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-Elizabeth's POV-

"What?!" I asked.

"What the hell?! You can't just leave without my permission!" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Says the one who got treated." I said.

"Shut up and start doing as I say!" He yelled.

"Well, try to not be stupid then." I said.

"Meliodas." I continued. That made him snap. He took my wrist and pulled me to the room we was in before. He pushed me on bed and then walked out of the room. Locking it.

I just laid down on my bed.

"How stupid, not even looking in my hand bag or taking my phone." I whispered as I took out my phone and started play on it.

After a while, I fell asleep.

I woke up and then Meliodas was lying beside me, looking up at the celling.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"This is my room." He said, not looking at me.

"How smart, kidnapping someone and hold them in your room. Especially with what I did." I said sarcastic.

"It's smarter then what you think." He said, this time looking at me.

"Yeah, right." I said.

"Take on those." He said and pointed at some clothes on the desk.

"Why?" I asked.

"One, you can't always have those clothes, two, they are to the mission." He said.

"I'm not gonna go on some missions of yours." I said.

"Yes, you will. Take them on, we are going in one hour." He said.

"Okay then, Meliodas." I said. He didn't even look at me. What's wrong?

I looked at the clothes and they was even more revealing then I already had.

"I'm not having this!" I said.

"Yes, you do." He said.

"No!" I said.

"Yes! Take on the damn clothes!" He said. I signed.

"Fine then." I said and walked to the bathroom. I started with showering and then took on the more revealing clothes. This is seriously the worst clothes I ever had.

I was almost done, when it was a knock on the door.

"What's taking you so long?!" I heard Meliodas voice.

"I'm done soon!" I said annoyed.

"Come out here now!" He said.

"Not until I am done!" I said.

"Fine." I heard him mumble before leaving the door.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Meliodas have changed.

"Good. Let's go! Diane is already done." He said. I just followed him out to a car. When we was there, I saw Diane in the car.

We started driving.

"Okay, you will take all information you get when I am not there. Best information is about the meeting next time, their next mission and demon king." Meliodas said. Me and Diane nodded.

"Good, we arrive in 5 minutes." Meliodas said. I looked out the window for the next minutes.

Then we stopped at my work. It was empty. No one in there. We walked inside and made everything ready. Soon, two boys walked in. Two boys I knew.

Zeldris and Estarossa.

"I am out of here." I said and was about to walk out when Meliodas grabbed my wrist.

"Where do you think you are going?!" He asked. The two boys still haven't seen any of us because of them talking to each other.

"Never I will be with those two!" I said and pointed at Estarossa and Zeldris.

"You stay here!" Meliodas said.

"Fine." I said and signed.

"Sup brothers!" Meliodas said and walked up to them.

-Meliodas POV-

They both greeted me and then Estarossa looked behind me.

"E-Elizabeth?" He asked.

"What?!" Zeldris asked and looked behind me too.

"You know her?" I asked and pointed at her without even looking. They both was about to nod when their eyes widened and they shook their heads. They really looked scared.

"Let's just get started!" Estarossa said and we walked over to the couch. Then we started talking while Diane and Elizabeth handed us drinks.

"Demon King gave us a new mission. We need to steal the famous heart crystal. We need your help, of course, you get half of it all." Zeldris spoke. I nodded.

"Sounds good. So what will we do?" I asked.

"We need to get more info about the place. We should go." Estarossa said.

"9 AM next Sunday? My place?" I asked. They nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Bye!" Zeldris said and they hurried out. I looked at Elizabeth who looked at a drink in her hand.

"How do you know them?" I asked. Diane walked out of here, I assume she was going to get the car ready and didn't ask about it.

"Not your business." She said.

"They are my little brothers, so it is my business." I said.

"You wasn't there, so it is not you business." She said. I was starting to get angry.

"Tell me!" I said.

"No... Meliodas." She said. That was it. I pinned her to the wall.

"Tell me woman!" I yelled.

"Umm, no." She said. She was getting on my nerves, but I needed her to the missions, so I couldn't kill her. With that, I let go of her and started walking out. She walked after, but when I opened the car door for her to get in, she just walked away.

"Where do you think you are going?!" I yelled.

"Home! No way I stay with a slut slut you!" She yelled back. That was it. I jumped in the car and told Diane to drive up to her.

When she stopped beside Elizabeth, I opened the door and pulled her in the car and on my lap. Then I hold her hard enough so that she wouldn't be able to go away. Diane then drove away.

"Let go of me bastard!" Elizabeth said.

"No! You aren't going anywhere!" I said and held her tighter.

"L-let go! T-that hurts!" She said.

"Oh, it does?" I said and held even tighter.

"Y-yes!" She said.

"Captain, calm down." Diane said.

"No, this is your punishment for talking back and being annoying to me!" I said and held her even tighter. She was trying to get of from me, but I held too tight.

"Captain, she won't be able to be on any missions if you continue." Diane said. I slowly losses my grip, but I didn't let her go.

Soon we arrived and I grabbed Elizabeth by her arm and pulled her to my room. We didn't have any spare room, so that is the only room for her to be in.

After throwing her inside, I locked the door.

Let's see how she be after this.

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