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-Elizabeth's POV-

The door opened. I just assumed it was Diane, so I didn't look up before I heard a male voice.

"If you really love me, then come with me and explain yourself." A cold voice said. I looked up to see Meliodas. I'm willing to do anything for him to forgive me.

I nodded and stood up, leaving the blanket on the floor. I walked with Meliodas to what used to be our room.

He locked the door as soon as we both was inside and he looked at me and asked "How could was it in there?"

My body was nearly white as a dead body of the coldness.

"R-really c-cold." I stuttered out my answer. He smiled, making my heart melt.

He sat down in bed and opened his arms as he said "Come here."

I did as told and sat down in his lap as he snuck his arms around me. He was so warm and I felt so safe in his hold. I couldn't help myself then to snuggle in his hold. I felt so tired. I haven't slept as long I was in that room.

Just a minute later, I felt darkness consume me, but not a darkness like in that room. This was so comfortable and warm instead of cold and scary.

-Meliodas POV-

As soon as Elizabeth got in my arms, she fell asleep. How tired was she if she fell asleep this fast?! She is ice cold too! It really must have been horrible in there.

We will see how much she really loves me.

I slowly let go of Elizabeth and was going to lay her in bed, but as soon as I lifted her from my lap, she woke up.

"You woke up fast." I said to her as she looked at me confused. Now I can prove that she really just wanted out.

"Here, lay in bed. It's much warmer in the bed then in my hold." I said and patted the bed. She looked a bit sad and whispered "B-but I would r-rather th-that you h-hold me then s-sleep in b-bed."

She declined it? The bed is much more comfortable and warm then I am. Suddenly she crawled closer to me and opened my arms before sitting in my lap again.

I hugged her cold body. I have really missed to hold her like this, but I still don't know if she really does love me.

"Elizabeth?" I asked and she hummed. It sounded like she nearly was asleep once again.

"Do you really love me?" I asked and she immediately looked me in the eyes and said "Yes! Of course I do! I will always love you!"

"Even... if I old you that I'm a demon?" I asked. She doesn't really love me if she says no. No one wants to be close to me when I have told them that. Except the sins.

"Yes I do! That doesn't change anything! You are still you!" She said and hugged me. That made me smile and hug her back.

"I love you too." I said. I have one last thing I want to test. No one would want to do this if they knew I was a demon. No one. I'm sure. So if she really does act, then she will try to get out of this.

I fell backwards in the bed and kissed Elizabeth on the mouth. She kissed back immediately. When we separated, I looked at her in the eyes and said "Elizabeth, we demons have something called mating season and... I would like to mate you."

"What does that mean?" She asked. She was so adorable. I really hope she loves me for real.

"It means, that when I'm done with you, you will be bound with me forever. You won't be able to be without me for longer then a month." I said. She smiled and said "I would love to mate with you."

"Even if we need to do something dirty?" I asked. She nodded and I went in for one more kiss before asking "Where do you want your mate mark?"

"Mate mark?" She asked. So adorable, cute and everything. I won't be able to hold myself back anymore if this continues.

"The mark that shows that you are mine." I said and couldn't help myself then to travel my hands over her body.

"Anywhere is fine, but I would like if it was visible." She said. I never thought she would want it to be visible. Does... she really love me? It really starts to feel like it. I really feel loved.

"Sure, I can work with that." I said and immediately pulled off her clothes to find a place to mark her. In the end, I chose her forearm where I had my dragon tattoo.

I bit down and it felt amazing. Then I continued to kiss her. I'm gonna make this mark complete immediately.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas laid down beside me and pulled me to lay on his chest.

"How feels it to have been marked by me?" Meliodas asked. I smiled and said "I have never been happier."

He chuckled and caressed my body. He was a bit h arsh as we did it, but I don't mind. I still love him as much.

"We have probably missed both breakfast and lunch by now, are you hungry?" Meliodas asked. I shook my head and said "Just a bit tired. That's all."

"Go to sleep then, my princess." Meliodas said.

"Good night Meliodas." I said and kissed his cheek before going to sleep.

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