The Alliance - Chapter 16

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The Alliance - Chapter 16

I grunted in pain as I fiercely tried to pull my leg free, Ambrose stood in front of me causing me to squint past him in order to see if my eyes were misleading me. There were several werewolves and two of them came at Ambrose at the same time, I felt an anger sweep through me and if there ever was a better time for my powers to come through for me now would be a splendid time.

My eyes were changing and no matter what I did there was nothing, I could sense threats and was faster and stronger than most humans but once again I  was now led to believe that my powers were duds. Maybe Tristan stole all the power and that’s why I’m not some kind of powerful god-like creature that Uri made me out to be. Ambrose fended off one of the werewolves by throwing him into oncoming traffic. I felt a tinge of guilt for the couple driving by in that car that were struck with a werewolf flying into their windscreen but I rather them than Ambrose.

I searched for my blade but it was in my boot ironically to the leg that was trapped. My eyes did another once over when I saw the stick shift and I grabbed a hold of it pulling with as much force as I could provide. I yanked so hard and when it came right out I sighed in relief. “Sorry Oliver” I mumbled knowing it wouldn’t do me much good seeing as the one time I get to use his car it was totalled in a matter of hours.  The second werewolf slammed Ambrose into the car and a loud thud came as the car shook with me still in it.

“Are you okay?” I asked while trying to get a better look at him.

“Don’t worry about me.” Ambrose pulled himself from the indent his body had left into the wreck of a car and strutted in such a sexy manner I couldn’t help but gaze a tad longer on him. The way he held his blade and casually walked towards the group looking unafraid and as deadly as I’ve ever seen him I quickly returned my focus to the metal that kept my leg trapped.

Holding the stick shift near my leg and thrusting all my power into moving the metal, after a few tries I was successful and slowly freed my leg even though there were deep cuts at least I was free. Making haste I crawled out of the wreck of newly scrapped metal, dreading the look on poor Oliver’s face I limped slightly making my way towards Ambrose. I slid my blade out of the side of my boot while I still held the stick shift in my hands, I figure the more weapons I had the better.

Ambrose was now fighting two werewolves and before I had a chance to turn around I was knocked off my feet. Falling forward onto my knees not hesitating for a second longer I grabbed the stick shift and swung it around hitting the werewolf’s limber body he lost his balance and that’s when I rose to my feet and kicked him down with my boot. The second werewolf plunged at me and I casted the blade from my hand as it launched itself directly into the throat of that mutt. All I heard was the curdled and muffled screams as blood projected outwards from his mouth as he slowly plummeted onto the ground and keeled over before panting desperately for air.

A nasty grin grew on my face, the joy I felt  was an insatiably pleasing. I went to step onto the other werewolf who layed outstretched on the pavement of the road making pointless attempts to move. I turned my attention to Ambrose who sliced two werewolves throats at the exact same time before he turned to meet my eyes. He smiled broadly in my direction looking impressed with my kills and that I had enough self control to not rip out these mongrels throats out just to see that look in their eyes when they realize I won’t keep them alive and in turn show nothing but pure panic in theirs.

I returned his smile and turned to look at the wolf who was shifting back into human form. I won’t lie this is the first time I’ve ever witness a wolf shift right in front of me. Ambrose looked simply bored as he stood next to me. I was intrigued watching the bones slide into place and it looked unnatural and horrible. A boy who didn’t look older than 16 was sprawled onto the pavement looking cold as he shivered being covered in blood and dirt. His eyes pleaded for life and I was about to grant him that.

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