Chapter 31- Change of plans

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Chapter 31 Change of Plans

I woke up earlier than anyone else dreading how long today would be. After last night’s lecture from Violet about how dangerous any spell could be , I just felt more annoyed. She did say that just because it didn’t say it was specified for vampires didn’t actually mean it wouldn’t work for them. Just as Ambrose had said about consequences I knew what my odds were and it was still better than nothing.  I stretched myself out on the bed that I had all to myself since Anna was likely off with Oliver somewhere. I closed my eyes for a second briefly looking back to the last conversation I had with Ambrose and those stinging words rang in my mind over and over again.

“If you turn, don’t you ever speak to me again. I mean this Trinity.”

I let out a long, frustrated sigh and I knew there was going to be drama which I hated. I sat up and quickly got changed. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a black tank top with a matching hoody, I slid my blade into the side of my belt. I decided I would find Dalton to give him a heads up before everyone else was up and ready to go. I managed to get myself halfway down the stairs when I saw Perseus sitting at a table talking with Oliver and Anna. I didn’t expect this even for a second.
It wasn’t until I saw the red-rimmed eyes on Anna that I wondered what was going on.

“You guys are up early....” I looked from Perseus  to Anna while Oliver kept his head down.

“Trinity!” Anna leaped up from her seat while rushing towards me.

“You have to talk Oliver out of this, he wants to stay here. He thinks he can learn more about God directly from Nephilim. Tell him how ridiculous he’s being!” She protested while placing her hands on her hips glaring at Oliver.

After Anna spoke Perseus shrugged while Oliver lifted his head to look at me, his eyes just pleading with mine.

“Olly is that what you really want?” I asked cocking an eyebrow in his direction.

He nodded looking sad and frustrated. I didn’t even pretend for a second that I understood his devotion to God but his love for Anna was real and pure and the fact that he would put God above her seemed absurd but  loyal at the same time. Tears welled up in Anna’s eyes, if ever I doubted her love for Oliver I now knew how much she truly loved him.

Anna rushed over to me waiting for me to magically command him to come with us but instead I turned to look at Anna. “ Oliver is staying here.” I added in a sharp, non-debatable tone.

Anna’s eyes bugged right out as she looked at me in a shocked manner. “ Just because you’ll never be with who you love doesn’t mean you can make the rest of us just as miserable. WE ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE!” Anna’s voice was nearly a shout as she realized just how loud  and rude she was being. She stumbled back with a scared expression on her face like I’d hit her or something. I tried really hard not to smile but failed.

“Retard- I wasn’t done talking. Oliver is staying here, but so are you.”

Anna looked even more confused before making another outburst. “ What? Your not leaving me behind Trinity. I’m your best friend.”

This time I let out a laugh. “ You don’t even know what you want. You two and Saddie are staying here. It’s safer and none of you are useful to me dead. Stay here -off of the radar and soon enough you’ll know what’s going on.”

Perseus seemed mildly impressed with how I managed to handle this love wreck on my own and soon enough he smiled. “ So what is going on?”

“That’s exactly what I was wondering.” Dalton stood there at the entrance to the stairwell sipping on a cup of blood. He made it look so casual that if I didn’t know better I would have mistaken it for coffee.

“ Small change of plans.” I forced a smile while the look on Dalton’s face fell, he already knew that whatever I was planning was just bad news.

“Perseus, Ambrose, Sarge and Seth are going to meeting with the Alliance members to fill them in. Dalton, Violet and Emmaline are coming with me to the old Safe House because Tristan’s lair is close to there. We need to find Prudence and free the other unturned Augurs and Nephilim they have so there’s no collateral damage.”

Perseus looked absolutely stunned. “ But that’s suicide if your caught.”

“Well then I guess we better not get caught.” I winked teasingly, making light of a heavy situation.

Dalton was so shocked there wasn’t even an expression on his face. I believe I rendered him speechless, that was until Ambrose came down the stairs hearing every word I had just said.

