Before the meeting

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-Meliodas POV-

I pulled out a chair for Elizabeth to sit down. She did and I pulled her chair in again and sat down in front of her.

We started talk a bit while ordering the food. We was at my favourite restaurant and it was pretty expensive. The food came and we continued to talk.

"So, working in the boar hat, was that your only job?" I asked. She nodded and said "Yes, that was the first job I could find at the moment."

"Was you in a rush?" I asked, a bit confused off 'by the moment'.

"Yeah, kinda, you know, father's bet?" She asked and I nodded.

"But I still don't understand why you are involved in his bets." I said, but then continued "I understand if you are involved in this because he literally gave you to me, but the others?"

"I am kinda the one paying all his bets because he doesn't have the money himself." Elizabeth said, making me feel bad about it.

"How much does it usually be?" I asked, making her answer "About 10 000 dollars every bet and he bet about every day. He need to learn how to stop, but he can't."

"I'm so sorry that you needed to live like that." I said to her, but she changed the subject, asking "You then? Is the boar hat an actual job or undercover for... yeah, you know?"

I'm happy she didn't say mafia in a place like this. She is pretty smart.

"It's a undercover, but I need to take care of it like it was my actual job... so I'm pretty busy some times." I said. Hope she is okay with a night alone or two, because it will definitely happen at least two times a month.

"Is it okay being alone a night or two? Sometimes I need to work on the nights." I said. Then I continued "I could always quit the job as a bar owner to be more with you if you want."

"No, no, it's okay, I understand, take all the time you want." She said. She is so understanding and kind. We continued to talk, eat and have a good time in about a hour. Then I paid and we walked to a park. I have a surprise for her there.

"Close your eyes." I said, she did as told while I took her hand and started pulling her somewhere.

"You can open them now." I said as I made her sit down on a bench. She opened her eyes and her mouth dropped when she saw the view.

"It's so... beautiful." She said as I sat down beside her and pulled her close to me. Then I put my hand on her forearm in a position near a side hug.

"Hope you like it. This is just for you." I said and looked at the fountain. The sun was about to go down, making the sky pinkish, purplish orange. The clear, blue water made it look like magic as the birds was singing.

"I love it." She said.

"I hope you love me more then the view, because I definitely do it." I joked, earning a giggle and a response "Of course I do."

After some minutes, we headed home. Me and Elizabeth sat in the couch and watched a movie when the door opened.

Me and Elizabeth looked there to see King and Ban walking in. They was beaten up badly.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked as Elizabeth bust our laughing, making me ask "And what's up with you?"

"We was visiting Elaine and SOMEONE have told her we work in a mafia." Ban said, looking at Elizabeth. She defended "I told you the first day that I'm gonna tell her. She's my bestie, I tell her everything."

"Have you told someone else?" King asked irritated and Elizabeth shook her head. We all sighed in relief that she hasn't.

"Do you really think I'm that dumb to tell everyone about it?" Elizabeth asked. King then said "I mean, you told Elaine."

"Of course not, you're my angel." I said and put her on my lap to hug her.

"Stop that lovey dovey. We are beaten up here!" Ban said. I just chuckled and kissed Elizabeth to irritate him more.

"Ew." I heard Ban and King say and then they left us be. We separated and I looked at Elizabeth.

"Want to do something more?" I asked and she shook her head and said "I'm not ready yet."

The rest of the day, we watched a movie and then went to bed. Elizabeth's bruise is healing just fine. It's unbelievable how much it have healed. In this peace, it should be all healed up tomorrow or the day after.

We went to bed and I put my arms around Elizabeth and we fell asleep.

-Elizabeth's POV-

As every night, I pretended to fall asleep until Meliodas did. I slowly took away his arms that was wrapped around me and went out. It was 1 AM like always.

-Meliodas POV-

It have been 2 says since me and Elizabeth got together. Tomorrow is the meeting with my brothers and the 10 commandments.

"Good night Elizabeth." I said and put my arms around her waist. Her bruise have already healed. It's amazing how fast it does.

"Good night Meliodas." She said and I kissed her forehead before going to sleep. It was a peaceful sleep until I woke up.

Elizabeth wasn't here with me. Where did she go?

Then I looked at the clock. 3 AM. She is surely just in the restroom or something. So I decided to wait for her. After waiting 15 minutes, I got worried. Where is she?!

I was about to go out of bed when the door opened and Elizabeth walked inside.

"Elizabeth?! Where were you?! I was starting to get really worried!" I said. She smiled at me and said "I was just taking a sandwich. I was getting a bit hungry."

"Please, wake me up next time." I said and get in the bed together with her. She just nodded and we both fell asleep.

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