The Alliance Chapter 20- Another Nephilim

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The Alliance Chapter 20

Another  Nephilim

When I woke up it must have been later on in the morning because it was extremely bright outside. The light shone through the blinds onto my skin as I stared around the room wondering how long I could stay in here going unnoticed. I had my answer when there was a knock at the door.

“I’m feeling under the weather, I’ll come out later if I’m any better.” I murmured as I lay still in the bed gazing at the door cautiously .

“ Can I come in?” Hearing Anna’s voice put me at ease, if there was anyone I wanted to talk to it would be her.

“Fine, if you have to.” I added while hiding a smile as I sat upright on the bed seeing Anna  being closely followed by Oliver coming into my room.

I raised an eyebrow warily at them, Anna never brought Oliver with her but she didn’t seem to want him there anymore than I did.

“How are you feeling after yesterday?” Oliver asked placing a hand on mine.

“The same I guess.”

“Did you want to pray or talk about it?” Oliver smiled enthusiastically.

“I -uh not really, sorry.” I grinned politely as Anna elbowed him in the side.

“See I told you she didn’t want to pray. Geez Oll, now leave us be we have girl stuff to talk about.” Anna rolled her eyes in annoyance as Oliver blushed a little. His gesture was sweet and I had to stifle a laugh, they were like an old married couple.

“Maybe tonight?” I nodded at Oliver, obviously I didn’t want to think about Alistair and Gabe and I didn’t find much comfort in praying but confiding in Oliver became a force of habit and in some ways he knew better than even Anna had. Oliver beamed as he closed the door behind him and made his leave.

“Okay so this is the part where you tell me what the hell happened last night?” Anna sat on the bed facing me looking overly serious even for her.

I cleared my throat. “ Anna I think it’s pretty obvious.” I looked at Anna before grinning.

“You and Oliver had sex in your room, or at least that’s my gathering of the events.Mind you if you’re going to be drinking and trying to remember the night’s course of events you’re probably better off asking Oliver- not me.”

Anna rolled her eyes “ God you’re almost as annoying as he is. Stop playing dumb I heard you call Violet a blood whore, what the hell happened?”

I couldn’t help but smile thinking about that, I did not like Violet in the least. Her hospitality was generous but it didn’t mean I’d have to like her. “ Yeah I did call her that didn’t I?” I let out a laugh in pure amusement. Anna glared at me about ready to beat the events of last night out of me.

“I don’t want to talk about it?” I added hoping she’d let me drop it ,but Anna being Anna was not about to let it go. Her curiosity was surely going to kill her one of these days, and when it did I would have to be the one to save her ass.

“Well you don’t have a vote and I get to call the shots!” Anna crossed her arms, I couldn’t find this anymore amusing but today I was genuinely in a good mood so I didn’t mind playing around.

“What are you going to do if I don’t tell you? Are you going to beat me up?” I laughed.

Something lit in Anna’s eyes she pounced on me sitting on my stomach. “ No I’m going to kiss you.” She added casually.

“Uh huh, you’re going to kiss me?” I was seconds from tossing her off of me.

“ I can’t beat you up but if you don’t tell me right now I am going to kiss you, you freaking homophobe.”

Anna waited patiently for me to answer and I just looked at her like she lost her marbles, there was no way she was serious. After only seconds of silence  she plunged her lips onto mine.

“ANNA!” I flung her off of me as she fell onto the other side of the bed. I stood up aghast and wiped my lips off furiously.
“What the hell? Yuck. What’s the matter with you, you kissed me!” I stormed to the closet and quickly grabbed clothes to dress myself in the bathroom .

Anna couldn’t stop laughing she knew I had homophobic issues since I was in training.  Whispers surfaced about the possibility of my sexuality seeing as I never “hooked up” with a guy at the Safe House. I mean guys would hardly talk to me because of who I was , how the heck would I ever get the chance to sleep with one? Obviously all that cleared up after my apparent crush on Kovacs but Anna knew how to set me off.  I was cursing under my breath as I slammed the door shut behind me.

“Trinity come on! All you had to do was tell me what’s going on.” Anna’s voice pleaded as I heard her clear enough to know she was standing only feet away from the door.

I ignored her as I continued to get dressed in a black cashmere sweater and jeans. Yuck this clearly had to be apart of Violet’s wardrobe because the sweater was too over sized and the jeans were worn down and faded. Of course I wore this better than she could but either way I needed to go out and get a sweater and decent jeans.

