glanced from the side to look at him and his expression seemed a little bewildered.

“You actually care what happens to me, sweetheart?” Balthazar held a crooked grin,while strutting along amused.

“Hardly. You’re not screwing us over on my watch.”

I shouldn’t have opened my mouth at all but somehow the topic just fell onto the dirt path ahead of us. Balthazar looked more annoyed with the “ I thought we were already over this” look.

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