The Alliance- Chapter 15

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The Alliance Chapter 15

Oliver's P.O.V

How women can make such simple things complicated was a mystery to me. Between Anna and Trinity I hadn't the need to socialize with any other female in the Alliance, those two kept me on my feet. I certainly see the likeness between the two and Alistair was ingenious rooming them. Trinity was just a little mislead at times and for that you can't judge someone. I wanted to help her I really did but I also had options I needed to consider for myself. Like what in the Lords name would I do now that I've chosen Anna over God.

I sighed, heavily distressed by my current situation as I trailed quietly behind Trinity who seemed to be annoyed by my lack of discreetness. It wasn't until I heard her curse again when I noticed Ambrose and Dalton following behind us.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Trinity hissed at them.

I shook my head looking up as though God could see me now. " I apologize for not only my actions but hers as well."

Ambrose let out a laugh. " Trust me Father, there's not enough forgiveness in this world for that one's foul mouth. Trinity can't just two mates walk along the corridor late at night together?" His tone was filled with sarcasm but the look on his face remained smug.

Dalton elbowed Ambrose. "There's no need for that."

Trinity smirked mischievously at them " Yes Ambrose, there's no need for your rude and sarcastic attitude."

I didn't fully comprehend the tension between this bunch nor did I want to pry and involve myself in it so I continued until we reached the archives.

" I can't bring all of you in there with me so you two stay out here, Trinity come with me."

Trinity winked at Ambrose who looked far from impressed but Dalton stood before him calming him down, as she followed me into the Archives. At the front desk I was greeted by James who was Keeper of the Archives, he acknowledged me with a nod as Trinity and I went to the nearest computer.

"So where do we begin?" I asked still feeling uncertain as to what exactly Trinity seemed to think we'd find.

"I'm not sure really I want to find my mother's obituary there should be some listing in the local paper from that year, maybe there will be her sister's name listed or something." Trinity didn't seem much more sure than I was but it was worth looking into.

"In loving memory of Margaret Sage, Born to Will and Angela Winthrop. Loving sister to Milli , Loving wife to Marcus and mother to Tristan and Trinity Sage. To a remarkable woman who's left her mark in all of our lives, When death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. We will all cherish your life as you continue to live on in our hearts."

After reading that I glanced to Trinity who seemed slightly saddened over the memory she didn't have but at least we got what we were looking for. I started a search for "Milli Winthrop" but the computer came up empty. I suddenly had an idea and went over to the cabinet and looked for "W".

"Why would you be looking under through Alliance members, she wasn't one ." Trinity followed me curiously as I pulled out a file that read Millicent Winthrop.

" I wouldn't be so sure about that Trinity most Alliance members are descendants from past members and I happen to know that your mother was in the Alliance that's where she met your father."

I then pulled out another folder that read "Margaret Winthrop/Sage" and passed that to Trinity. If I wasn't mistaken I could have sworn I saw Trinity's fingers shake as she grabbed the folder, it wasn't hard to figure out she hadn't quite dealt with her mother's death seeing as she was barely coping with her fathers.

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