“It’s just you’ve been a great friend to me always listening and helping me out and I just wanted to do the same.” Her voice dropped and sounded sad and I knew it was a ploy but it was a good one.

I opened the bathroom door and looked at her shaking my head. “ You’re a terrible actress but come in and if you touch me inappropriately again jokingly or not I will tie you up outside in the freezing cold and hose you down.” I added firmly as I went back to standing in front of the mirror making a long braid in my hair.

Anna laughed awkwardly “ Dually noted.”

“ I saw Ambrose feeding from Violet last night. Dalton came to talk to me and somehow we ended up kissing and I did something horrible.” I looked away feeling my cheeks turn bright red as the shame and guilt consumed me.

Anna’s eyes bugged out. “ You had sex with a vampire?”

I let out a full out honest laugh. “ No. I was about to let him feed from me.” I don’t know but for some reason that came out sounding extremely casual which was almost funnier than Anna’s assumptions.

Anna didn’t make a response but it couldn’t have been that hard to guess what she was thinking. She looked at me quietly for a minute just compiling whatever criticism that she was going to throw at me but then she cocked her head looking at me funny then a look of understanding swept over her.

“Genius, so you did it to piss off Ambrose.” A sly grin made it’s way on Anna’s face.

“Er.. yeah.” I smiled trying to convince myself of that.

“So after all that yelling and what not that you had the pleasure of hearing, I found out that I’m Kassandra which is oddly enough Dalton and Ambrose’s dead lover. Well the reincarnation of her anyways.” I still had a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that I wasn’t who I grew up thinking I was.

“They both had the same lover, now that makes for interesting gossip.” Anna pursed her lips together in thought.

“That does not go beyond this conversation. It’s messed up because I’m incredibly drawn to Ambrose, god the way he kissed me was so hot.” I placed my hands on the counter just staring into the mirror in a complete daze just reliving our kiss.

“You guys kissed?” Anna squealed in excitement.

“Then he pulled away because he’s not over Kassandra.” I added ,saying her name with resentment which is ridiculous because she is me.  I sighed while walked out of the bathroom being closely followed by Anna who’s jaw was now dropped looking at me in shock.

“What are you going to do now?” Anna was soaking up the drama like a sponge in a lake.

I stopped for a second to look at her and winked at her. “ Stick with me and you’re about to find out.”

We walked out of the bedroom and closed the door walking down the stairs to the parlor. The only people sitting in there were Oliver,Violet and Emmaline but from the distance into the dinning room sat Saddie, Seth, Sarge, Dalton and Ambrose playing  a game of cards. A few of them raised their eyes in our direction but I payed little attention to that.

I looked over at Violet and grinned before speaking loudly. “ I’m sorry for calling you a blood whore Violet, what you do on your time is your business and I will refrain from speaking my mind in  the future.”

Saddie put her cards down looking over in total shock and I noticed Seth looked amused and Sarge smacked Seth on the shoulder to grab his attention.

Violet coughed looking tense and awkward while Emmaline only looked amused too and that was a sign I had a feeling there was some sibling tension in this house and I think I just found my favourite witch. “Well thank you.” Was all she managed to reply.

I looked over at Emmaline. “ How far is the town from here?” I asked curiously.

“A couple of miles do you girls want a ride into town?” Emmaline offered anxiously looking like she desperately wanted an excuse to leave.

“I have a few errands I want to tend too.” I smiled walking towards the entrance where my coat sat on the rack.

“Perfect maybe we’ll pick you up some new clothes.” Anna laughed as I shook my head.

“I had every intention on getting something-more me.” I added biting my lip fighting back a laugh at the irony of what I just said. Ambrose must have thought there was some hidden message in what I was saying and if he thought I wasn’t being serious  he’ll be sadly mistaken. The three of us got into Emmaline’s beaten up Volvo and headed towards town.

The town was more country looking because they didn’t have a full out mall here it was like a giant flea market. You walked into these side streets that were flowing with stands to sell stuff. Since it was the closest stores around it would have to do, but personally I would have preferred  a nice duplex mall with boutiques. It was quaint and something seemed welcoming about this little town.

I looked over at Emmaline. “What’s the name of this town?” Asking curiously, I never travelled much when I was smaller.

“Woodstock.” Emmaline added all the while smiling as she made her way to a scarf shop.

“Like Woodstock!”  Anna giggled as she tried on a pair of earrings.

“Hmmm” I kept searching for a place where I could find some hair dye. “ Emmaline, where would I find a pharmacy?”

