Chapter 30 - Vampires, Augurs and spells

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CHAPTER 30  Vampires, Augurs and spells

"Let him go, You two aren't meant to be together." He stood there gazing at me  as his eyes refused to leave mine for even a second. All I could see were his eyes,everything else was black and hazy.

"What do you mean? I was brought back wasn't I? It can't all be coincidence."

"The Gods meant to teach him  a lesson that he cannot mess with fate. She was meant to die and so are you. He couldn't have her then and he can't have you now, it's the way it's meant to be."

I couldn’t see his face but  his voice,  I knew it all too well. Uri was in my dreams again but this time he had pushed me too far.

"NO." my voice echoed eerily as I hadn't realized I was shouting, even I heard the desperateness in my own voice. " What lesson am I suppose to learn through this? That love sucks? Because trust me, I got the memo. What did I do to deserve losing the man I love twice?" I folded my arms staring into the black abyss of my dream,  wishing Uri’s words were different.

Of all the ways he could have told me this, he chose a dream where I couldn’t even see him properly.He was only saying what I thought all along , but deep down I always had hope and now Uri took the liberty of shattering it right in front of me and it felt more real and painful than it ever had before. For a dream it had an all too real effect, I felt my heart sink. Even Uri knew I was going to die but why would he wait this long to tell me?

I gritted my teeth together while clenching my hands into fists staring into Uri’s eyes.

“None of you can stop me. I WILL find a way to keep him ,you just wait and see.” I turned around and forced my eyes shut willing myself to wake up.

I felt myself becoming further and further away from where I was but in the distance I heard a faint voice.

“It’s not probable but also not impossible.”

Was that Uri trying to help, because I suppose there were worse things he could have said and his tone wasn’t mocking as much as it was hopeful. Could it be that my own father actually wanted me to have a better fate than the one that was layn out for me?

Upon opening my eyes I found myself nuzzled into Ambrose’s arms and felt the chills run down my body from the realization of the lack of heat that radiated from his body. Even though there was material that separated us I still felt the ice cold seep into my pores.

Ambrose looked down at me. “ You didn’t sleep very long.”

I pulled myself up and looked at Ambrose completely forgetting that vampires didn’t sleep. However the strangest thing caught my attention.His hair was out of place and his clothes weren’t completely done back up since we were intimate. I almost entirely forgot about that awful dream when all the thoughts and emotions rushed back into me of the past couple of hours. I couldn’t help but blush as I stared at him and ran my fingers through his messy, post- love making hair and found myself smiling. I might not have been able to figure out why Kassandra didn’t love Ambrose the way I had but I definitely knew why she stayed with him. To say he was an insatiable partner didn’t seem to be enough praise.

Even though that was my first time and I have nothing to compare it to it was the most beautiful thing in the world. I wondered if it was like that for Anna and Oliver as well as for Saddie and Seth. If love was suppose to feel this good even knowing for us there would be consequences. Maybe not the physical side of repercussions but definitely the emotional part that  I was dreading. Suddenly I found myself sidetracked when I noticed something that caused me to fight a smile. Trying to look away I saw a bulge in Ambrose’s pants and felt my cheeks become heated all over again.

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