Chapter 34- Highs and Lows

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Chapter 34 - Highs and Lows

The pale, chalk-like complexion on Tristan’s face was almost empowering. He began to stumble back a little but his eyes locked with mine. Not even a full minute after;a cool, calm and collective look took over as he strutted towards me.

I wasn’t sure what was about to happen until we stood face to face.

“Well played sister.” Tristan began to place his hand on my shoulder as Dalton shifted instantly  almost attacking him on contact. I held one hand out to stop Dalton because this was probably as casual as Tristan and I would ever be.

“Tell me, Trinity. You love that vampire , do you not?” Tristan was asking me but his words sounded more of an accusation. I refused to answer.

“If you have no soul, your not capable of feeling. Love, hate, anything really. What a shame that would be for that poor bloodsucker to lose yet again another that he loves and having her in his grasp but never truly having her. Could you live your life with no soul? To feel nothing? To never love again? The only thing you will have is your blood lust and regret. You will wish everyday that you were among the dead.”

Tristan by now was pacing in circles with the utmost confidence in himself. He was sure that despite what I had said, that I wouldn’t be able to go through with it. What Tristan didn’t comprehend nor couldn’t - was love. What I felt for Ambrose I would sacrifice everything for his life. I’d want him to be happy but above all I’d want him to live. The only way I could insure that all the people whom I cared about would be safe was to sacrifice my life. It wasn’t such a huge , noble sacrifice; but it was worth it.

We could have ran out of here, in fact I had a feeling Tristan would let us walk out of here freely because Dalton would kill me if need be and as weary as that made me feel it was also reassuring.

Tristan let out a small chuckle before instructing his men to step aside. For some reason I felt insulted and wondered if this was another trap or just a twisted game that Tristan was trying to play. I mean first he wants me to join him, then has a bond placed so if one of us dies so does the other and I couldn’t anticipate his next move. We both knew  what was to come, everyone from humans to the Nephilim who often kept to their own affairs knew that there was a battle in our midst and this would be bigger than anything imaginable.

Tristan leaned over to whisper into my ear. His proximity made me want to vomit. I had to control the urge to stab him because at this point it would just be pointless.

“I won’t kill you now. There isn’t much fun in killing the mouse while it’s caged, now is there? Just remember you have other choices. Make the right choice and you may lead an exemplary life. Make the wrong choice..........” Tristan’s voice trailed off as he moved around so he was behind me.

Tristan’s hand lifted towards my neck when I grabbed my fingers and clamped them tightly around his wrist and swung around to face him just as quickly.

“Enough with your f****ing threats” I dropped his wrist and a quirky smile spread across his face.

“Game on.” I muttered without glancing back at him.

Tristan was amused because he felt like he was getting under my skin, which he wasn’t entirely wrong. Dalton looked at me almost asking me if I wanted him to take care of things, but no. This wasn’t the time or the place to do this.

With the pathway being cleared Dalton and I hastily made our exit while praying to God that the others had made it out alright. From the looks of it this place was empty so it was a safe assumption that they were back at the Guest House waiting for us.

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