“We have a natural remedy store, if you need medicine I have a nice supply at the house.”

“Actually I was looking for hair dye.” I grinned while Anna turned to look at me funny.

“What colour?” Emmaline asked.

“Brown, I want something temporary.” I pursed my lips together just thinking how much fun I would have if I looked just like Kassandra.

“I have tons of stuff at home, I’ve even been working on a hair dye that changes your hair colour with your mood!”

Emmaline added gleefully. I let out a laugh and Anna looked horrified, I thought that was hilarious trying to picture my hair turn shades with my mood. I then noticed a clothing shop it had tons of gowns and that was what I came to look for. Something simple, satin and was completely out of the ordinary of what I would wear. The first that caught my eye was a black laced gown that was simple and had straps. It looked a bit plain but that’s what I wanted. The next one was extravagant a beige one that hung off the shoulders and I just adored it, I would have no occasion to wear it but I loved it enough to take it. All I ever really wore were jeans and tank tops covered in sweaters which were practical and more ideal for my line of work but if I wanted to pull off being Kassandra this would help for sure.

I hadn’t even noticed Emmaline sneak up on me until she was standing next to me touching the beige dress. “ That’s definitely something she would have worn.”

I looked at her raising an eyebrow. “Who?”

“Kassandra, I knew what you were planning the second you mentioned the hair dye. I’ve seen Kassandra’s picture.” Emmaline grinned before continuing.

“That dress would be perfect for the Winter Solstice festival coming up in a few weeks.”

I just smiled broadly, I definitely liked Emmaline. “ Out of curiosity what’s the deal with you and your sister?” I asked feeling invasive and pushy but it was bothering me.

“You couldn’t tell? I’m in love with Dalton and he’s in love with Violet.”

I contemplated this theory I definitely didn’t want to tell her about the kiss between Dalton and myself but I hadn’t payed much if any attention to how Dalton and Violet interacted, I was too busy monitoring her with Ambrose and regardless it was safe to say Violet had a mad thing for Ambrose. Either way I would keep an eye out. Then again when I did mention Ambrose feeding from Violet , Dalton seemed a bit weird I assumed it was because of my reaction but what if there was more? The thought that Dalton could be in love with someone else who was in love with Ambrose crushed me. Dalton lost Kassandra to Ambrose and knowing full well I had something for Ambrose well in the event that Dalton did feel something for me -if anything , made me feel guilty. If Dalton had feelings for Violet......and Violet had feelings for Ambrose , this was a twisted soap opera.

After about an hour of shopping around we ended up getting some charmed jewelery , jeans and casual clothing paid by Anna. Lucky for us she has a portion of the money left over from Oliver’s car and assured us he wouldn’t mind after everything that happened.

“Ready to go?” Emmaline asked us as we sorted out our bags to bring to the car.


As we were making our way to the car I had this eerie feeling of being watched, I wasn’t sure how else to explain this feeling other than having a strange warm feeling sweep through me. It was like seeing someone you haven’t seen in ages. Every time I looked back there was no one out of the ordinary around us. I just shrugged the weird feeling off and kept walking towards the car.

“What’s wrong?” Anna asked looking back as well to take a glimpse at whatever I was looking back at.

“Nothing , I think.” I added as we placed the bags in the trunk of Emmaline’s car.

Again that feeling came back and I spun around quicker than the first time and I saw this girl with pin straight blond hair taking off in the other direction. I wasn’t sure who she was and why she was following us but I chased after her and I was about to find out. She quickly made it off my radar I couldn’t see her, she was definitely not human but maybe she was Nephilim.

I stopped for a second and closed my eyes trying to sense where she was and after turning down a side street behind a stand that sold moccasins and assorted shoes I saw the girl come out of the clearing thinking she had made it away from me. I took that opportunity to seize her by shoving us both into a brick wall. This girl must have been a teenager maybe 15 or so was my guess.  She moaned in pain as she just as easily shoved me off of her.

“Thanks, you almost broke one of my nails.” She whined.

“No problem, I don’t take to kindly to being stalked.” I added while crossing my arms.

“I was observing not stalking. You’re the first of our kind that I’ve seen around here and you’re definitely not apart of the Underground.” The girl looked at me funny.

“What’s the Underground?” I asked stepping back looking more at ease.

“I uh....well we shouldn’t talk about it out here.”

“Alright well then you’re coming with me til we sort this out.” I stated pulling her behind me back towards the car.

