The Alliance Chapter 4- A tad disagreeable

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The Alliance Chapter 4- A tad disagreeable

I followed Ambrose as he stormed towards the Common Room where Alistair was in a meeting.

" You're overreacting, Kovacs isn't with them." I rolled my eyes as I continued to keep pace behind Ambrose.

" Oh right! I forgot, you're psychic too now." Ambrose was blatantly annoyed with me like I was some sort of pest he couldn't get rid of, and that irritated me even more. He had no right to consider me a pest when he was the one clearly stalking me.

"No, but I get a sixth sense about these things it's hard to explain." I added feeling sure about myself. My gut feeling never let me down, I could sort of feel things people felt when they were directed towards me. I know it's not some special ability like some things I've read Nephilim could do but the second I sensed someone meant harm to me I was always on top of my game. I knew there was something I couldn't decode about Kovacs but being a traitor.... being out to hurt or destroy me couldn't be one of them.

"Really sweetheart? Are you that blind? What do you know about Kovacs?"

Ambrose had stopped walking down the corridor coming to a halt before facing me with his arms crossed frivolously. When I didn't have an answer for Ambrose he didn't seem surprised.

"Dalton was right about you, naive. For someone with a brain you sure don't use it a lot."

Ambrose turned around and continued his quick pace down the stairs still speaking as we went.

"Kovacs' family became Dark Ones, they chose to turn about five years ago and Kovacs decided
to stay a human. Alistair knew this before hiring him in good faith, however, a few of us are skeptical and believe he's still working with his family and the werewolves . Alistair has me keeping a tab on you in case something like this would happen."

I couldn't tell if Ambrose felt guilty in the event his suspicions were right or because he clearly had a bias against me and failed to comply as my bodyguard. I let out an amused laugh. " You're not very good with keeping a tab on me, after all if Kovacs is taking my blood to the werewolves as we speak I'm definitely going to be on the chopping block thanks to your fantastic protection." I
added sarcastically.

"Perhaps if you were the least bit tolerable and weren't so damned disagreeable I'd have been able to give you a heads up, but no. Instead you absolutely push every button to get a reaction. If you die Trinity Sage it's of your own ignorance!" Ambrose was one notch away from shouting his rage at me. He didn't intimidate me in the least and I had every intention of letting him know.

"YOU! You don't know a single thing about me except for mere rumors that you hear. You want to judge me, go right ahead Ambrose but don't you dare expect me to treat you with anything but the same kindness and generosity you've shown me!"

I had to catch my breath I was so mad I felt my eyes start to change. It was a sensation almost tingly, like getting goosebumps on my skin when I'm cold except it's a warm vibrant sensation sweeping through me as I feel my eyes light up. We arrived outside the door of the Common
Room where Alistair was in a meeting. Ambrose came to a stand still, he fell completely silent as he turned to look at me. I had no idea what would come out of his mouth next. That's when
Ambrose stared at my eyes for a long hard minute just looking at me in some sort of awe.

"You're eyes have a ring around them. I've never encountered that in all the Nephilim I've ever met."

I shrugged it off. "Maybe you just really piss me off?" I suggested crossing my arms waiting for  Alistair to come out, hoping for an explanation for all of this. Moments later a pretty, young, brunette who was dressed conservatively came out holding a clip board and started to make her way down the hall.

" Claire, I need you to go in there and tell Alistair we need to have a word with him. It's urgent."

Ambrose smiled kindly at Claire who smiled flirtatiously before re-entering the Common Room. I took notice to Ambrose gawking at Claire's butt as she left. I rolled my eyes, in all this distress he's standing there thinking with his other head.

" Seriously? I guess when you die your libido doesn't." I remarked.

Ambrose looked at me half grinning. "Nope, it certainly does not."

Alistair walked out of the meeting wearing his suit and a concerned expression as he patiently waited an explanation as to why he was taken out of his meeting.

"Sorry to bother you, I just thought you should know when Trinity and Kovacs were sparring in the gym Kovacs drew her blood and took off before I realized what had happened." Ambrose's voice was so serious but his expression looked worried. Was he worried about me? No, definitely not , because that would mean he cares enough about me to be worried.
Alistair shook his head in disappointment .

" We need to find Kovacs immediately. You were suppose to follow instructions Ambrose, you've let me down."

"I- it was my fault I didn't know Ambrose was assigned to me so I purposely went out of my way to avoid him. I want to know why no one told me what was going on?" I looked from Ambrose who looked slightly impressed and stared at Alistair. People may be intimidated by him, that was including me but Alistair felt more like a father than a boss sometimes the boundaries got crossed between the two.

"It was in your best interest, you shouldn't have to worry about you're own safety in the safe house. I could see Kovacs was drawn to you but it never seemed to be in a threatening manner so I had Ambrose keep an eye on the situation." Alistair's eyes fell on Ambrose who looked down in shame.

Moments later Alistair closed his eyes and all I felt was a rush of energy around me, almost like wind but that was impossible there weren't any windows nearby.

"He's in the library preparing his tests. Ambrose you take Trinity to her room I will go have a word with Kovacs. Meet me in my private office in an hour."

Alistair left us going up the stairs towards the library as I trailed behind Ambrose disappointed I wouldn't get to hear what was going to be said between Kovacs and Alistair. I still couldn't believe how badass that was that Alistair could just .... see people. I guess the different powers Nephilim possessed had me envious I had a cop out version of powers. I was slightly more skilled, a little faster and I could half ass sense things. I couldn't cause an earthquake or fire and storms, hell I couldn't even move objects with my mind - talk about getting the short end of the stick.

I had the bright idea of following Alistair so I could hear what was being said. I'm sure Alistair would know where I was if he wanted to so I'd have to be prepared for that possibility. I started to race up the next set of stairs and before I knew what hit me Ambrose shoved me against the wall so fast I didn't see it, let alone sense it coming.

"No you don't, I'm following my orders to a T this time." Ambrose said as he slightly lifted his arm that had pinned my shoulders against the wall as my lower torso pressed against him from the railing digging into my backside.

I looked at him curiously, if he could still be aroused and he was aroused by less attractive figures like Claire than surely I could use my sexuality in my favour, right? I leaned in a little closer looking up at him seductively.

"Please?" My bottom lip formed into a pout as our eyes met I couldn't read him but I did sense something funny from him. Almost like he wanted to hurt me. He looked lost before it turned into anger.

Out of nowhere Ambrose started laughing. " You just tried flirting with me....Trinity I hate to break it to you darling, but you don't appeal to me in the slightest." His laughter rang in the hallway.

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