The Alliance Chapter 17 pt1

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The Alliance Chapter 17 pt1

I opened my eyes and layed flat on my back and stretched myself out, Ambrose was nowhere in sight he likely left just after I fell asleep which made things less awkward for sure. I was excited for today being the Pre-Tournament, I thought for sure Saddie would be less than pleased that I haven’t  had the opportunity to train with her but I’ve never felt more confident that we could take on a bunch of Instructors, after all they were harmless and no real threat. I was hardly even out of bed before I heard knocking at my door.

“Go away I’m sleeping.” I grumbled assuming it was either Ambrose or Dalton, both of which I’d rather ignore for a few more minutes of sleep.

“Oh sorry I just wanted to give you something, but it can wait.”

The voice of Gabe was the last thing I expected to hear, I managed to roll myself over and head towards the door.

“No no I just thought you were Ambrose.” I smiled as I  flung the door open.  Before me stood cute little Gabe holding a red box with a golden ribbon tied on it. It was the sweetest thing and immediately the corners of my mouth curled into a smile. I moved aside and gestured for him to come in and have a seat which he looked more than pleased to do so.

“So what’s with the present, my birthday’s not for another 7 months.” I teased as I went to sit on the bed.

Gabe smiled shyly and handed it to me, “ It’s nothing big really. I made you a charm to help you focus.”

I opened the box to find a hemp made bracelet with a little white stone on it, the stone looked strangely familiar but I couldn’t pinpoint where I had recognized it from. I put it on and it fit perfectly.

“Thanks Gabriel that’s really nice of you.”

Now I’m sure if vampires could blush little Gabe definitely would be right now. It’s hard to think of him as a grown intelligent adult when he looked so little . “ It’s Celtic, something I picked up in Europe a while back.”

There was another knock on the door and I just sighed as I shuffled my way towards the door. I answered  to find Saddie standing there, looking pleased with herself.

“I’ve really got to be going but good luck in the tournament.” Gabe smiled generously as he made his leave down the corridor. Returning my attention to Saddie who held up a sheet with the Tournament schedule.

“So we’re not on until the afternoon our first tournament is this afternoon we fight Kovacs and Fielding then later tonight we’re on again after 7 against 2 other Instructor’s from St.Agatha’s Safe House.” Saddie gloated which this was indeed good news. If our first tournament wasn’t until this afternoon it gave us all morning to go over strategies.

“ I had Fielding a few years back he’s tough, hang on a sec while I get changed and we’ll go to the gym.” I raced into the bathroom with a pair of sweat pants and a matching black tank top.

I heard some sort of chatter in the room and when I came out  I found Dalton standing there with Anna and Saddie. This was an odd combination to see the three of them talking which brought up my next question, where was Ambrose?  I didn’t want to say something I’d wait until Dalton would slip up but either way I was pleased to see Dalton and Anna.

“ Trinity! I’m so excited for the Tournament I even went out and got some popcorn.” Anna teased, she was in a great mood and it made me wonder if it was because her and Oliver ‘hooked up’ again or if they got the money for Oliver’s Lamborghini  that Ambrose said he’d give them.

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