“Well I have some....Oh fine I guess I have some time to kill.” The girl said reluctantly being pulled behind me as we made our way back to where Emmaline and Anna were. I earned some unusual looks but I reassured them that she was okay.

“I guess it’s pick up a pedestrian and bring them home day.” Anna teased.

“Nephilim.” I corrected as the girl next to me flinched.

“Basil... my name’s Basil.” The girl sat in the car and pressed her head against the window.

We all sat quietly on the way to their place, I wasn’t comfortable calling that place home but I guess now that I didn’t have a home it was as good of place as any. When we pulled up the path there was Sarg ,Seth and Saddie securing the perimeter and going over the blue prints of the area. Typical they should be taking this time to have fun and their patrolling the area.

When we walked in Violet, Dalton and Ambrose sat in the Parlor talking and Oliver was god only knows where likely making a shrine to worship God. When we walked in Basil froze stiff staring at Dalton and Ambrose.

“I.... There’s vampires in here. Oh no no . I’m out of here.” Basil was faster than me and that was shocking she headed down the path but I caught up with her and tackled her to the ground.

“Okay, seriously this making me chase after you is starting to get annoying. What’s your problem with them, their Elite vampires not Dark Ones so why are you flipping out?” I demanded pulling her up to her feet and brought her behind me to the House.

“I... well their all bad aren’t they? That’s what my Grandmother says.” Basil’s hand shook in mine.

I stopped and turned around to face her. “ I promise you they won’t hurt you, so you don’t need to be scared.”

Basil just smiled trustingly as she continued to follow me back into the house. We sat ourselves down at the table in the dinning room now that Dalton and Ambrose took a seat a safer distance away in the foyer just chatting amongst themselves but in close enough range to hear our conversation. Nosy buggers.

“See it’s all good. Now tell me about the Underground.” I demanded as we took our seats at the table as Violet , Emmaline and Anna came to sit with us.

“It’s ran by Nephilims, real hush hush given our history. There’s Nephilims Underground which just means there’s groups of us that meet from time to time to talk numbers. The last few years we’ve been trying harder to stay off the radar. Circulating ,moving around. My grandmother was an Oracle andt she saw that a fellow Nephilim would save us. We practice magic , track down and target our predators and kill them. You’re strong you should stick with us.” The girl added smugly.

This was real , here I am thinking that Nephilims were extinct. My own people , people that could help me better understand things. They were doing such a good job staying off the Radar , I’m sure the council didn’t even know about this.

“That’s remarkable.” Violet interjected.

“Have you ever heard of the Alliance?” I asked Basil.

“ Rumors mostly,  I guess in the old days people banned together to protect their people.” Basil looked at me questioningly to see if her answer was right.

I jumped up and started pacing around, this could change everything.  “ No no no … you don’t get it we’re still going strong we have a pact with Elites, ever since the Dark Ones started working with the werewolves. Would the Underground work with us? We have fighters and vampires but you guys could really help our odds.” I continued to pace around this was huge.

“I... I don’t know.” Basil squirmed nervously, I guess they’ve been in hiding for so long that the idea of coming out was scary.

“What do you mean? We could really make a change...make a statement we shouldn’t have to be in hiding that’s the point of this. You should be able to live a normal fear-free lifestyle. Plus Nephilims are stronger and we need to make a statement they can’t screw with us anymore.” I didn’t realize how much of an uproar I was in my hands were pressed onto the table and I was staring right at her with my eyes clearly showing my true nature.

It wasn’t until Ambrose lightly touched my shoulder that I backed away.

“Ease up, you were frightening her.” Ambrose gently whispered in my ear.

I pulled myself free, distancing myself from him and sat down smiling apologetically at Basil. “Sorry Basil, this is just huge that’s all.”

“I’m in. Now we just have to convince everyone else in the Underground.  In a week there’s another gathering , I’ll get you a summons with them but that’s all I can promise.” Basil added smiling proudly. For a little girl she definitely had some big gonads.

“Did you want a ride back into town?” Emmaline asked her before extending a plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of her.

Basil looked from her to me. “ Can we talk some more first? I want to know about the real world.” Basil chimed enthusiastically.

I smiled a bit. “Sure.”

Emmaline and Violet made their leave to the Parlor to sit and play scrabble with Ambrose and Dalton. Basil seemed less tense so her, Anna and myself stayed in the dinning room talking some more.

“When did your powers come out?” Basil abruptly threw into the conversation. I won’t lie this was an unusual and embarrassing question seeing as I was a ‘late bloomer’.