“No your not going to get caught.” Ambrose added brushing past Dalton while Dalton grabbed a hold of his arm preventing any sort of physical outburst. The look on Ambrose’s face was priceless.

I grinned, well this was going to be easier convincing than I thought. Here I was thinking Ambrose would be the challenge to convince him but if he had faith that I knew what I was doing than there was no real cause for concern.

“Because your not going.” He barked his command as though he actually had authority over me.

I gritted my teeth , trying to bite my tongue because I wasn’t going to take orders from him. Moments later Violet and Emmaline came in accompanied by Irene and Basil. Everyone stood quietly and cautiously watching this argument.

“Yes I am, Ambrose.” I added in a soft , unfazed tone before grabbing the duffel bag Emmaline had packed with weapons for us.

Ambrose grabbed a hold of my arm. “ Over my dead body.”

I felt the emotions stir in me and within milliseconds I had Ambrose shoved against the wall behind us just staring at him threateningly. He looked haunted when looking into my eyes still not used to seeing the change in me but it was there- it was apart of me.

“You’re already dead.” I spat out in a cold tone.

“I would say that I’d talk to you when I get back but you swore you wouldn’t. I guess we face a very long eternity Ambrose.” I muttered before turning away.Of course this was mainly to piss Ambrose off, I knew I’d be able to turn back human by the full  moon after I turned because that spell was a sign that this was meant to be. Ambrose had a little less faith in me but that was his problem-not mine.

Saddie and Seth made their way down the stairs and I hadn’t even noticed that Sarge was holding hands with Violet but it looked like everyone was here and ready to go.
I turned around and bent over to pick up the duffel bag.

“What’s going on?” Saddie’s innocent expression was genuine and she came over to the center trying to figure out what was going on.

“Half of us are going to the meeting-” I pointed off to where Ambrose was standing.

“And the other half of us are going on a joyride escapade.” I showed her my duffel bag.

“Well hang on, let me get dressed and I’ll come too.” Saddie almost seemed a little panicked.

“You, Anna and Olly are staying here because it’s safer.” I ordered her and the second she knew I meant business her face fell a little but then a small grin grew on her face.

“I’ll make sure everyone’s safe down here.” Saddie beamed before spotting a blueberry muffin on the kitchen table before racing to grab it.

I just smiled , Saddie was always in such good spirits and as a fellow hunter I’m sure she felt the despair that came along with missing out on the action and glory. I pulled her into my arms to give her a quick hug.

“Take care of the little one in there. I hear babies love brownies.” I winked at her before turning to Perseus.

“Onya said she’d be taking us to our destination, Perseus are you alright with the accommodations?” I asked him just to make sure that things would still go as planned.

“Course , but can I have a quick word with you?” Perseus looked a bit troubled so I nodded before going outside for a  moment.

“What’s up?” I looked at him wondering it was he had wanted to say to me that couldn’t have been said in front of everyone else.

He pursed his lips together while carefully thinking up his next words. Everyone always seemed so careful , walking on eggshells as though I were a time bomb just waiting to go off.

“Have you really thought this whole thing out, Trinity?” Perseus looked at me more seriously now.

“We don’t have time to waste playing out the what if scenarios. This is the only chance to catch Tristan off guard and we need those Augurs and Nephilim with us before we go into battle.” I looked at him and for the first time I felt very assured and I firmly believed this was the right way to go about things.

A confused look had crossed his face. “ You could die!” His voice raised in alarm. Perseus seemed really bothered by this and his face fell.

I swallowed sharply it actually hurt me to see him so upset like this. I moved in a little closer and put my hand on his arm .

“If it’s any consolation I’ll already be dead.” I didn’t even try to sugarcoat my master plan and a look of understanding swept over his face.

“ So this is the last time I’ll see you alive.” Perseus looked away and when he looked back his eyes were glistening. He wasn’t crying but it was obvious that he was upset. He outstretched his arms and gave me a quick hug.

“I’d rather see you undead and kicking ass than dead and six feet under.” Perseus shook his head before pulling away he slipped a rabbit’s foot into my hands.

