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-Elizabeth's POV-

I was quiet on the whole way home from the hospital. I haven't spoken at all while Meliodas have just asked how long I have been pregnant and thanked him and we have went home.

All the sins asked where we were when we come home, but Meliodas just said "It's a surprise."

After that, he took my hand and pulled me upstairs to our room. Once the door was closed, he kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm so happy! We are gonna be parents! I can't believe it! We will be parents!" Meliodas said and hugged me.

"I can't believe that you are 6 weeks pregnant already! I love you so much!" He said in my chest and then let go.

"What do you think? Do you want a girl or a boy? What should we name it? I can't believe it!" Meliodas said happily. Then I sat down in our bed as Meliodas asked "Something wrong?"

"Yes, I can't have a child. I don't want a child. I will do abort." I said and his expression changed.

"What are you talking about? Abort?! It's our child, Elizabeth! You can't do abort!" Meliodas said upset. Then I stood up and said "I won't be able to be a spy in over a year! I don't want a baby! I will do abort as soon as possible!"

"You will not do abort! I won't let you! It's our child, Elizabeth! Our flesh and blood! You can't do abort!" Meliodas argued back.

"I have no intention of asking for anyone's permission!" I said stubborn. Then Meliodas took a step closer to me and put his hands on my arms.

"Elizabeth, it's our child. Don't do this, please. Don't you want a family?" He asked softly while rubbing my forearms a bit.

"No! No I don't! Not in this age! I still want to be a spy!" I said, but it led to Meliodas picking me up and sat me down on the bed. He rubbed my stomach gently with the back of his hands and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you Elizabeth," Meliodas started and put his hand on my cheek and caressed it instead.

"But I won't let you do abort. It's my child as much as yours and I want it." He continued, planting a small kiss on my mouth.

"Listen Meliodas, I don't want any child. I won't he able to be a spy while being pregnant nor the first years of its life because of me taking care of it." I explained.

"But it's just not you that will take care of it. I will too and I bet the sins would want too." He argued, making me say "It seems like you don't understand how much attention they must have and how hard it can be!"

"I do understand and am willing to give it as much as it needs." He said and laid down beside me, putting his arms around my chest.

"But I'm not! I want to do abort!" I said. He sighed and said "I'm sorry, but I won't let you. I won't let you out of my sight until the baby is here."

I tried to sit up, but couldn't of his grip, that wasn't too tight, around me.

"I mean it." Meliodas said and planted a small kiss on my cheek. Knowing I won't be able to go anywhere without Meliodas or if he isn't asleep, so I just laid still.

After laying down some minutes, I fell asleep because of my tiredness.

-Meliodas POV-

When Elizabeth finally fell asleep, I walked downstairs to get our lunch. Like this past weeks, Elizabeth have cheese and watermelon. Now I understand why she won't eat anything.

"So, Captain? What's the surprise?" Ban asked when I took our food.

"I will tell you tonight after Elizabeth have fallen asleep. Tell the others that too." I said and walked upstairs again before he could respond.

After eating and Elizabeth falling asleep again, I locked the window to our room and our door. I can't let her out of here without anyone walking with her. The WHOLE time.

. . . . .

It's night and Elizabeth have finally fallen asleep. So I walked downstairs to the living room. Of course, I locked the door to our room before I left.

All the sins was sitting in the couches as I walked inside the living room.

"So, what's the surprise?!" Diane asked excited. My smile grew bigger then it ever have as I said "Try to guess first."

"You have... asked Elizabeth to marry you and she said yes?" Diane asked, making me shake my head and whisper "Should do that soon though." to myself.

"You have finally brought a book of how to cook?" Merlin asked, making everyone laugh except Gowther and me.

"No, not that either." I said. I waited for anyone else to guess, but no one did. Before I could tell, Diane spoke "Come on Captain, tell us!"

"Me and Elizabeth... will be parents." I said, shocking them all. Ban, King, Diane and Escanor yelled "What?!" in shock and surprise.

"Yes." I said as my smile grew ear to ear. Then they all started talking, asking questions like "How long?""Already?!""Really?!""What gender?""Have you any names?""How long have you known it?"

"Quiet down everyone." I said, making everyone quiet.

"We doesn't know the gender or have any names or anything like that. We got to know it today when we drove to the hospital, but the doctor said she is 6 weeks pregnant." I said, answering all their questions at one time.

"Where is Elizabeth now?" Diane asked, making me answer "She is sleeping right now. Don't disturb her. She need extra treatments from now on until the pregnancy is over. I will go back to her right away."

"Sure thing." Ban said and I went upstairs again to see Elizabeth sitting up in bed, both her hands on her stomach while looking at it. She didn't seem to notice that I walked inside, so I decided to sit down behind her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, placing my hands on top of hers and kissing her neck.

"You need your sleep. Come on, let's go back to sleep." I said and made her lay down. She didn't fight back and I cuddled her while we was laying there awake.

"What was you thinking about?" I asked.

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