Her purpose

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I laid down in bed, angry at the commandments. Soon I heard the door open, but I didn't care. Suddenly, my licenses and ID was placed on the nightstand, making me look at the person walking in.

"Hey." He said, making me respond "Hi Meliodas."

Then he laid down in bed beside me and put his hand on my waist.

"I didn't think you was a spy." He said and snuggled his head in my neck. I smiled a bit and started playing with his hair as I said "Well, now you know, but keep this a secret."

"Sure, anything for my princess." He mumbled in my neck. Then I asked "Are you done planning already?"

"No, but I'm not gonna plan without you, so if you skip, I will too." He mumbled and pulled me closer.

"You are so cute." I said, making him chuckle and ask "A cute mafia leader?"

"Yeah, a cute mafia leader." I answered and he then sat up, looking at me.

"Why did you stay here? I mean, you're the Supreme deity's daughter, you could easily have escaped." Meliodas questioned.

-Meliodas POV-

Elizabeth sat up and looked down, making me a bit worried.

"I'm not sure if you would like it." She said. That made me even more worried and I said "You can tell me anything. I'm not gonna be angry at you."

"It all was our plan to get to know your next move in the mafia war. After all, the seven deadly sins is the Demon King's best gang." She answered.

"What plan? Since when?" I asked. She was still looking down as she answered "Everything was. It started with that bet. It was a trap for me to get in. As an undercover, I acted a normal girl as Father acted like a bitch that couldn't stop betting."

"But that phone call? When he yelled at you? And your nightmare?" I asked.

"It was all a act. I was never sleeping and father told me a secret massage when he yelled." She answered honestly.

"So this all was an act? Do you even love me?! Or is that also an act?!" I asked and stood up. I can't believe it. Everything was an act?!

Before she could answer, I asked "Did you even love me when I asked you to be my girlfriend?! Or was... that an act too?"

"Yes, it was, b-" I cut her off by yelling "OUT!" and pointing at the door.

"Meliodas, li-" Once again, I cut her off by yelling "OUT!"

She stood up and walked out of the room. Then I yelled "BAN!"

He come immediately. He knows to not argue when I'm angry.

"Take Elizabeth to THAT room!" I said, making him say "But-"

I cut him off by yelling "NOW!"

He did as told as I laid laid down in the bed. Crying. I can't believe the one I love the most do this to me.

-Diane's POV-

The commandments walked home, deciding to plan another day when Captain walked upstairs to Elizabeth.

Now, everyone except the Captain and Elizabeth is at the table. Ban have just taken Elizabeth to THAT room on Captain's orders. I can't believe he ordered Ban to do that to her.

THAT room is horrible. That's where we hold our hostages when we have some. We never got to know why Captain didn't place her in that room from the beginning like usually, but we thought he liked her and let it be.

But now when she is there, it's horrible. No one can be in that room without getting crazy. It have no things. The only way in the room is a metal door. It's always cold down there. Even to the point you could freeze to death if you is in there too long. It's also black. Literally black. No one is able to see. Not even a night animal. Also every time you move in the house, it echoes in that room. Every little snap with the fingers can be heard there like drums.

"What... do you think happened?" King asked, breaking the silence. We all just shook our heads for a 'We don't know'.

Elizabeth must be cold already. She just had a summer dress on and short socks. Nothing more.

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