“I hope there isn’t a three footed rabbit hoping around out there somewhere  because that would just be cruel.” I joked before walking back inside Irene’s.

Everyone had seemed to accept my plan whether or not they agreed with it. One in particular was Ambrose who refused to look at me directly but I shrugged it off, he’d come around because he always did.

“We ready to go?” I asked while Basil ran up to me with her big blue eyes that were rimmed red just staring at me before leaping onto me and locked her arms around my waist.

“You’ll come back won’t you?” Basil muttered in between uncontrollable sobs and shaking.

“Of course squirt, I wouldn’t leave my little protegee alone for too long.”  Although I knew when I returned she may not want to be around me or worse she’d be terrified to be near me.

Knowing that made my stomach turn a little. In the short time I knew Basil she felt like a missing piece of the puzzle to my life. Losing Tristan as a kid left this empty void consumed me and after spending time with Basil she had grown to feel like a sister to me.

I leaned down to her level and pulled off the bracelet Gabriel gave me and slipped it over her hand adjusting it at her wrist.

“This is a very special bracelet from a friend.  I want you to make sure to take good care of it until I come back, alright?” I looked at her and the seriousness and dedication that showed on Basil’s face was too cute.

“ I promise!” Basil beamed while holding her arm up to better look at the bracelet.

Onya stood at the doorway holding keys looking over at us. I turned towards Irene and thanked her for her kind hospitality and then back to Saddie , Anna and Oliver. I couldn’t bring myself to saying bye to them so I gave them a quick smile and nod before heading out of Irene’s.
I knew there was  a slim chance that I might actually die , whether it was out of stupidity or the fact that Nephilims can’t usually turn. Just because Tristan was able to didn’t mean I was also able to change too. There was no real explanation or reason why Gabriel and Tristan were able to turn and it was sure a rare thing and unheard of that there was no guarantee that because I was Tristan’s twin it could work for me.  I did my best to not remind myself of this but somehow it managed to float around in my head when I thought about leaving the people I cared about on bad terms. Which specifically meant Ambrose.

Dalton, Emmaline, Violet and myself followed Onya closely from  behind. Ambrose, Perseus, Sarge and Seth left with us. All of us crammed into the Elevator that we once rode on our way down here. It’s funny how that was such a short amount of time but looking back it seemed longer. I remember wondering what the Underground really looked like and the reality of the place just all around astonished me.  I tried really hard to not look at Ambrose I even tried focusing on Perseus and how cute he was but nothing was working. I couldn’t stop myself from looking at Ambrose and my eyes lingered long enough that when glanced over at me and by the looks of it , he seemed to have done so reluctantly. Our eyes just locked and I found myself to be the one tearing my eyes away from him. How things went from intense to majorly tense in such a short period of time was beyond me. I  didn’t want things to end on bad terms but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to him.

I stared down at the floor of the elevator as it escalated while squeaking the entire way. This seemed to go on forever as it slowly went up. Finally the elevator came to a stop and we were in the rusty warehouse that seemed so beyond repair. I thought the Underground was a safe place for my kind especially seeing where it was located, no one would ever suspect something like this. At least I felt safe knowing that.

Everyone walked in silence as our footsteps echoed eerily behind us. Unsure of what to say I kept my mouth shut until we reached the door. Onya ran off first to bring a vehicle to the front, looking out of the filthy windows I saw a van that was already parked out front which I was only left to believe that was Perseus’ groups transportation. We started going our way and they started to go theirs until Seth turned around and came up to me before touching my arm.

“Your too bad ass to die. Remember the good guys always have the happily ever afters.”

I knew I was the only one able to hear what Seth had said but I couldn’t help but smile with ease.

“I don’t know about the second part but your definitely right about the first part.” I winked while feeling myself relax a little more.

Without much notice Sarge yelled a heads up and when I looked up he had tossed a leather belt with a pouch at me. I caught it with my left hand and examined it to find a small schrade machete knife in it. It was definitely nice, I remember eyeing it on the first mission with him.