“Recently.” My tone was low as I shied away.

“Really because I could sense you all the way from my place. I live about the same distance from here to town pretty well. You’re so strong, I’m surprised you didn’t sense me earlier.”  Basil stuffed her face with another cookie.

“Late bloomer.” Anna whispered as they both suppressed giggles.

“ Other than my regular senses that kicked in when I was young, I wasn’t able to produce fire until I set the Safe house on fire yesterday.” I couldn’t help but quickly glimpse back to all the horrible things that happened yesterday, and for Alistair and little Gabe I planned on getting revenge.

“Fire! You can produce fire? No freaking way!” Basil jumped up,pushing her chair aside.

“I can only communicate with the dead and you can blow shit up, that’s beyond wicked.”

“You think blowing up your home for the last decade is cool?” I started to flare up but quickly started calming myself down.

“Sorry, that part really isn’t but the only other powerful Nephilim I’ve seen is Perseus he’s produced earth quakes. Other than that all I’ve really seen is enhanced neurological abilities like telekinesis  and telepathy stuff like that.”

“Do you think he’d be able to help me with my powers? I had a friend who was helping me but he’s no longer with us.”

I couldn’t bare to say Gabriel’s name out loud but I really needed to shape up and learn how to properly work my powers if I ever wanted to use them without jeopardizing tons of lives in the process.

“Are you kidding me Percy would love you.” Basil grinned.

Ambrose glanced over in my direction, if just mentioning another guy around him sparked some sort of interest he had no idea what I had in store for him.

Violet arose and made her way over towards us.
“Basil , you said you’re grandmother was an Oracle do you think she’d like to join us for dinner, you as well naturally.”

“Uh yeah I’m sure she would actually. It’s not everday Augurs invite us over for dinner. Only she’s with Perseus. Hey maybe you can try to convince him he has certain influence over the rest of the Underground.” Basil raised an eyebrow suggestively.

“It’s worth a try.”  I went to grab the phone to give to Basil to call her grandmother.

“I wonder if Perseus is cute.” Anna joked.

“You have Oliver , you shouldn’t wonder anything about another guy.” I replied teasingly.

Anna’s face scrunched up in disappointment before mumbling party pooper. Ambrose made his way up behind me . “Can I have a word with you?”

I looked at him intensely I knew better, that I should just continue ignoring him but every time I looked at him I felt my heart start to melt all over again. He hurt me....I gave him a chance and he blew it. For a long hard second I didn’t say anything other than looking at him biting my lip nervously. How he made me feel was awful because I didn’t want to ignore him I wanted to do everything but ignore him. I looked around and nobody was in this room they had wandered into the Parlor to make plans.

I glanced down taking my eyes away from Ambrose. “ Sorry I’d rather not.” I started to walk away he gently touched my arm. I yanked my arm free over dramatically as my heart started to pound. I shoved him back into the wall and pressed myself against him holding him there.

“No, you don’t get to do this to me. I opened up to you completely Ambrose, I let you in and you pushed me away. That’s the last time it will ever happen. Keep your distance from me besides you need to properly do your job. “ I spat out filled with rage.

I swiftly backed off dropping my grip from him and made my way upstairs to get changed for tonight. I barely made my way to my bed when there was an abrupt knock at the door. As I turned to answer it Emmaline had my bags in her hands.

“If you want me to dye your hair we could do that before dinner.” Emmaline added mischievously as I let her in to do so. She was hoping for some kinda of uproar tonight and I just wanted to prove a point and that was it didn’t matter what Ambrose kept telling himself but there was no way he was just going to stop having feelings for me. I think Emmaline was counting on the fact that Violet would go absolutely insane and feel what she felt over losing Dalton (apparently to Violet). Either way I needed to focus less on that and more towards persuading Perseus into seeing a good reason to fight with us.


It was nearly 5 o’clock and I heard rustling going on downstairs as dinner was being prepared everything smelled amazing. I was brushing my newly long brown hair and I have to admit from my visions I looked freakishly like Kassandra. I wasn’t sure I really liked this change however the dye would rinse out after a few washes so by then I’m sure my goal would be met. I slipped on a pair of nylon stockings underneath my newly purchased black dress. After everything was done up neatly I took one glance in the mirror and grinned. I wasn’t one for liking my own appearance mind you I really wasn’t half bad looking at times.

“Trinity?” I heard Basil’s voice at my door as I approached it to open.

“Dinner already?” I asked as Basil looked at me speechless.

