Know who it is

652 18 40

-Elizabeth's POV-

"What do you mean?" Green asked.

"You, Meliodas, is already my boss at work. Not that hard to figure out, even if we just meet one time." I said and rolled my eyes.

"And you two!" I said, pointing at blue and red.

"Us?" Red asked at the same time as blue. I nodded.

"Yes, you! What do you think Elaine will say when she get to know this? Her brother and boyfriend working in a mafia?" I asked, looking at them.

"I guess, she wouldn't be happy." Red said.

"She will rip my head off!" Blue said worried.

"Don't tell her." Blue said.

"Oh, I am going to tell her. I will say it exactly like this: Elaine, your boyfriend Ban and brother King is working in a mafia and tried to kidnap me. What do you think about that?" I asked.

"Don't." Ban said.

"Let me clear this for you, you are not going anywhere." Meliodas said.

"I am not staying here." I said and turned around to walk away when a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

"I said that you are not going anywhere!" Meliodas said.

"Leave." Meliodas then told the others. They all walked in the mansion.

"Let go of me." I said calm.

"You are handling this mind of situations pretty good, but you shouldn't try to flee." Meliodas told me.

"What did my asshole father bet?" I asked.

"Non of your business." He said.

"I am here, so it is my business. Everything my father bet is my business." I said.

"And why is that?" Meliodas asked.

"That is non of your business." I said.

"I am here, so it is my business." He said. I could feel him smirking behind me.

"But your business is only the bet, not every bet he ever done." I said calm.

"Now, let go off me." I said a bit harsher.

"No, you are doing as I say." He said.

"I said, let go of me, or you will regret it!" I said harsher.

"And if I don't?!" He asked with a smirk. I took his arm he had around my waist and throw him over me, making him land on  his back hard on the ground.

"I told you to let go." I said and started walking.

"And I told you that you will be punished by talking like that to me." He said and the next second, he was holding me again.

"What will I do with you?" Meliodas asked me with a whisper. Then he picked me up.

"We start with taking you to the room." He said and started walking to the mansion.

"Let me down." I said.

"No." He said.

"I said, let me down." I said.

"No." He said. I crossed my arms and and looked away from him.

"Oh, you are not gonna try to flee?" He asked.

"Why would I? I won't be able to." I said. I could feel him smirking.

"Good girl." He said. Soon, we arrived at a room and he opened the door. Then he walked in and laid me down on the bed.

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