“Thanks ,Sarge.”

“You know that saying, if you can’t beat them cut off their bloody heads.” Sarge smiled and I have to say that’s the first genuine smile that I’ve earned from Sarge since I met him.

I felt my cheeks flush slightly , this feeling was a bit too overwhelming even for me. It was crazy how fast and easily my eyes now changed and how aware of this I was. I forced myself to calm down enough so that it wouldn’t show in my eyes. By now Ambrose had come to halt but hadn’t turned around and I knew it would be now or never.I felt the butterflies soar around and in an almost nauseating way, I felt my legs push forward but it was as though I had no control over myself. Like a robot I kept walking until I was firmly behind Ambrose and I pulled at his arm causing him to turn and look at me.

His eyes were golden- they were beautiful and they haunted me. I fought back the urge to cry because this really sucked. Saving mankind vs. pursuing romance, it definitely didn’t seem like a tough decision yet I still find myself hurting. I bit my bottom lip while staring into his eyes.

“I wish things could be different for us.” I mumbled.

Ambrose paused and as usual he was difficult to read. I wasn’t sure if he was still upset or if he had just given up. “Me too.”

Ambrose had turned back around and there was my answer.

I felt my hands start to shake and the urge to hit him over and over again battled with my urge to grab a hold of him and crush my body up against his and kiss him. There was nothing I could say or do to fix this. Or was there?

“I …...... I love you.”  My voice was practically a whisper but I knew whether or not he responded to what I said at least I knew he had heard me.

Ambrose froze in sequence to the words leaving my mouth. Did he love me? Would he turn around or do anything? No. Not even a glimpse of his reaction because he continued to strut forwards.

By now Perseus had started the van and waved over to me. I forced a smile and turned to find Onya waiting for me in her jeep. Dalton, Emmaline and Violet already sat  and the front door was held open for me.

“Trinity, let’s get a move on.” Onya hollered from the driver’s seat.

I didn’t look back this time as I made my way to the front of the jeep. I made my way into the jeep and shut the door before fastening my seat belt. Perseus had gotten out of the van , I hadn’t noticed until Onya cursed out loud.

“Now what?”

I turned to look out of the window as Perseus ran up to my window tapping on the glass. Immediately I rolled down the window and looked at him oddly.

“This isn’t the part where you declare your undying love for me is it?” I teased lightly looking over at him as he grinned before shaking his head.

“Fraid not. Ambrose asked me to give you this.” I stared at the rolled up piece of paper with a hard object that was inside.

“Thanks.” I tightened my grip on the paper as Perseus quickly ran back to the van.

“Finally.” Muttered Onya.

I rolled my eyes then glared at her. “ Seriously Onya you need to get laid when you get back.”

This caused Emmaline and Violet to suppress their giggling which they were bad at if even I could hear them. I debated throwing out the paper but curiosity got the better of me.  I unrolled the paper and found a black stone which I grabbed in the center of my hand wondering what it was but I was sure the letter would likely explain it.


If you’re reading this it’s because my suspicions were correct  and you have planned  something outrageous. It’s one of the many traits that I love about you. If you live long enough to survive all of it I suggest putting yourself first for a change. However, if you don’t live I couldn’t bare the idea of you not knowing exactly what you mean to me. I don’t believe there are enough words to describe what I feel for you. I never outright confessed my love for you but it was always there.

I was harsh with you but only because I wanted you to live. Turning changes you, the Trinity that you are right now I couldn’t be any more in love with if I tried. Bearing the thought of losing you altogether is the worst pain imaginable.

The stone your now holding is called Tektite.Tektite  increase the psychic abilities of those that use them. I have the other pair so even at great distances if you ever need me or want to communicate this is the best alternative.

Regardless of what’s to come I love you  and will spend the rest of my cursed eternity loving you.


I felt a lump rise in my throat, he truly did love me. I slipped the stone into my pocket and felt even more determined to kill Tristan.

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