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-Meliodas POV-

I was walking back to the kitchen when I heard Diane's voice in THAT room. So I stopped to listen to their conversation.

I was shocked when I heard Elizabeth's explanation, but I can't believe it. She's a too good actor for me to believe her. I'm sure she is just lying to come out of the room.

It's not the first time that have happened. Someone even tried to 'make love' as they said with me to get out of the room.

So I continued to walk to the kitchen, not caring about what they said. I won't rely on even one word Elizabeth says. Never again.

After getting what I needed from the kitchen, I walked back to my room. I hate her! I hate her so much! Why did she need to betray me like this?! Why can't I ever get a normal life?!

First it was father that killed my best fried Liz. Then it was the 10 commandments that betrayed me and nearly let me get cough of the police. After that, father nearly forced me to be the Demon King. I'm only a mafia leader so that I don't need to be Demon king yet. Now?! Now it's Elizabeth who betrayed me! What's next? I'm becoming the Demon King?!

I laid down in bed and eat some chips and drank some Vanya ale. At this moment, I will just get drunk. I hate that I'm not a lightweight this time!

After like 100 bottles with ale, that I forced the sins to go and buy for me, I finally become drunk. I just laid in bed, nearly not being able to think, in hours. Then I finally fell asleep.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I have been in this room in two days now, or that's what Diane is telling me. The other sins, except Meliodas, comes by daily together with Diane. They are always so kind to me. They are like sisters and brothers to me.

But, I miss Meliodas, so much. All I want is him to come and comfort me. Just a minute. I would do anything for it.

The sins is always telling me of how much they are trying to convince Meliodas to come down here and talk to me.

I'm so happy they does, but... I don't think he ever will.

-Meliodas POV-

"Fine! I will do it!" I yelled to Ban. The sins is telling me none stop to go and talk to Elizabeth. They say that I just miss understood. I'm sure she just lies about everything. Just to get out of that room.

"Good!" Ban said and walked away. I smashed the door close. Like hell I will go to her. She is just a lying bastard. I hate her!

I kicked her hand bag that was laying on the floor. As I did, I saw some things come out from it. The most of it was just make up, so I didn't care about it, but one cough my eye. It was a phone.

I had already taken her phone, how did she get one more?

I walked up to it and picked it up. It needed a password. Or more like a code. Then I remembered those pictures in her room. They had a number on it's back.

If I remember correctly, it was... 6... 1... 0.

So I tried it. It worked. I got in on her phone and didn't see any games or apps except one. Massage.

I guess this is like a emergency phone. A bit curious and wanted to find something to ruin her life, I got in. It had 4 contacts.

Veronica, Margaret, Father and... Supreme deity.

I started with going in on Veronica's contract. So I started reading all their massages. It was just about missions and pep talk to some.

Then I want to Margaret's contact. The same. Just missions and pep talk.

After that, I went to the contact Father. It was a bit more interesting. It was about missions, pep talk, but also some father and daughter talk. He seems like a very nice father. The same with her sisters. They weren't all too robot like, they did some jokes and things to lighten up the mood.

However, I guess they talk more privately with each other face to face. Like emotions and things.

Then I went in on the last contact. The Supreme deity.

That was just missions. No pep talk. No jokes. Only missions and even treats.

I continued to read all their massages. It took pretty long. What shocked me was Elizabeth's last massage to the Supreme deity.

'I quit being a spy for you. I don't want any more missions from you and I won't continue this either. I have found people I care about instead.' was Elizabeth's last massage.

That was sent... for 4 days ago, the day before the meeting. Did she... talk about us?

A rush of guilt sent down my body as I thought about it. Maybe she really told Diane and the others the truth. Maybe I was just over reacting. I even told her I wouldn't be mad and the first thing I did was yell at her.

What have I done?! I should have listened to her explanation, but she could just have lied easily. I can't trust what she says. Not anymore. At least not for now.

She will need to prove it for me. Prove that she really loves me and everything. I have the perfect idea of how too.

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