Chapter 29- Bloodlust

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Chapter 29- Bloodlust

I just smiled at Dalton ,I was happy for them really. Ambrose’s hand slipped into mine intertwining his fingers with mine. I felt my heart skip a beat as I turned slightly to look at him I couldn’t help but smile. When I looked back Anna had a shocked face but she soon smiled before making her way out into the streets  with Oliver, the festival had already begun.

Dalton gave a quick laugh. “ I guess we’re not the only ones who should take it easy tonight.”

Violet had a smile on her face but she quickly turned away, I hadn’t even thought of her much throughout this mess. Unless of course it was Ambrose related because I tend to be a little possessive of things that were mine. Her smile was forced and she just looked sad, I thought at first it was because she was lonely but anytime I was with Ambrose she seemed to be more down. Just as I was thinking this, Sarge came over and asked Violet something that I couldn’t be entirely sure of because he was whispering then she grabbed his arm as they  left.

Before I could say anything people were starting to make their way outside of town hall where there were tables of food piled up and an area where there was an area  were drinks were being served and there was even a dance floor. I didn’t see very many young people around it seemed to be more or less the adults that were socializing here.

Onya and Perseus made their way to where we were before Perseus gave me a quick hug.

“I think you did a great job.” He smiled as Onya’s smile fell a little. I felt Ambrose’s hand squeeze mine a little tighter.Clearly this made him a more tense even something friendly like a small , one-armed hug.

“It took a lot of gonads for you to tell a crowd of your own people that you were going to stand by us no matter what.” I chimed as Onya nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go party! Trinity I have a feeling your going to like our alcohol down here it’s a bit stronger than human alcohol.” Onya grinned as her and Perseus made their way outside- or well what was considered outside underground.

“That’s all you had to say.” I gave a little laugh as Emmaline, Dalton, Ambrose and myself began to explore.

I turned to look at Ambrose as I grinned teasingly. “ He may be a babe but he’s not my type.” I  added reassuringly as we whispered amongst ourselves.

“You think that lug, is a babe?” Ambrose gave his head a shake almost looking repulsed. “So what is your type,anyways?” Ambrose asked , I couldn’t even be sure if he was being serious or not.

I let out a laugh that was louder than it meant to be. “ My type..... well I love a man who’s short. I’m not a fan of long torsos. Also I really like bald men  maybe a moustache and wears jogging pants because jogging pants are just...all around attractive, ya know?.” I elbowed Ambrose in the side.

In the moment Ambrose pulled his arm behind his back dragging my hand with his as I found myself pressed right up to him and he brought his lips down to mine almost touching my lips  teasingly as he gently pressed them against mine when I was about to kiss him he pulled his lips away bringing them to my ear.

“Your right, your not exactly my type either.” He whispered.

“I’m everyone’s type!” I almost shouted while Ambrose got a rise out of my little outburst.

I looked at him with a shocked expression but that was completely sidetracked when I saw how beautiful everything was there were white flowers from trees that gently fell off and it almost even resembled snow. The music that played was soft and completely different from what I’ve ever heard. There was an orchestra but I could only see a small girl singing- only her voice was far from small.

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