“Wow , that’s not fair I know Nephilims are suppose to be naturally beautiful but come on you shouldn’t be that gorgeous.”

Basil looked disappointed and I let out a laugh. “ I’d hardly call myself that, but I can do your hair and makeup too if you want?” I offered.

I wasn’t much into that girlie stuff my motto was “getter done” so I never spent time oggling myself. However, Basil seemed engrossed with the idea of fashion and makeup. She flung herself onto my bed and sat there while I started brushing her hair and braiding it. When I was little I would sit in front of the mirror and braid my own hair imagining it was something my mother would have done if she were alive.


I pulled my chair closer to the vanity to have a closer look.  I wondered how much I looked like her. Daddy says I’m a spitting image of mommy, mind you all I have to base this off are old shoe box photos of her and Daddy when they were younger. She was always smiling and had flowers in her long beautiful hair. I opened my music box to listen to the serene classical music that emanated from it as I sat brushing through my long thick silky blond hair.

That was the only thing I have of hers, this stupid music box. No real memories of how she smelled for laughed or smiled at me. Would she smile at me? I have no idea what she would have thought of me. Tristan was always so much smarter and better with people than I was.

I closed my eyes and started humming along with the music of the music box. Tristan stood there in his pj’s laughing at me devilishly with his arms crossed.

“Trinnie, you’re so weird sometimes.” Tristan let out a laugh as he came in and took the brush out of my hands and continued to brush my hair for me.

“ Tristan, do you ever wonder what momma would think of us? Do you think she regrets having us because we killed her?” A frown made it’s way on my face before a puddle of tears managed to spill freely down my cheek.

Tristan stopped and put the brush on the Vanity and came to give me a hug. “ I think Mom knew the risk of having us and she’s proud of us.” Tristan kissed the top of my forehead before picking up the brush and continued brushing my hair.

“When did you get so wise?” I asked while managing a giggle.

“Since I was born 3 minutes before you.” Tristan winked before braiding my hair into a long loose braid for me.

“I love you Tristan, forever and ever.” I smiled widely at him.

Tristan shook his head pretending to be disgusted. “ Trinnie, don’t be gross.”

After he walked out of my bedroom he looked back and smiled. “ Love you too.”

*End of Flashback*

I sat there holding the brush to Basil’s hair and began braiding it while giving my head a shake.

“What was that?” Basil asked.

“Oh nothing just a memory.” I looked away feeling complete and utter regret, Tristan was a monster and it was my fault. I should have tried and stopped them from taking him maybe he would have lived and turned out differently. I wasn’t okay with the idea of losing him even after everything.

Basil turned her head to look at me. “ Who was it?”

“My brother.”

I began braiding even faster, the sooner I was done the sooner she would leave the room and I wouldn’t have to pretend to be so nice.

“You have a brother? Is he a Nephilim too?” Basil asked as her entire face lit up.

“Sort o
f... He’s a Werewolf too.” I finished up her braid and walked over to the door to escort her out.

“Wow , my hair looks great! Hang on you’re brother is a werewolf and a Nephilim?” Basil gulped harder.

I nodded “ That’s why we need the help with this war.”

“So you’d have to kill your own brother?” Basil’s eyes widened.

I huffed in annoyance. “ Dinner, let’s go. “

I dragged Basil down the stairs, which was becoming an odd habit. I couldn’t help but find myself laughing. Basil was how I imagined a little sister would be like having, annoying in a cute way.
For some unknown reason I really liked having Basil around, after losing everything I lost having someone with as much spirit as her was refreshing and she managed to keep me so annoyed and focused on her that I had less time to even think about Ambrose.

Uh oh speaking of the devil, they were all by the landing greeting what I assumed to be Basil’s Grandmother and Perseus. Holy damn Perseus was beyond gorgeous, I thought Kovacs was hot and Ambrose and heck even Dalton is his weird little way but Perseus was angelic with his blond waves tumbling down and his toned , tall ripped body. I had to bit my tongue so I wasn’t drooling everywhere. Stop staring at the hot guy, stop staring!

Basil skipped down the rest of the stairs and pulled Perseus in a tight embrace.

“Perseus this is Trinity.” Basil introduced politely while secretly winking behind his back towards me. I couldn’t help but blush stupidly while noticing Ambrose looking less than impressed as he was the first to take his seat.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you.” I tossed in nervously.

Perseus had a sly grin on his face as his eyes never left mine as he lowered his lips to my hand to kiss it.

“The pleasure is all mine.”

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